

This was published 3 years ago

Voters back Coalition to manage the pandemic, but Labor on healthcare

By David Crowe

Threats to health and the economy are dominating Australian concerns about federal leadership in a new poll that shows stronger support for the Coalition over Labor on the key test of managing the pandemic.

Voters strongly favour the Coalition on the economic recovery and border restrictions despite political storms over missed targets in the vaccination rollout and the end of the JobKeeper wage subsidy last month.

Voters back the Coalition to manage the economic recovery from the pandemic and border control, but Labor on health and aged care.

Voters back the Coalition to manage the economic recovery from the pandemic and border control, but Labor on health and aged care. Credit:

But the exclusive survey, the first in a new initiative from The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age with research company Resolve Strategic, shows more voters name Labor the better party to manage health and aged care.

Asked which party and leader were best to manage the COVID-19 situation, 42 per cent of voters named the Coalition and 20 per cent named Labor, with another 25 per cent undecided.

On economic management, 43 per cent named the Coalition and 21 per cent named Labor, with 25 per cent undecided.

The findings also show Prime Minister Scott Morrison holds a significant lead over Labor leader Anthony Albanese as preferred prime minister, ahead by 47 to 25 per cent, with 28 per cent undecided.

While 86 per cent of Coalition voters named Mr Morrison their preferred prime minister, only 49 per cent of Labor voters said the same for Mr Albanese.

Voters have swung against the Coalition on the most fundamental measure of support, however, to cut its primary vote from 41 to 38 per cent since the last election.


The swing has generated gains for the Greens, up from 10 to 12 per cent since the election, and Pauline Hanson’s One Nation, up from 3 per cent to 6 per cent.

Labor has missed out on a boost to its core support, with its primary vote unchanged at 33 per cent compared to its election result.

Voters were given a list of policy areas and asked to say which party and leader would perform best in each area, with the order rotated in a random way to prevent a “donkey vote” on issues or parties.

More than 40 per cent of respondents named the Coalition in five key policies: national security and defence, the COVID-19 situation, economic management, managing finances, and border and social restrictions.

This was double the percentage of voters backing Labor on the same issues, but more than one quarter of respondents were undecided.


Labor did not gain a similar level of support on any policies, but 35 per cent of respondents named it best to handle welfare and benefits, 32 per cent named it best on jobs and wages and 30 per cent named it best on health and aged care.

Even on health and aged care, however, Labor only gained a slight edge over the Coalition, which was preferred by 28 per cent of voters on the issue.

A separate question showed health and aged care was the biggest single driver of voter choice.

The next major vote drivers were national security and economic management, where many voters preferred the Coalition.

“There are many issues afoot right now, but the research is telling us that handling COVID-19 is still the main voting focus, particularly now in terms of its economic impact and the vaccine rollout,” Resolve Strategic founder Jim Reed said.

“Incumbents often have an advantage on many issues by virtue of being in government, but here we find the Coalition have very clear leads in areas like economic and financial management, defence and handling of the COVID situation.”

The survey was conducted from April 9 to 15, after weeks of news coverage of rape allegations in federal politics, Mr Morrison’s response to questions over the treatment of women and delays to the vaccination rollout.

In a process taking about 15 minutes for each respondent, the survey put questions to 400 voters over the phone and another 1606 voters online, with the respondents chosen through an off-line process rather than self-selecting online.

The margin of error for the main findings, such as the primary votes for the political parties, was 2.2 per cent. The margin of error was slightly higher, 2.5 per cent, for the findings on issues such as health and the economy because these results were based on the online respondents only.

The swing against the Coalition since the election, from 41 to 38, was outside the margin of error.

The national trend is strong enough to give Labor a small advantage over the Coalition in two-party terms, but the lead is within the margin of error.

Mr Reed said the results offered no conclusion about which side was in the best position to win the next election.

“Given the close voting position and the long list of dynamic issues at the moment it would be a foolhardy person that called an election one year out,” he said.

Because the poll asked voters to nominate their primary votes in the same way as they filled in their ballot papers for the lower house at an election, there is no “undecided” category in the results, a key difference with some other surveys.

In another departure from some other surveys, the Resolve Political Monitor asks a pre-emptive question about whether respondents are registered to vote, discarding results from those who are not.

The swing against the Coalition was spread evenly across most demographic groups but was more pronounced among those on higher incomes, with support falling from 49 to 43 per cent among those earning more than $100,000 a year.

Labor gained support from the same workers, with its primary vote rising from 29 to 33 per cent.

The results lifted the Greens’ primary vote nationwide from 10 to 12 per cent, at least 1.5 per cent above the party’s result at the last federal election.

The poll shows an even bigger shift towards One Nation, with its vote jumping from 3 to 6 per cent, twice as much as its support at the last election, but it is difficult to extrapolate this finding to a general election because One Nation does not usually run candidates in every electorate.

Resolve is a polling company established by Mr Reed, who was previously group director of research and strategy at CT Group – formerly Crosby Textor – and senior research director at Newgate Communications.

Mr Reed’s work has included contracts with the federal government, such as the Treasury, and his work at Newgate included polling for the Yes campaign on marriage equality.

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