

This was published 3 years ago

New prisons or looser bail laws? Labor’s unpalatable choice

By Royce Millar, Chris Vedelago and Tammy Mills

The Victorian government faces a politically unpalatable choice between spending billions of dollars to build and manage new prisons or winding back a decade of popular “tough on crime” bail and sentencing laws in an effort to avoid an explosion in prisoner numbers.

Confidential high-level government documents from late 2019 and early 2020 seen by The Age forecast that under existing policies the prison system would be over-capacity by 2024 despite record spending on prison infrastructure in the 2019 budget.

Without serious change, the Victorian prison system will need billions in new investment.

Without serious change, the Victorian prison system will need billions in new investment.Credit: Jason South

The documents show that if the growing demand for space was not dramatically reduced, the government would be forced to start a multibillion-dollar prison building program including a new $1.8 billion men’s jail. This was inevitable, the documents said, and a funding decision would be needed this year.

The documents also revealed that without major reform the government could expect the annual cost of managing prisons to more than double to $3.5 billion by 2023-24 – spending that would divert money from services known to be important in keeping people out of prison, including social housing, health and education.

In an effort to forestall the new spending and stage building of the men’s prison, the government was aiming to slash the number of offenders in the system. Options included winding back restrictive bail laws implemented after the 2017 Bourke Street massacre and a review by Justice Paul Coghlan, abolishing prison sentences of less than three or six months, or reinstating home detention programs.

The government was also quietly looking at reclassifying which offences are listed as summary (minor) or indictable (serious) under the Crimes Act. By reclassifying some non-violent offences as summary, bail would become available to more alleged offenders.

James Gargasoulas was freed on bail in the days before the Bourke Street massacre, an event that caused a major change to bail laws.

James Gargasoulas was freed on bail in the days before the Bourke Street massacre, an event that caused a major change to bail laws.Credit:

The government was spared from making the tough call last year by the pandemic, which led to prisoner numbers falling sharply. The number of sentenced prisoners is now about 18 per cent lower than before COVID-19.

However, that period of respite is ending. The courts have reopened and are working through a long backlog of cases, magistrates are again enforcing the tough bail laws, and the number of people held on remand has returned to pre-COVID levels.


‘A stain on the system’

Changes enacted in 2018 made it harder for people charged with crimes to get bail. Before the changes, an accused had the “presumption of bail”. Now a “reverse onus” test applies, meaning an accused, including those on relatively minor charges, must establish a compelling reason or an exceptional circumstance to get bail, in addition to proving they are not an unacceptable risk to the public. In addition, parole rules had been toughened after Adrian Bayley raped and murdered Jill Meagher while on parole in 2012, and 3000 new police had been recruited.


The changes led to a big increase in sentenced prisoners. In April, a record 44 per cent of the 7227 inmates were on remand, many awaiting court dates. The situation is especially difficult for female prisoners, more of whom are now on remand than have been sentenced. Indigenous women are particularly affected.

Law Institute of Victoria president Tania Wolff said many of those caught in the crime crackdown were not hardened criminals or sexual or violent attackers. They were instead lower-level offenders who had been unable to get a timely hearing or incapable of meeting conditions for release, such as stable housing.

“People are being remanded significantly for low-level offences; it’s a stain on our justice system,” Ms Wolff said. “The presumption for bail should be afforded except in exceptional circumstances where the person is a community safety risk, is not going to answer their charges, or is likely to interfere with a witness or commit another crime imminently.”

The pre-COVID world

In 2019 just before COVID-19, the Andrews government launched a large prison expansion program. After a decade of tough law and order measures the state’s prison population had nearly doubled and the annual cost of managing the system had tripled to more than $1.6 billion.

The 2019-2020 state budget delivered an urgent response, a record $1.8 billion to build a new men’s facility at Lara and hundreds of new beds inside the state’s 15-prison network. What the politicians did not publicly acknowledge in 2019, or since, was that they were already concerned about a lack of capacity and the need for yet more new prisons.

By late 2019, cabinet’s crime prevention committee was considering how to achieve “demand reduction targets” to slash projected prison numbers and to delay a decision on staged construction of a 1300-bed men’s prison.

The biggest bang-for-buck options were also the most politically risky: relaxing restrictions on getting bail, freeing up prison beds by abolishing short-term sentences, and allowing offenders to serve home detention through electronic monitoring.

Two bail options were presented to the committee: the first a refining of bail laws to target serious offenders, the second a more fundamental winding back of the 2018 bail changes so that the current assumption against bail was reversed. That policy could reduce the prison population awaiting trial by upwards of 1800 people but posed greater risks to community safety and the government’s public standing.

While most government departments were generally supportive of reform, the documents show police were firmly opposed to any winding back of bail laws.

It remains unclear exactly how far discussions progressed once COVID-19 hit, although senior government figures have told The Age that work on reform in effect stalled early in 2020.

Now with the business of government and politics returning to normal, the prison decisions will need to be made.

Policy ‘on ice’

Despite repeated questioning by The Age over the past two years, the government has never acknowledged plans for new prisons beyond those currently being built. Nor has it opened up about its consideration of bail and sentencing laws.

In an interview last week with The Age, Corrections Minister Natalie Hutchins said the government was comfortable that “what we have now will suffice”. She noted the drop in prisoner numbers in 2020 had set prison projections back by at least a year.

“It is too early to gauge this impact on longer-term projections post-pandemic. We will continue to monitor demand on our corrections system so we are in a position to decide on whether additional capacity is needed once the situation stabilises.”

Ms Hutchins confirmed that policy work on reform had been put on ice during COVID-19 as the government focussed on keeping the virus out of the prison system.


She flagged her personal support for bail reform. “If you’re looking at a system that has high levels of remand you’ve got to start saying, ‘Well, what recommendations are we going to take on board to change that?’ ”

But Ms Hutchins stressed that COVID-19 had left a backlog of legislation waiting to go to Parliament, an indication bail reform was unlikely before next year’s state poll.

Asked if the post-Bourke Street bail changes went too far, she said it was a “fine line” getting the balance right between community safety and justice for alleged offenders and taxpayers. Ms Hutchins also confirmed that amendments to the Sentencing Act were scheduled to be tabled later this year, but she would not reveal details.

Senior government and legal figures said amendments would come in two stages, with any politically contentious reforms unlikely to be tabled until a second round of changes after the 2022 election. Senior government figures also downplayed the likelihood of bail reform before the November 2022 election.

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