

This was published 3 years ago


How to boost your tax refund by stuffing cash into super before EOFY

The end of the financial year approacheth!

So now is a great time to think about ways to either minimise this year’s tax bill or turbocharge any tax refund you may be owed.

One way to do this is to consider making a one-off, after-tax personal contribution to your superannuation, which you can then claim as a tax deduction on your tax return.

Credit: Dionne Gain

For high-income earners, in particular, this can be a great trick to minimise your tax while also boosting your retirement nest egg.

But be warned! There is a very specific process to follow and some potential pitfalls along the way.

This week, I spoke to Renae Vercoe, a financial advisor at Money Mode and host of the Savvy Mumma podcast, about what to consider.

Vercoe says maxing out your concessional contributions to super to the $25,000 annual cap can be a great strategy for high-income earners.

“It’s a great opportunity for many people to get extra money into super and, depending on their tax bracket, to be able to claim a tax deduction for it and get their money working harder for them,” she says.

The cap on super concessional contributions is $25,000, rising to $27,500 from next financial year. This means everyone earning less than $250,000 a year is entitled to pay a low tax rate of just 15 per cent on the first $25,000 of money they plough into super each year.


Of course, for low-income earners paying a tax rate of 15 per cent or less, there is not much of a benefit. For such people, Vercoe says it is worth looking at their eligibility for the government’s low income co-contribution scheme. Also, she says, don’t forget the government’s spouse contributions tax offset, whereby if your spouse is earning less than $37,000 and you tip $3000 into their super fund, you get a tax offset of $540.

However, for anyone looking to max out their $25,000 a year concessional contributions cap, there are a few things to check first.

“I think the most important thing for people to be aware of is what they’ve already contributed this year, and even in the past three years, so they’re not in breach of any caps,” says Vercoe.

Either call your super fund or log into your MyGov account to see what contributions have already been made into your account this financial year.

The $25,000 cap includes all employer contributions (including the 9.5 per cent compulsory super guarantee) plus any salary sacrifice amounts you have tipped in throughout the year.

Make sure to check your contributions across all your super accounts – if you have multiple – as the cap applies across all your contributions.

Once you’ve done this and know what space you have left to contribute, you can contact your super fund to inquire about how to make an after-tax personal contribution.

I rang my fund this week and I can just BPAY into my super account.

A word of warning about timing! Contributions must be received before the end of the financial year to be able to be claimed on this year’s tax return.

My fund has set a cut-off date to receive funds of June 25, meaning I need to transfer any money by June 21 to be sure my transfer makes it in time. Your deadline may be earlier.

Transferring the money is easy enough, but if you want to then claim your contributions as a tax deduction, there is another process to follow.

Before you submit your tax return, you must fill out an official “Notice of intent to claim” form and send it to your super fund. You must also wait to receive a letter of acknowledgment from your fund that it has received this form.

You can do this paperwork after June 30, but it must be completed and acknowledged before you submit your tax return.

When you do file your return, remember to add your contribution under “Personal Superannuation Contributions” and watch as your taxable income is reduced by an equivalent amount.

But wait, there’s more! People with super balances of less than $500,000 are also eligible to take advantage of any unused concessional contributions caps from previous years, stretching back to the 2018-19 financial year. Your MyGov account will tell you how much you have unused.

If you are eligible and have sufficient unused amounts from previous years, you can contribute more than $25,000 a year and the Australian Taxation Office will automatically roll over previous unused amounts to give you full deductibility.

But be careful. Vercoe warns there can be harsh penalties for getting your sums wrong and breaching the concessional contributions cap.

“The extra amount will be taxed at your marginal tax rate and potentially subject to an excess concessional contributions charge,” she says.

“The excess amount is then added to your non-concessional cap for the financial year and if you are in breach of those that’s where the really harsh penalties can apply.” Ouch!


And, like any investment decision, it is important to consider your own personal situation, including tax implications and your broader savings strategy. If in doubt, talk to a financial advisor, accountant or tax agent.

Get a wriggle on. You have about a month left to contribute. Happy EOFY everyone!

  • You can follow more of Jess’ money adventures on Instagram @moneywithjess and sign up to receive her weekly email newsletter via The Age here or The Sydney Morning Herald here.

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