

This was published 3 years ago

How we tracked down Australia’s most wanted man to his glamorous new life

Authorities have been hunting Hakan Ayik for more than a decade. Now for the first time we have uncovered his life of luxury lived in the open on the border between east and west.

A steroid-pumped Hakan Ayik as he was a decade ago.

A steroid-pumped Hakan Ayik as he was a decade ago.

This story was originally published shortly before the Australian Federal Police revealed Operation Ironside which had spent months targeting Hakan Ayik and was the precursor to his arrest in Turkey. In this investigation our reporters tracked Ayik down before the police unveiled that global operation.

As snow falls in the fading evening light in Istanbul, a man dressed in black appears in a hotel doorway. Shaky video footage records him standing like an apparition in a snow globe.

Australia’s most wanted organised crime boss then does what he has done so many times before in his decade on the run. Hakan “the Facebook gangster” Ayik turns and walks away.

The video, posted in February last year on the Instagram account of Istanbul’s Kings Cross hotel, is brief and blurry. Yet it offered an important clue about Ayik’s movements many years after his suspected role in a massive 2010 drug shipment put him on Interpol’s most wanted list.

It located him at a hotel a few kilometres from Istanbul’s historic tourist district and the majestic Bosphorus that separates east from west, Europe from Asia.


That snippet of information led to others. The hotel was reviewed glowingly in online posts by several notorious Australian criminals who were close to Ayik. An Istanbul cosmetic surgery clinic that also “liked” the Kings Cross Hotel had on its own homepage a photo of Ayik’s balding nephew receiving a hair transplant.

The clinic’s glamorous owner, a Dutch woman calling herself Fabienne Fleur, appeared in photos at the same hotel.

Other photos, these showing a birthday dinner posted by one of Fleur’s friends, reveal a man seated alongside women with glittering smiles and designer clothes. A closer look reveals his face is digitally altered.

Whoever uploaded that picture was careful but not careful enough. As with the snow-storm video, Hakan Ayik’s receding hairline and bulky frame gave him away.

Ayik, whose face has been blurred, appears on a social media post.

Ayik, whose face has been blurred, appears on a social media post.

The online images suggested that, as long suspected by police, Ayik, the Australian son of Turkish migrants, was living somewhere in Turkey. But how was he managing to stay under the radar? Where exactly was he hiding out? And what was his alias?

The Age, The Sydney Morning Herald and 60 Minutes embarked on a hunt to answer these questions. The effort, which included sending Turkish sources into Ayik’s suspected business, was more than an attempt to expose the whereabouts of a man who had journeyed from local gangster to one of the kingpins of Australian crime.


It also told the story of how serious transnational organised crime has evolved in recent years into a threat to national security – albeit one that has largely slipped from the political and public radar.

Former and serving police officials say high-level criminals are making billions by exploiting Australia’s porous borders and insatiable appetite for drugs. They are taking advantage of under-resourced policing agencies who struggle to counter targets who have more money, better technology and access to safe havens overseas.

Officials also say Australia’s prioritisation of the fight against terror, cyber crime and foreign interference, as well as the impact of the pandemic on government budgets, has threatened law enforcement’s ability to meaningfully combat drug importation.

Even though he has been on the run for years, tracked by the federal police and the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission, Ayik is suspected of making himself the most prolific Australian drug broker in decades.

With success, however, has come hubris. Ayik earned his moniker – “the Facebook gangster” – in 2010 by promoting a flashy lifestyle on his social media pages at the same time as he was a key target of what was at the time Australia’s biggest organised crime probe.

Could social media now help expose his hiding place as Australia’s most wanted gangster?

Hakan Ayik, seated right, on a social media post.

Hakan Ayik, seated right, on a social media post.

A crime boss is born

In 2009, Hakan Ayik posted vision to Facebook that would come to define the media and public view of the then 31-year-old. His videos depicted the picture of a modern gangster: a gym-buffed body decked out in designer clothes, driving expensive cars and wearing $300,000 watches. He partied and travelled the world with prostitutes and bikies, was seen in Hong Kong, Mumbai and at the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix.

Ayik’s real story was more complex. Detectives who watched his every move as a drug trafficker in the 2000s describe a grimmer existence in Sydney’s working class southern suburbs. His father died when he was young and several family members struggled with drug addiction.

Ayik’s own bulky physique was partly the product of steroid use. These drugs, along with his constant liaisons with prostitutes, left him with persistent health concerns.

Gym-honed and with a lingerie-clad companion, Ayik, the “Facebook gangster” in around 2010.

Gym-honed and with a lingerie-clad companion, Ayik, the “Facebook gangster” in around 2010.

From his budding criminal crew he sought total loyalty, but he did not give it in return. Doing Ayik’s dirty work landed both his cousin, Erkan Dogan, and brother, Erkan Ayik in prison as Hakan himself avoided doing time.


By 2008, his ruthlessness was paying dividends. Ayik was the owner of two watches worth half a million dollars, as well as karaoke bars and brothels in Sydney and Canberra. He was also firmly on the radar of federal and state policing agencies for his suspected involvement in a series of drug importations worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

A police intelligence report that year stated that several of Ayik’s high school friends had gone on to hold high ranks in the Comancheros outlaw motorcycle gang. While Ayik himself wasn’t interested in being a bikie, he believed the group could aid his growing business.

“Ayik is not publicly a member of the Comancheros, but he has a lot of influence over what happens in the club while keeping a low profile,” the 2008 NSW Crime Commission (NSWCC) intelligence files stated, describing him as a “large scale” drug importer. He was also one of the first suspected drug brokers to grasp the utility of using warring bikie groups to work together to distribute drugs across Australia.

The NSWCC report hinted at something more too: Ayik was smart and inventive. And he appeared intent on changing how Australian drug traffickers plied their trade.

Doors and pipelines

As policing agencies began more closely watching Ayik, they spotted something unusual for an Australian crook. The 31-year-old was using his friendship with a mid-level Chinese Triad crime gang member, Man “Mark” Kong Ho, to negotiate access to a drug pipeline controlled by the most powerful Triad syndicate in the world, a group called The Company and which had drug labs in southern China, Myanmar, Cambodia and Thailand.

The introduction was not without its downsides.


The following year, The Company kidnapped Ho after an importation Ayik and Ho had organised was seized by police. Police phone taps suggest Ayik paid a $300,000 ransom to ensure his panicked friend was released.

This event may have prompted Ayik to expand his ambitions yet again and cut out the middle-man. When police covertly downloaded a mobile phone in his luggage at Sydney airport in late 2009, they discovered a selfie of Ayik at a pharmaceutical laboratory in India and documents outlining the purchase of vast quantities of drug making chemicals. The evidence suggested Ayik was planning his own industrial-scale “super” synthetic drug laboratory on the sub-continent.

Ayik was also adept at developing what serving and former policing officials describe as a “doors” – openings in Australia’s border security that crime groups use to import drugs. Ayik’s “doors” include multiple port and airport workers with federal government approved security passes.

He also cultivated contacts inside government departments. In 2009, NSW Police charged one of their civilian employees – who had access to sensitive police intelligence detailing the work of several agencies targeting Ayik – with stealing files that were later leaked to Ayik’s Comanchero associates. That same year, phone taps captured Ayik directing a prison officer to pass messages to jailed bikies.

Convicted cocaine trafficker, dock worker and professional bodybuilder, Adam Powell, left, with Hakan Ayik.

Convicted cocaine trafficker, dock worker and professional bodybuilder, Adam Powell, left, with Hakan Ayik.

By 2009, Ayik’s network was also allegedly directing a corrupt Tongan customs official to assist with importations. The official was arrested after New Zealand and Tongan police discovered 40 kilograms of liquid methylamphetamine, or ice, during a raid on his home. Former investigators aware of the Tongan seizure said police intelligence and phone taps suggested Ayik had used his “doors” to transport the drugs from South Africa via air freight to Tonga, where they were to be shipped to Australia.

Ayik’s phone calls and social media posts were secretly hoovered up between 2008 and 2010 by the Australian Crime Commission and federal police as part of an Operation codenamed Hoffman. It gained evidence implicating Ayik in a 200kg heroin importation and domestic drug trafficking involving train and air freight and light planes.

Then in 2010, an Age, Herald and Four Corners investigation exposed Ayik and his online posing publicly for the first time in a program profiling a “technologically savvy and highly mobile modern Australian underworld that is much harder to police and is capable of amassing great wealth with relative ease”.

It was an accurate description in 2010, but also proved prescient, anticipating how his criminal career would continue to develop.

In August that year, as Operation Hoffman investigators began to arrest figures in his syndicate, Ayik decided it was too risky to return from a trip to Hong Kong. Soon after this, police issued an Interpol warrant for his arrest.

Ayik responded with typical flair. As he moved throughout Europe and the Middle East, he wrote in a social media post taunting police to “Catch me if you can.”

On the run

Ayik was next heard from in November 2010 when local media reported he had fled guards at a border crossing in Cyprus. He was arrested a month later by Cypriot authorities, who found him carrying drug production equipment and eight mobile phones. Placed on bail, he fled again.

Meanwhile in Australia, NSW authorities seized Ayik’s Harley Davidson, his apartment in Sydney’s Chinatown and his shareholdings in several companies. It did little to slow him down.

From offshore and approaching his 40th birthday, the alumnus of Sydney’s James Cook Boys High refocused on his efforts on reshaping the infrastructure of Australian organised crime, making the job of stretched state and federal crime agencies even harder.

Official sources, who are not authorised to speak publicly, say Ayik is suspected of introducing entire encrypted communication platforms to Australia which allowed criminals to send messages without fear of interception. When the first platform he introduced, Phantom Secure, was taken out by the FBI and Australian police in 2018, Comanchero Marco Coffen brought another called Cipher. Ayik then introduced a third, Anon.

Ayik liked posing with luxury cars.

Ayik liked posing with luxury cars.

ASIO, the NSW Crime Commission and the Victoria Police have all recently described the impunity afforded to crime groups by encrypted technology as devastating, with some police calling for new policies to counter the problem. The federal police, ASIO and the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission are pressing the Morrison government to pass new laws to enable police to gain greater access to encrypted or dark web communications platforms used by criminal groups, a move being resisted by privacy and civil liberty advocates.

Meanwhile, multiple official sources say Ayik was using these platforms and his bikie connections to direct major drug importations into Australia. We know the scale because some of them were seized, including a 2014 shipment of 1.9 tonnes of MDMA and 850 kilograms of methamphetamine worth an estimated $1.6 billion, described at the time by then prime minister Tony Abbott as Australia’s second biggest drugs haul. Last year, police seized another suspected Ayik shipment.

Finding the Facebook gangster

On an icy day in Turkey earlier this year, a year after Hakan Ayik was filmed at the entrance to the Kings Cross hotel, local fixers working for The Age, the Herald and 60 Minutes entered the venue with a hidden camera. It loomed as a fruitless and dangerous assignment. Australian policing sources had warned us that Ayik had altered his appearance using plastic surgery. He was armed and protected by a security detail, they said. He was also, according to multiple sources in Australia and Turkey, connected to corrupt Turkish officials.

The social media posts of Ayik’s friends and relatives and their associated businesses in Turkey suggested Ayik spent large amounts of time at the hotel. Not only is its name suggestive – Kings Cross in Sydney has a long association with bikies, strip clubs and crime bosses – but Turkish business records reveal the hotel’s owner was also called Hakan, albeit with a last name of Reis.

This, it turned out, was another potential clue. Reis translates from Turkish to English into “chief” or “commander”. Is it possible Hakan Ayik has changed his name to denote his perceived power and prestige? The logo of the Kings Cross Hotel is a crown.

Within a few days, our fixers were closer to confirming this. At a ground floor table in the hotel a group of heavyset men were meeting. They spoke with American and Australian accents. One matched Ayik’s appearance. Days later, our hidden camera glimpsed another hotel meeting. The Ayik look-a-like was there with one of the large men. The resemblance was striking, although the face looked slightly different.

Hakan Ayik pictured in surveillance footage at the King’s Cross hotel in Turkey.

Hakan Ayik pictured in surveillance footage at the King’s Cross hotel in Turkey.Credit: The Age

Turkish identity and birth records provided yet more pieces of the puzzle. They revealed the owner of the Kings Cross Hotel, Hakan Reis, once had a different name and had renounced his Australian citizenship in 2019, leaving only his Turkish passport.

Hakan Reis is Hakan Ayik, owner of two homes in upmarket Turkishs suburbs, including the Kemer Country gated community – information that has been provided to federal police.

Turkish records also reveal this man has had two children in Turkey with a Dutch bar attendant, Fleur Messelink, who, when she is not globetrotting to upmarket travel destinations and luxury resorts, runs a cosmetic surgery and hair transplant clinic in Turkey. It is Messelink, under her online alias “Fabienne Fleur” who blurred out Ayik’s face in the photo posted on Instagram of her birthday dinner.

Other faces in that photo are clearer. It’s a who’s who of organised crime figures, including Comanchero Daux Naguru and two men who are wanted for questioning by Australian police. Turkey, it seems, is not just a safe haven for Ayik, but a host of his criminal associates.

The discovery of Ayik’s new identity yielded a fresh trove of social media photos posted by the Facebook gangster and his friends. They remain as clichéd as the images he posted in 2010: fast cars, fake smiles and designer clothes, though the man now featured sports a middle aged paunch.

An older Ayik with his new family.

An older Ayik with his new family.

But the photos show only part of the story. Sources aware of Ayik’s activities in Turkey say his ongoing criminal activity, violent behaviour and love of Asian prostitutes is causing tensions in his marriage. There have been rifts with other criminal groups and threats of violence.

One of Ayik’s close associates and a supplier of his fake passports, criminal John Macris, was shot dead in Greece in 2018. And his Interpol red notice remains live.

Whatever his name, and regardless of his glamorous new life, Australian police are still pressing to bring to justice the man once known as the Facebook gangster.

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