

This was published 3 years ago


Extremely small risk of side effect, better than not being vaccinated

By Catherine Bennett and Hassan Vally

The global rollout of COVID-19 vaccines is under the microscope to a degree that is unprecedented in any vaccine or medicinal rollout. All eyes are on the world’s collective experiences in rolling out these vaccines as we amass safety and effectiveness data on the millions of people being vaccinated.

As well, we all individually have a vested interest in this as we contemplate our own vaccine choices, and the impact that vaccines will have on our health, and the liberties afforded by good vaccine coverage. The challenge in this is that it can be hard to make sense of the numbers and to apply then to our own circumstances.

The world is closely watching what is happening with the vaccine rollouts in other countries.

The world is closely watching what is happening with the vaccine rollouts in other countries.

The reason it is so important to continue to monitor vaccine tolerance and side effects as we roll out the vaccine is to identify any risks that couldn’t be picked up in the clinical trials, even though they are based on tens of thousands of volunteers. Adverse events that are extremely rare will not be seen until the full rollout when millions receive the jab or if they only occur in select population subgroups that might not have been represented in sufficient numbers in the trial to assess the risk.

AstraZeneca is by any definition a very safe and effective vaccine. What we learned over the last couple of weeks is that a very small proportion of people who received their first jab experienced a serious adverse reaction of blood clots. The risk of that happening is estimated to be somewhere between 4 and 6 per million. The risk is so very low that it is hard to be precise. They could not identify a causal mechanism for this reaction, or identify particular subgroups who might be at risk of this serious reaction, but the pattern across different countries had identified that this was probably a reaction to the vaccine, albeit an extremely uncommon one.

What changed this week is that more recent data has allowed us to see that these cases are still clustering in younger adults, suggesting that the risk for older adults is much less than the four per million seen at the whole population level. And while the risk is still very low even in younger adults, we have the chance to reduce even this small risk further by switching the preferred vaccine for these age groups.

It does not change the already very low risk to others, and reduces the chances of us seeing even the small number of cases in our younger adults that have been experienced overseas. So people over 50 can be reassured that the case reviews have not shown this same small risk in their age group and should be even more confident knowing millions of people have been monitored for side effects.

If there were no other vaccines, then it is unlikely that AstraZeneca would have been withdrawn for any group.

If there were no other vaccines, then it is unlikely that AstraZeneca would have been withdrawn for any group.Credit: Eddie Jim

The decisions made about vaccine strategy this week have taken into account the potential risks and benefits. These differ across age groups. We know older adults are more at risk of adverse outcomes from COVID-19 but, conversely, we now know that younger adults are at a slightly increased, although still very small, risk of serious side effects to the AstraZeneca vaccine.


If we had no other vaccine choices, then this very rare side effect would likely not have led to AstraZeneca being withdrawn from any age group, but because we secured an additional 10 million doses of Pfizer in February, we have the capacity to reduce this risk even further in the age groups where these cases have tended to cluster overseas. Is Pfizer a safer vaccine? The answer is probably yes, but only marginally, and only for younger adults.

A key advantage in not having to make emergency approvals of vaccines was the opportunity we then had to observe the real world rollout of the very vaccines we were to later use. Even then, it took millions of doses to identify the possible association, and then many more to identify which groups in the population might be vulnerable. Australia has vaccinated more than 500,000 people with AstraZeneca now, and thankfully had this heads up before our first possible case. This meant we already had the guidance in place for doctors so that diagnosis and treatment could be as optimal as possible for that patient.


All this is actually a sign our safety monitoring and international data sharing is working. But as soon as you mention the words risk and serious adverse events in the same sentence, you run a real risk that this might damage public confidence in the vaccines, and fuel anti-vaxxer campaigns.

Australia has taken steps this week to make an extremely small risk of having a bad reaction to the vaccine even smaller. The challenge now is how these changes impact the rollout and the time it takes to have vaccines available to all age groups. This is worth it though if it means we can now focus on the extremely high chance of having only mild side effects whatever vaccine you are given, and can look forward to the additional benefits that will come of having a vaccinated Australia.

Professor Catherine Bennett is the chair in epidemiology at Deakin University. Dr Hassan Vally is an epidemiologist at La Trobe University.

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