

This was published 3 years ago

Fringe, feasible or false? The COVID-19 Wuhan lab leak theory gets a second look

By Matthew Knott

Washington: A year ago Donald McNeil was certain: the coronavirus emerged by migrating naturally from animals to humans.

At the time McNeil was leading The New York Times′ coverage of the coronavirus pandemic. A veteran reporter specialising in infectious diseases, McNeil’s contacts included many of the world’s top epidemiologists and scientists – including renowned government expert Anthony Fauci.

The Wuhan Institute of Virology, where some believe coronavirus originated.

The Wuhan Institute of Virology, where some believe coronavirus originated.Credit: AP

In April 2020, after consulting an array of sources, McNeil finished a 4000-word article with the provisional headline “New Coronavirus Is ‘Clearly Not a Lab Leak,’ Scientists Say.”

It was never published.

The first reason, McNeil says, is that national security reporters at the paper were being told by sources in the Trump administration that the virus had leaked out of the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Secondly, McNeil’s piece was packed with scientific jargon such as “polybasic cleavage site” that his editors felt made it too complex for a general readership.

Although the piece never ran, McNeil was confident its premise was correct.

“The scientists made a very good case that this virus was not showing any obvious signs of manipulation,” he tells The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

McNeil’s conclusion reflected the overwhelming consensus at the time that COVID-19 emerged from what scientists call a “zoonotic spillover” – transmission from animals to humans. The prevailing theory was the virus began in bats before spreading to humans via an intermediate source.

Last February the Lancet published a letter by 27 public health scientists saying: “We stand together to strongly condemn conspiracy theories suggesting that COVID-19 does not have a natural origin.”


In a letter to Nature magazine published in March 2020, five virologists wrote: “Our analyses clearly show that SARS-CoV-2 is not a laboratory construct or a purposefully manipulated virus.”

As for the theory the virus could have leaked out of the Wuhan lab, McNeil says he regarded it as “crazy town”.

A security person moves journalists away from the Wuhan Institute of Virology after a World Health Organisation team arrived for a field visit in Wuhan in China’s Hubei province.

A security person moves journalists away from the Wuhan Institute of Virology after a World Health Organisation team arrived for a field visit in Wuhan in China’s Hubei province. Credit: AP

“I was inclined to dismiss it as just another conspiracy theory up there with the idea that Democrats were running a child smuggling ring out of a pizzeria in Washington,” he says.

The theory seemed almost entirely based on the fact the virus was first identified in Wuhan, home to a major research centre on coronaviruses. This looked more like coincidence than compelling evidence.

As with so much in US politics, the issue quickly became polarised along party lines. Republicans promoted the lab leak theory while Democrats dismissed it as just another Trump fabrication.

A year later, McNeil is far less confident about his original view on the origins of the virus. In fact, he now thinks the lab leak theory is plausible and becoming increasingly compelling as time goes on.

In a Medium post published this week, McNeil wrote that “the Occam’s Razor argument – what’s the likeliest explanation, animal or lab? – keeps shifting in the direction of the latter”.

(McNeil controversially left The New York Times in February after it was revealed he had offended some schoolchildren during a Peru field trip, including by using the n-word during a discussion about racism in America.)

“The lab leak theory sounds less crazy than it did before and China is certainly acting like they have something to hide,” McNeil says.


McNeil is far from alone. The lab leak theory, regarded as fringe just a few months ago, has rapidly become mainstream in the United States.

Murdoch-owned Harper Collins is publishing a book by The Australian’s Sharri Markson based on her stories about Wuhan lab theory, which cite a 2015 Chinese paper widely discredited by the scientific community, which suggests that the US exports SARS to China in 2002, triggering that outbreak.

Fox News questioned US Republican Homeland Security Committee member Ron Johnson on whether Markson’s work showed China was preparing biological weapons for World War III.

“Does that shock anybody? It certainly doesn’t shock me,” said Johnson.

But many proponents of lab leak theory reject the more lurid hypothesis that the virus was deliberately released by the Chinese government after it was manufactured for bio-warfare.

Republican congressman Mike Gallagher says that when Senate colleague Tom Cotton called for the lab leak theory to be investigated last year “the American media basically all went out in force and called him a tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorist”.

“Now we know there’s a decent amount of evidence stacking up for the lab leak hypothesis,” Gallagher says.

“In the last few weeks it seems like the dam is breaking - and not just among Republican politicians like me. Scientists and the media are now taking it seriously.”

Ironically, momentum for the lab leak theory has only grown following the release in March of the World Health Organisation draft report which found it “extremely unlikely” the virus emerged as a result of a laboratory-related accident.

WHO boss Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus called for more investigation into the lab leak theory, saying that “it did not receive the same depth of attention and work as the other hypotheses”.

Conspiracy theory

The lab leak hypothesis began to receive renewed attention in the US in January through a cover story in New York magazine. It was the most detailed piece yet published in the American mainstream media proposing the theory.


While deeply researched, it was still possible for cynics to dismiss the piece as an elaborate conspiracy theory.

Its author, Nicholson Baker, is best known as a novelist rather than an investigative reporter or science specialist. And it was written in the first person, rather than the more detached style favoured by traditional media outlets.

Several scientists slammed it as irresponsible and misleading, saying it had twisted evidence and overhyped the case for the lab leak theory.

In May Nicholas Wade entered the fray with an 11,000-word piece published in The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists and on Medium. Wade has credentials as a former New York Times science editor and a journalist for Science and Nature magazines.

Wade said neither prominent theory – that the virus emerged in nature or escaped from a lab – had been definitively proved. “But it seems to me that proponents of lab escape can explain all the available facts about SARS2 considerably more easily than can those who favour natural emergence,” he wrote.

By contrast, he argued the natural emergence theory “battles a bristling array of implausibilities”.

His piece, which generated a stir in the scientific community, was followed by a letter on May 14 in Nature by 18 prominent scientists calling for more investigation into the origins of the pandemic following the WHO report.

“Theories of accidental release from a lab and zoonotic spillover both remain viable,” the experts wrote. “We must take hypotheses about both natural and laboratory spillovers seriously until we have sufficient data.”


In his piece, Wade presents several reasons why he believes it is plausible, indeed probable, the virus accidentally escaped from a lab.

He points to the virus’s “remarkably uniform” genome structure, something even sceptics of the lab leak theory acknowledge as fact.

“The uniform structure of SARS2 genomes gives no hint of any passage through an intermediate animal host,” Wade writes, noting that “the hallmark of lab cultures is uniformity”.

He then digs into the virus’s “furin cleavage site”, which sits in the middle of the genome’s spike protein. As well as exerting great influence on the infectivity of the virus, he says it “lies at the heart of the puzzle of where the virus came from”.

Wade quotes biologist David Baltimore, who won the 1975 Nobel Prize for his work with viruses, saying the structure of the furin cleavage site “make a powerful challenge to the idea of a natural origin for SARS2”.

Perhaps even more important, according the lab leak proponents, is what the world still doesn’t know about the virus.

Genomic sequencing has shown the coronavirus is 96 per cent identical to RATG13, a genome that was previously found in intermediate horseshoe bats. This sparked the initial theory that the virus must have been passed from bats through another source of wildlife before infecting humans.

But after almost 18 months no intermediate host has been found, despite Chinese scientists testing tens of thousands of animals in an attempt to identify it.

“The search for intermediate hosts has gone on for more than a year now,” McNeil says. “The Chinese have a very strong incentive to say, ‘Hey, here’s the proof this was an animal virus and not a lab leak.’ They haven’t presented any.”

Nevertheless, the WHO report found it “likely-to-very likely” the virus spilled into humans via an intermediary host species.


This remains the view of many scientific experts and the Australian government.

“The lab leak hypotheses remain speculative and unsupported – unlike the hypothesis of natural emergence, which is supported directly by epidemiological, serological and genomic data,” Kristian Andersen, a virologist at the Scripps Research Institute, told Politico this week.

Robert Garry, a virologist at Tulane Medical School, said: “Lab leak scenarios are obviously inconsistent with several established facts regarding the origin of SARS-CoV-2, including the fact that the majority of early cases were linked to different markets that sold wildlife or wildlife products in Wuhan.”

During a trip to Washington this month, Foreign Minister Marise Payne told the Herald and The Age: “We would still say the most likely hypothesis continues to suggest that the virus emerged from wildlife through an intermediate host.”

Both sides agree more evidence would be useful and the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s logs and samples should be opened to outside scrutiny.

Until more conclusive evidence emerges, McNeil is keeping an open mind. “Sometimes,” he says, “conspiracy theorists get things right”.

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