

This was published 3 years ago

Is contact sport down for the count?

By Greg Baum

Go back 30 years, and Patrick Dangerfield’s shirtfront of Jake Kelly would have earned him a shower of praise. Now, it earned him three matches, and even he didn’t protest.

What Dangerfield argued in his defence is true: he had only a split second to adjust to the imminent collision when Kelly got rid of the ball. But what about Kelly? He was still completing the action of getting rid of the ball. He had no time at all to adjust. He was, as the saying goes, wide open.

Patrick Dangerfield’s clash with Jake Kelly cost him a three-match suspension.

Patrick Dangerfield’s clash with Jake Kelly cost him a three-match suspension.Credit: Fox Footy

Thirty years ago, we might have scorned him for leaving himself so. We would have blamed the victim. Bit by bit, we’re learning not to do that in all walks. Now strict liability applies to the attacker. Dangerfield accepted this.

Thirty years ago, big hits were celebrated. King hits sometimes were. An often unawares victim whose merest offence was to have - or have eyes on - the ball would end up in a crumpled heap on the ground, but it was the assailant who was lauded as the tough guy. Try that on for PR size now.

Go back not 30 years, but 300. Cock-fighting, dog-fighting, bull-fighting all were acceptable entertainments, and bear-baiting still hadn’t been outlawed. Between humans, it was bare-knuckle fighting.

Go back a couple of millennia and it was slave-versus-slave in a colosseum, and that was if you were a lucky slave; otherwise, it was you and a starving lion. There was no interchange, let alone a sub.

Then as now, these pursuits made for a popular spectacle. That is, popular among those who could thrill to it from a safe distance.

Sydney Swan Barry Hall’s infamous KO of Eagle Brent Staker in 2008.

Sydney Swan Barry Hall’s infamous KO of Eagle Brent Staker in 2008.Credit: Channel 10

Draw a line through those points in history to see where it leads. It’s not so much a line as an arc, and it’s bending all the while away from forms of sport that are liable to leave a contestant at least bloodied and sometimes with a bouncing brain. Lately, that curve has tightened.


We’re in a little corner of the world, but it’s a microcosm. Concussion and its often gruesome long-term consequences are at the top of all agendas. In the AFL, a concussion sub was an idea one day, a rule the next, immediately widened to cover all injuries. No one wants to be accused of dragging their feet.

The one thing we do know is that helmets do not help. There is also a growing understanding that the game will have to change fundamentally. What history might record as the first step was taken this week when Melbourne coach Simon Goodwin instructed his players to avoid the bump. The bump is not dead, but it is numb.

In the game’s discourse, you’re more likely now to hear “duty of care” than “it’s a man’s game”. Apart from anything else, it’s not any more, not exclusively.

The other football codes are also confronting the reality of high contact and it’s doing their heads in. This includes soccer. “Bullet header” is less heard now, because of a growing realisation that the bullet has a two-way trajectory. Moves are afoot to circumscribe heading.

Cricket is ducking and weaving about the bouncer, wondering how to make it strike fear but never the batsman. It’s oxymoronic, an impossible necessity. These are the games of all our lives, recalled because of safety defects.

Meantime, boxing’s glamorous heyday is long gone. Anthony Mundine wobbled away from the sport this week, his dignity barely intact. Cage fighting is an anomalous blip; it will be dead in a decade.

Can you see where this is going? It’s unimaginable now, with stands heaving again, ratings high, coffers refilling and the snuff of battle in the air.

Sad end: Michael Zerafa knocks out Anthony Mundine in the first round earlier this month.

Sad end: Michael Zerafa knocks out Anthony Mundine in the first round earlier this month.Credit: Getty Images

It’s unimaginable because the instinct for combat is as old as mankind and is undimmed. It’s not just mankind: witness the spectacular rise of women’s versions of traditional men’s games. A recurring theme among this cohort is that these new games license a level of physicality that their old games did not.

But if that licence ever was total, it is not now. A course has been set, a raft of reforms put in place, with more to come. The head has become off limits, as target, as collateral. Who would dare to walk back these reforms now?

Who would dare to call them an overreaction? That would be braver than anyone who ever backed into a pack.

Society is turning its back on violence, though you might not have thought it this week. You could argue that contact sport’s role in society is to act as proxy for that primal need to contest. It is outlet and surrogate. As that, it is innocent enough.

But that innocence is being overshadowed by casualty count. One man’s contact too often is another’s hospitalisation. How often is too often? Once is enough if you happen to be on the receiving end. And history is no longer being written exclusively by the winners.

So cast your gaze down that line. It might be 30 years, it might be 100, but it’s possible that historians will look back on the first quarter of the 21st century as the time when the extinction of collision sports began.

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