

This was published 3 years ago

The lockdown diaries: Melburnians share their experiences of lockdown

Five Melburnians from different walks of life, are keeping us up to date on how they are spending their days (and nights) in the second week of lockdown. This article was updated daily for a week during the lockdown starting in late-May.


Editor’s note: Today is the final day for our diarists, we hope you enjoyed following their lockdown experience.

Diary Day 7 of the second week

Paul Birthisel, cafe owner

The day started with some dour weather, OK it was just bloody awful. Our locals show resilience to the rain and showed up, bless them. Tye who was working alongside me today took control of the chalkboard (tip I can’t draw). We always like to have a little fun with a pun or a cool little drawing, hoping to crack a little smile or a knowing nod.

Over the day my mind moved to the good news of easing restrictions that were announced on Wednesday morning. I’m still a little worried.

We can only open at one person per four square metres which means quite a reduced capacity which will fill quite quickly. There will be many decisions to make tomorrow as to how we choose to reopen.

So, if you head out to support your favourite local business this weekend, please be patient we might be at capacity, we might be missing item due to not having restocked, we might be low on staff numbers so service might be a little slow or all of the above. Just know that we love the support you all continue to show us and appreciate it immensely.

To use a quote as attributed to Robin Williams: “Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always.”


Kali, kid

I am not that happy about going back to school tomorrow. We have to go outside in really bad weather. I was surprised that lockdown is ending today, I didn’t think it would be that quick. I have got used to lockdown, I can do my work in my own time and if I have any questions I don’t have to put my hand up, because that takes forever and my hand gets tired. It’s also easier for the teacher because she can turn off the chat on Webex unlike the class when she can’t control when everyone is talking.

A virtual thank you from Kali

A virtual thank you from Kali

I have enjoyed spending more time with my family. Catherine and I can share ideas about anything because sometimes she gets stuck and I can lift her back up. I got to spend a lot more time with Yiayia, who normally I can only see at the end of the day.

This diary has given me something to look forward to every morning. It’s fun, it gives me something better to do than sit at home on a screen all day. It could turn into a big part of history.

Thank you to everyone who has sponsored me for the Camp Quality sleep-in. I have reached my goal and the donations still keep coming in!

I would normally send a card to people to thank them for reading my diary but I don’t know you, so I can’t send you a card. “Here is what I would say: Dear (person), Thank you for reading my diary. From Kali, kid.” Bye.

Michelle Topple, nurse

When social circles shrink and the only human contact is with your colleagues, you might (read as: ‘definitely will’) be inclined to share more of your personal life than you normally would. So, I blame COVID and long, endless lockdowns for the fact that I now know their true colours (and I am not just talking about the roots of their hair)!

Turns out one colleague has a mother who has embraced the ‘prepper’ way of life with gusto – no guns but a whole shed full of food and toilet paper. As lockdown eases later this week, we’ve all breathed a collective sigh of relief and hope that it’s the last one we’ll have to endure.

But…just in case our next disaster is a Zombie apocalypse, I will be hitting up my colleague for his ‘prepper’ mother’s address so we can join forces and head for the hills! Who wants to join us?

Angela Pope, teacher

After the announcement yesterday there was a shift in the air, or was it the wild weather across Melbourne? I was in a meeting with a small group of students when a text from a friend came through saying “we’re back Friday”.

I asked the kids how they would feel about coming back to school this week, entertaining responses as you could guess from my previous diary entries. “Yes, that would be the best, I hate wearing headphones,” and “I can’t wait to see everyone”, to “thank goodness because my dad is not very good at helping me like you”!

When we returned from lockdown last year, their little faces as they ran up to embrace me and their friends was so wholesome to see, until they abruptly stopped to maintain their 1.5 metre distance and give each other an elbow gesture! I wonder if Friday will see a similar embrace.

As I enter the last couple of months before maternity leave, I do hope this is the last of the lockdowns.

I prefer the experience of ‘panic booking’ a restaurant for dinner this weekend than witnessing the panic buying of toilet paper and pasta for a snap lockdown!

Karl Richmond, actor

I did something I don’t think inner city millennials that recently changed from soy to oat milk are meant to do, I prayed last night. Am I religious? God no, but I need a miracle.

Coronavirus and it’s subsequent lockdowns have taught me I’m wasting my time. Why is it that when lockdown hits my life falls apart? The problem is the kind of life I’ve set up for myself. A life dependent on work and external stimulation, a life devoid of inner peace and gratitude. An addiction to social media and social status, but not booze, I killed that monster.

I leave lockdowns more at peace then I’ve ever been because I’ve been disconnected from the absolute hell of modern life. As we return to ‘normal’, I pray for a miracle to help me stay strong in the face of egotistical addictions, because I really can’t be bothered anymore.

I never should have written this article, Kali and the other writers were the true heroes. I’ve just been a boy trying to up his social status. Good luck out there gang! I’m signing off, hopefully forever.

Diary Day 6

Paul Birthisel, cafe owner

Yesterday the mood in the air had changed. There was increasing hope between customers coming in that all things were pointing to an easing of restrictions. That a return to normal was again back on track. I haven’t over this lockdown got a sense of people raging against the lockdown, rather a feeling of being at a loss of being here again and feeling like we have gone back to square one.

On a much lighter note I also got to play MasterChef with our new sandwich line that has been delayed until after lockdown. We played around with a meatball sub recipe and then a quick photo shoot for the Gram (Instagram content is especially important over lockdown). I really enjoy playing with flavour combos and putting together something people will love.

The other barista in today also broke out a couple of new filter coffees he had for us to try. The moment to just enjoy coffee for what it is, wasn’t lost on me. In my mind I drew a parallel to times like this; sometimes you just need to enjoy moments and don’t let the overall outlook of the world snuff out all enjoyment for ourselves.

Angela Pope, teacher

I have been reflecting on the notable differences between teaching online last year to this year. As last year was the “inaugural home learning experience”, it brought some level of excitement. Students loved that they could eat multiple snacks, be on their own device, control their microphone, wear casual clothes and go to the bathroom without letting the teacher know. Teachers had similar highlights with the added bonus of no yard duty.

This year it is evident these “luxuries” are not offering the same excitement. We need to push ourselves to bring the energy through sharing work, tours of Lego builds, hot meals for lunch and being grateful that we do not need to wear a school uniform or shoes.


Although a student sharing the news his dad found the dinosaur in Queensland brought the energy yesterday – his dad was working at home in the study!

Hopefully the coming days bring good news and the energy around Melbourne is reignited with students returning to their school with some of their favourite people.

On a side note, a definite energy booster last night was the final episode of Love on the Spectrum. If you have not watched it, add it to your lockdown agenda. It is heart-warming viewing.

Kali, kid

I’m not sure lockdown will end on Thursday, we are getting way too many cases. On Monday we got 11. Every morning Mum checks the news to see how many cases we have got. Mum also watches the press conferences but none of us do. I just watch Bluey while eating breakfast.

Preparing for an at-home camp.

Preparing for an at-home camp.

I kind of know we are not going back to school this week because this weekend is a long weekend and it is not necessary to go back to school if we are only going to have two days of school.

I’m so excited because this weekend we are doing a Camp Quality sleep-in. Camp Quality is a camp for kids who have either had cancer themselves or one of their parents have had cancer.

We were going to do the sleep-in at Buckland but COVID came again for the fourth time so we are doing the sleep-in at home.

At home campfire.

At home campfire.

Tomorrow I am going to be decorating the house for the sleep-in. I am going to get sleeping bags out, hang a sheet across the ceiling in the lounge room and put out bowls of lollies. We will probably also go outside and roast marshmallows.

For the sleep-in we get sponsored and we raise money to give kids a break from cancer. You can sponsor me here.

Karl Richmond, actor

Woke up at 8am and scrolled Instagram for a couple hours. My algorithm has been stuck to content of Timothée Chalamet for the last four years, so I ended watching dozens of fan made videos of his top 10 cutest moments.

I then skipped breakfast and somehow managed to make several hours disappear. The only thing I want to do is skate but it’s way too wet.

I’ve got a scheduled Zoom with my workmates today! We might find out if we’re going back which is a little nerve-racking. Really hoping for good restriction news! Apart from that I might read a book and try to make the time disappear until we reach Friday.

Michelle Topple, nurse

It’s that time of year again … winter is coming and so is the flu! Our Flu Campaign kicked off recently and it’s been slower going than in previous years because we have to ensure the timing between the flu and COVID shots is adhered to.

Lollipop days at the Austin.

Lollipop days at the Austin.

The way to every healthcare worker’s heart is through their stomach! It’s for this reason that administration of a flu shot is followed swiftly by the administration of a Chupa Chups. We’re mildly perturbed though that there appears to be none that are cola flavoured in our industrial-sized tin of lollies!

In fact, the only thing that we don’t eat in the hospital is apples. The ban on apples in hospitals is universal. This rule was brought in after a correlation was found between a spike in apple consumption in hospitals and a shortage of doctors. Turns out that an apple a day keeps the doctor away and we really need doctors in our line of work.

Diary Day 5 of the second week

Kali, kid
I am really upset because today we were supposed to go to camp and 9.30am was the time we were supposed to get on the bus and leave.

My class is getting used to homeschooling. Only a handful of people don’t have their cameras on, whereas last year people would never have their cameras on.

They were probably on another device texting their friends. But this year people just want to get school over with in the first few hours of the day so they can go for a walk and see their friends.

Kali’s classmates are now seasoned home learners.

Kali’s classmates are now seasoned home learners.

Mum helped me draw a pizza for maths. We were doing fractions, I mainly spent most of my time drawing the pizza and then quickly added the observations. The pineapple was on two-eighths of the pizza and the tomato was on one-eighth of the pizza, half of the pizza was a cheese base.

One with the (divided) lot.

One with the (divided) lot.

After school, I played in the yard a bit, bouncing the ball and pretending to play netball with myself.

Greek School is normally held out the back of St Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church in Yarraville on Monday night but in lockdown it is online on Teams.

My iPad is older than everyone else’s and I don’t have a Microsoft account so I can’t get to my homework. Mum took the laptop away from me because she didn’t want me to be on a screen all day, but I am going to ask her if I can use it for Greek School and she is probably going to say yes.

Karl Richmond, actor
Woke up at 8am to help my housemate with an audition. Since the pandemic began all auditions are now done at home and by lockdown four we’ve become pros - unless it’s for an ad.

For some reason, auditions for ads are never scripts but instead a loose set of instructions. Today’s was ‘have a picnic in your living room and show us how you interact as mates’ which is difficult when we talk exclusively about my housemate’s farts (they are so frequent and impressive it’s akin to a godly ability).

I chose to roast him about the Brisbane Lions’ loss on the weekend, which turned the audition into a fight. It was hilarious to watch his love for the Brisbane Lions make him disregard what is effectively a job interview.

He left for work soon after and I used that time to practice singing and my American accent. I have to find as many ways as possible to keep my voice strong in case I restart the play I was doing before lockdown, The Lifespan of a Fact, but going over the script without my castmates can be difficult. Fingers crossed for restrictions easing in our favour!

Angela Pope, teacher
Day twelve into Season Four of ‘Lockdown: Melbourne’ is a good time to acknowledge the amazing sets where the online meets are held.

Some of the unforgettable ones from students are inside a wardrobe with a table and chair set up, or the living room where a student may be doing push-ups or flips off the couch. The kitchen is a common set, often with coffee beans being ground or a smoothie being blitzed, or a sibling being an extra.

At times, we catch a glimpse of the outdoors with students participating in the online meets whilst trampolining, walking the dog, sitting in a tent or the cubby house, or casually swinging on the swing.

As the juggle of homeschooling continues, it is important to note there is no need for virtual backgrounds when you have the imagination and creativity of six and seven-year-olds. This shows that students can learn in different environments. Their ability to take ownership of their learning and adapt where necessary cannot be underestimated, and it needs to be embraced.

A shout out to the parents and carers who are doing an incredible job.

Michelle Topple, nurse
How is it possible that even in lockdown, I can embrace procrastination with a level of dedication that is both alarming and impressive?

I recently signed up for a distance-learning course that I really should have finished now that our world fits into a radius of 10 kilometers BUT it lies unfinished, and the cupboards are tidy, the spice bottles are stacked in order of height, and I even contemplated washing and ironing the curtains.

What I should have signed up for was my PhD in Delaying the Inevitable.

I think it was Douglas Adams of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy fame who said that he loved deadlines as he enjoyed the whooshing sound they make as they go by.

I absolutely understand where he was coming from – I am never more focused than in those few hours before an assignment is due.

What’s that? You want to know what I am studying? I’ll tell you later 🙂

Paul Birthisel, cafe owner
New week but it’s starting to feel a little like the same day on repeat… is this week two or three… I’m not really sure anymore.

Monday is the day that my two little girls take over the shop (they do call it their café for a reason), for a bit over an hour while they wait for their grandparents to pick them up for the day.

Paul Birthisel cedes control of his cafe to his daughters each Monday.

Paul Birthisel cedes control of his cafe to his daughters each Monday.

They thoroughly enjoy having a personal chef (Chef Tori) and barista and, now there are no seats taking up space, a perfect dance studio.

That hour is always a bit frantic trying to juggle making coffee and being dad, but they are very patient when I’m busy. Thinking back while I type, that hour always makes me smile… but after the fact.

The rest of the day followed a similar lockdown rhythm; a few people through in the morning, mostly our lovely regulars who have made a cognisant decision to come in and also to up their spending level either with an extra trip during the day or a muffin/pastry/food to go with their coffee to try to help out as much as they can.

The afternoons are quieter, and I was again quite reflective as I looked out over our little stretch in Hawthorn and across Burwood Road to the currently closed Swinburne Uni.

Diary Day 4

By Paul Birthisel, cafe owner

Our little strip on Burwood Road was a very windy and cold place Sunday, our usual walk-in foot traffic was absent. They were probably taking the smart option, sitting at home in the warmth and making it a lazy morning. Something that we as a family have done many times.

What changes when you’re an owner of a cafe is your outlook on the weather. Rain means a write-off of a day, cold mornings or afternoons mean fewer people out and about and this all hits the bottom line.

Sunday was one of these days, it was very, very slow, the type of day when lockdown hits home.

I really enjoy working weekends, there are no emails about orders to be placed, invoices to be paid or other such backend business process.

You only have to make delicious things for your customers and work alongside a crew of fun people to pump through it.

Sunday was not one of those days. Lockdown means a skeleton crew, so I was lost in my own thoughts.

This had me reflecting on the huge reduction in sales we have had over lockdown, how we are going to be able to pay the rent and bills this month while trying to plan for when we are back to normal again….

By Kali, kid

We went to the Queen Victoria Market. There were lots of people shopping and not everyone was 1.5 metres apart. We didn’t want to enter the big queue to get into the Deli hall, so we grabbed some vegetables from Queen’s Harvest. We also bought a big fat steak, the bottom was so chunky. Dad has so much more time to cook during lockdown.

My older sister Georgia got Dad’s old phone. She complains the batteries go down too quickly, but she’s on it every second of the day.

I said: “I’ll take it if you don’t want it”. She’s like: “Er, no, I want to put it up for trade”. She’s just so annoying. Now she has her own room she always says: “Get out of my room!”

But she still stomps into my room without even asking.

Today was really boring, like really boring. We borrowed the neighbour’s EzyRollers, I didn’t even ask, I just went and took them, and went to the warehouses with Georgia, Catherine and Dad.

A trip to the shops relieves the boredom.

A trip to the shops relieves the boredom.

EzyRollers are like a little seat with wheels and a steering bar. You move it by moving your feet from side to side, it’s fun.

The steak was very good but I need to get a filling, so I could only eat on one side. I don’t know when I am going to get the filling because of lockdown.

By Angela Pope, teacher

A Sunday in lockdown continued with some of the traditions from last year. Recipes are shared amongst family and friends, and afternoon cook ups occur as there is nowhere to rush off to.

A song to start the school day.

A song to start the school day.

One of my favourite dishes at the moment is my father-in-law’s pea and ham soup recipe. I am enjoying the simple pleasure of eating it when I like, as opposed to waiting for the school bell to ring indicating “lunchtime”!

Logging in this morning to see my little friends has been the best part of the day so far.

We usually begin the day singing good morning using an instrument of some sort, my untuned guitar was all I could get my hands on. Nevertheless, they appreciate the chance to sing and dance!

Although the challenges of teaching online continue, so does the highlight reel from the kids:

  • “My family is wondering why we are singing.”
  • “Do we have to do the work or is it optional?”
  • “Can I show my Lego?”
  • “I have a question ... I lost my tooth.”
  • “But what if I don’t have time to do a task?”

By Michelle Topple, nurse

I am a runner … a slow runner I confess, but, in my head, I imagine that I am as light and swift on my feet as a gazelle racing across the African plains. During lockdown last year, I bought myself a shiny new Garmin sports watch.

A blunt message for ‘slow runner’ Michelle Topple

A blunt message for ‘slow runner’ Michelle Topple

I know it’s unusual to think of your sports watch with affection of any kind, but I thought strapping it to my wrist was like having my very own cheerleader. It was going to measure my steps, record my improvement, and literally be there every step of the way, through rain and shine, helping to drive me to excellence.

Turns out my watch is more of the “tough love” kind of timekeeper. A 6-kilometre run and the verdict of the watch is that my training status is unproductive!?!?!?!

Is this reverse psychology? Must be, because I’ll be out there tomorrow again trying to prove to my watch I am productive! I have provided a picture so you can share my moment with me.

By Karl Richmond, actor

I’m not religious so I’m not sure how you’re meant to quote a bible but, Jeremiah 11:11 says: “Therefore thus saith the Lord, Behold, I will bring evil upon them, which they shall not be able to escape; and though they shall cry unto me, I will not hearken unto them.“

Eleven cases (including Arcare from Sunday). Eleven. Eleven. Evil will be brought upon us? Coincidence? I think not.

Karl Richmond reflects on another kind of lockdown.

Karl Richmond reflects on another kind of lockdown.

Eleven is also a prime number, which makes sense because I’m primed to get out of here.

The last lockdown I was in I was 11 and in the closet. Restrictions didn’t ease on that until I was 16. Bible, John 16:16: “A little while, and you will see me no longer; and again a little while, and you will see me”.

The point is, whilst I’m ‘primed’ to get out of lockdown, a couple painful religious classes in Deer Park when I was 11 and a quick google of bible passages have taught me that we ain’t getting out of here until the 16th. But then again, I’m not religious.

Diary Day 3

Michelle Topple, nurse

My partner and I are fortunate because, as essential workers, we get to follow our usual work routine. I did one day of home-schooling with my niece and nephew…all I can say is hats off to all you home-schoolers out there!

Weekends are where the reality of lockdown hits. No leisurely brunch out or catching up with friends and family. Caffeine is essential though so a quick trip to our local was a must!

I should be up in Sydney visiting my grandmother, but this is the third time that lockdown has put paid to those plans! Betty is 90 years young and the true matriarch of the Topple family.

Topple family matriarch Betty, 90, speaks to her granddaughter Michelle, an intensive care nurse unit manager.

Topple family matriarch Betty, 90, speaks to her granddaughter Michelle, an intensive care nurse unit manager.

She loves a good book (borrowed from the library), enjoys regular outings with her friends, and has mastered technology to stay close to us in these COVID times.

She is a force to be reckoned with and I want to be just like her when I am 90!

My picture is evidence a 90yr old can navigate what 2021 technology has to offer.

Angela Pope, teacher

Day ten into Season Four of ‘Lockdown: Melbourne’ and the two new local cases today brings a sense that the season climax is not too far away - hopefully this brings good news in the coming days.

Last night we were meant to celebrate our friend Penny’s birthday with karaoke.

I had my rendition of Bowie’s ‘Modern Love’ and Bonnie Tyler’s ‘Total Eclipse of the Heart’ ready to go. A modified version using YouTube was not the same, but still a hoot!

Season One and Two of ‘Lockdown: Melbourne’ saw many board games take squatters rights on the dining table, often with an ongoing game of Scrabble. So to keep us entertained on a cold and wintry Melbourne Saturday, Scrabble was resurrected and it is evident our competitive nature still remains.

For the record, I am winning, although I have been lucky with the tiles so far!

Author’s note - our jobs list from yesterday remains unfulfilled.

There was more school work completed than anticipated and an assignment submitted which was a bonus.

However, we did view the high watermark of Australian cinema history, BMX Bandits and Nicole Kidman’s majestic perm.

Kali, kid

Usually on weekends we go out so much, we do a three-hour bike ride, but in lockdown we just go out to get groceries from Footscray Market.

Everyone was wearing masks and standing around outside the front of the market checking in. Yiayia got her vaccination in Footscray too.

There were about 20 people waiting in the queue for Banh Mi but the queue was massive because everyone had to stand 1.5 metres apart. At the end of all this I was just happy I got cake for my neighbour’s birthday and a bubble tea.

We finished the puzzle and turned it over to reveal the tiger.

It was a little bit wrong, but it’s fine, you can still see what it looks like.

I helped my 12-year-old sister Georgia make dream scenes, which are supposed to catch your nightmares.

They are made out of little round boxes and we put little characters and moss hills and Fimo feathers into them. They have their own Instagram page.

I have one but it doesn’t seem to work because I still got scared when I dreamt Catherine and I were on a camp and we saw this tornado person coming with tornado arms and legs.

It jumps on to us and it has eyes and is terrifying. We got sucked out of its foot and we were safe, but still I was terrified and woke up in the night screaming.

Paul Birthisel, cafe owner

Saturday back at the cafe and on the tools slinging coffee to mostly our regulars but a few new faces as well. We are very grateful for all those who have come in and got coffee on a daily basis, the constant familiar faces are reassuring and the support does truly brighten up our days.

So do the shares on social media, the messages we get and the likes we receive. It may seem such a small thing but it really does make the days a touch less depressing. So please like, share and support your local small businesses.

Funnily enough, I have realised particularly during COVID, we are the sober version of the bartender, a sounding board and a place where people feel free to unload their days thoughts or worries in a tiny sound bite while we mix caffeine with their choice of milk.

Discussions at the moment always turns from how the weather is, yes so bloody cold, to how we are coping during lockdown and then if we have heard the new lockdown rumours that an extension is seeming like a possibility now ... best leave that one for another day.

Karl Richmond, actor

“I finally woke up early today. Rolled out of bed and straight into a meditation. If you’re that way inclined I highly recommend it as a way to start your morning. It stops me from being grumpy for the rest of the day.

I really miss my family, especially my six-week-old nephew, Max. Though I feel lucky to have a little one in the family, he reminds me that one day he’ll be older and this whole pandemic will/should, hopefully, mean very little to him.

I wonder what effects it’ll have on future Max 20 years from now. Will you learn about this at school? Or are you going to be too busy fighting climate change to care about what is such a small blip in Australia’s 50,000+ year history.

Maybe you’ve just been drafted into the Melbourne Demons, making your Dad very happy, or maybe you’ve come to me asking how to become an actor - which I will strongly suggest you don’t attempt and instead will tell you to become a respectful doctor like your mother.

Whatever the world becomes, I can’t wait to see you grow up Max! You’re going to smash it.

Diary Day 2

Kali, kid

I literally lay in bed until 8.40am and then Mum said: “Wake up, you are going to be late for school.”

We all sleep in longer during lockdown, apart from Dad, who leaves at 5.30am to go to work because he is an authorised worker.

It’s good during lockdown though because he comes home earlier from work and we get to see more of him.

Today was supposed to be Gala Day, where the year fives and sixes do sport (I was going to do hockey) and we get the whole morning off from doing school work.

It was cancelled so we did random activities at home related to it. I made a first place ribbon, which I wouldn’t have won, and researched Ash Barty, who is the only famous sports person I know.

I have been sooooo sad because I found out the icecream shop that has been here since before I was born is going to close.

It’s not because of COVID, it’s because there are lots of ice cream shops in Yarraville now.

I have tried so many different flavours but I always go back to my first favourite, choc mint, which they don’t have at other shops.

I have grown up with it and I love it and I don’t want it to close.

We finished a 105-piece section of the tiger puzzle in one hour, which is probably a record. Not much else happened.

By Angela Pope, teacher

Season One and Two of ‘Lockdown: Melbourne’ involved Friday night Zoom calls and gin mixes to wind down and debrief the week.

Season Four of ‘Lockdown: Melbourne’ sees the laptop closed to avoid “just one more task” or email response, home-cooked Mexican and an early night rewatching Ted Lasso.

A Saturday morning is also a little different; no gym classes or brunch dates.

With Season Four seeing the introduction of a new character and feeling the baby kick is a reminder “this s#@t is getting real”!

If you want to confuse new parents, advertise 12 different types of floor rugs, all machine washable, multiple eco nappies and the dos and don’ts of buying a pram. Chris thought the $15,000 Aston Martin pram may be out of our price range!

Tasks we cannot put off:

  • Find a cheaper pram;
  • Google what a new parent needs;
  • Google what a new parent really needs;
  • Google where to find a wedding planner for babies;
  • Google who J-Lo’s love interest in the Wedding Planner was; and
  • Finish and proofread my school reports.

By Michelle Topple, nurse

Today I have spent a lot of time thinking about the concept of team. As a nurse I have only ever worked in large teams. I thought that sense of family we experience as a team can only exist because of the camaraderie we enjoy at the bedside. There is nothing like a busy shift to forge those ties.

After a few months of being seconded to work with the Infection Control team, I have realised now that the ties that bind our healthcare family are just as strong in a smaller team.

Michelle Topple with her team

Michelle Topple with her teamCredit: Michelle Topple

Even though Friday doesn’t mean days off for all of us, there was a Fri-yay feeling in the air. Laughter came easily and the lockdown diary was a hot topic as the workday ended.

Our last task before we headed out was to take a socially distanced team photo. I am looking forward to my days off in lockdown, time to check in with friends and family this weekend.

By Paul Birthisel, cafe owner

First full day proper of lockdown week two and I was away from the café, looking after my two girls. One who was recovering from the night previous and my eldest who, with building FOMO, wanted to stay home and not miss out on anything.

Funnily enough we ended up in a proper lockdown as my wife took my car keys with her to work, so we were staying at home. The day was a blur of sleep deprivation, arts & crafts, moving from one activity to the next and once we learned we didn’t have a car a delivery from a local café bringing the goods.

Two coffees for me – for a barista it was a desperate situation of no caffeine all morning, I would have had a few by now while at work. There was also ham and cheese toasties for the girls and baby chinos to wash it down. Just an occasional text from my business partner and watching our Instagram stories was my only connection to the café today.

I’ll look forward to catching up with our regulars tomorrow and possibly whipping up a tasty special sandwich for the menu.

By Karl Richmond, actor

Accidentally entered Hell! My housemate used Zoom to sing Tiny Dancer for his Mum’s birthday, but our non-existent NBN connection added a demonic lag, creating a harmony to Elton John’s classic we never needed. My hell is now Elton singing on repeat whilst wearing a harness made from NBN fibre cables.

But really, our internet has gone wack, making acting on zoom difficult. I use these technical difficulties to justify pinning my own video to full screen instead of watching the other actors.

All I want is for someone to witness me, which is like its own virus. I was acting in a play when lockdown began and the abrupt stop has left me irritable.

My daily phone usage is up 64 per cent, a sign my self-worth is deteriorating, and these journal entries are only helping to feed the monster. It’s like posting a picture on Instagram on steroids.

It’s messed up but I miss lockdown two, when I thought we were going to be alone forever. I gave up on needing the attention of others. Now I feel like an addict who’s been cut off. Maybe I have society withdrawal syndrome. Ugh whatever, follow me on Instagram?

Diary Day 1

By Karl Richmond, actor

I’m submitting my first entry at 2am. The deadline for our diary entries is 11am, but I haven’t been able to get out of bed before 11:30am since lockdown began, and that’s with the help of my four-time lockdown buddy and housemate Nic, who’s no longer around.

He’s not dead, just at work. I’m afraid I’ll sleep through the deadline so here we are at 2am.

I’ve gone for a midnight walk to clear my mind. Beats lying in bed for hours daydreaming about tomorrow’s numbers being minus-1000 and the government announcing a free statewide holiday to Bali.

I think the first week of a lockdown is the hardest, I’m glad it’s over. That and the first of June marks the death of a loved one, nine years ago. It’s never a good week, made harder by lockdown. Miss you James.

If there is anything your death has taught me, it’s to be grateful for whatever time we get, no matter the circumstances. That and the world goes on with or without you. So, lockdown week two. I’m with you. Let’s do this.

By Paul Birthisel, cafe owner

Another week of lockdown… when I volunteered for this diary I had a few ideas about what I might put down for my first entry. To try and convey our lockdown experience and share some of the lows but also those little things that make us smile on a hard day.

The fragility of the financial state of my business, managing next week’s orders, trying to give staff shift hours if possible, trying to find the right balance with customers to be upbeat but also portraying how things are hitting us during lockdown, trying to find our feet in a takeaway only world.

Trying to manage what we can in a time that we have no control over the environment we operate in.

These all went out the window yesterday evening when we had to make an unplanned trip to the children’s hospital, my youngest daughter was unwell and all those issues I was facing along with the state as a collective just melted away. My worry was placed elsewhere for the night but I still had no control.

All the above matters little compared to the health of those we love.

By Angela Pope, teacher

Eight days into season four of ‘Lockdown: Melbourne’ teaching 23 year 1 and 2 students, and as my husband works in the study, he still hears the same phrases:

  • “Mute your mic.”
  • “Are there any questions about the task?.....hmm, I am not sure your sister farting is relevant, but thanks for sharing.”
  • “You can show your cat when you have answered this question.”
  • “Are you still there?.........Oh you have gone to the toilet. I am happy to wait.”
  • “Josephine (pseudonym), your toastie looks delicious. How about you finish it after the meet.”
  • “You’re right, safety doesn’t take a holiday but you can take your helmet off now.”
  • “I hear the Minecraft music, is someone playing?”
  • “Is that Chris (my husband)? What is he doing? Can we say hello?”
  • “We love the tour of your house. Can you find one place to sit, we’re getting a little seasick!”

These phrases will continue to entertain us, although hopefully only for another five school days.

A shout out to the teachers having the same experiences, enjoy the lighter moments!

By Michelle Topple, nurse

Started work early today fortified by a coffee from my favourite barista. I’m currently working across Infection Control and ICU (that I manage) so my day was about both areas.

This is my view each morning as I walk across the bridge, suck in the fresh air and enter the hospital to start my day.

The view on the way to work for Michelle Topple

The view on the way to work for Michelle ToppleCredit: Michelle Topple

I spent time on Thursday reviewing the care plan for a newly admitted patient with suspected COVID with their treating team.

Then visited one of our wards to chat with the nurses about the COVID and flu vaccination campaigns and PPE requirements as this is currently a moving feast with guidelines changing to keep pace with the COVID spread.

Lunch was ‘al desko’ while I worked through my seemingly bottomless email inbox. The afternoon was a blur of virtual meetings before I headed home to dinner, emails and the couch.

The highlight of my day was visiting Norma in the print room to pick up some Infection Control posters – her dry sense of humour is guaranteed to make you smile on even the toughest days.

By Kali, kid

Today I found out our school camp to Valley Homestead in Ovens - which is the best camp in the whole entire school - has been postponed to next term. I’m really annoyed because we didn’t have a camp last year because of COVID and now I have to wait another eight weeks.

My sister Catherine was dancing around and shoving her fingers in my face. She was ignoring my Yia Yia who was telling her to get off the iPad and sit down and stop being annoying.

We didn’t have any lunch at home so we walked to Under the Sea fish and chip shop in Yarraville. We never normally have fish and chips for lunch. We also bought cream and eggs to make scones for girl guides because we had to make an English food. I got some of the scone dough on my hands and started eating it.

Girl guides over Zoom is kind of annoying because I have a friendship group of four, but I can’t just speak to them, I have to speak to everyone. We couldn’t do Our Cabana World Centre, which involves wearing a costume, having a game and making a food.

Catherine and I are making an 884-piece puzzle of a tiger. Catherine was pretending I was her mother and saying: “I can’t find piece 84”. So she was still being annoying.

The good thing was I wrote a really awesome snapshot about Cedar Glen, a farm stay in Queensland. We were supposed to go last year but it was cancelled because of COVID.

Doing a puzzle with my sister.

Doing a puzzle with my sister.Credit: Kali

About our diarists

Michelle Topple - Michelle is an ICU nurse, a daughter, a sister, a partner, an aunty and a friend who is a keen snowboarder, wanna-be surfer and the ultimate slow runner!

Karl Richmond - Ko Hongoeka te marae Ko Ngāti Toa Rangatira te Iwi, Ko Karl Orlando Richmond tōku ingoa. Karl stars in MTC’s production of The Lifespan of a Fact, returning to the stage after lockdown. 

Paul Birthisel - Paul runs the Meet Me There cafe in Hawthorn

Angela Pope - Angela is a primary school teacher in Melbourne’s north east. She has 16 years of experience and is expecting her first baby in September.

Kali - Middle sister who always feels hard done by.  Loves eating her grandmother’s Greek desserts (especially yalaktombouriko) and going on scary rides apart from the REALLY scary rides like Pharaoh’s Curse at Luna Park

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