

This was published 3 years ago

Coalition MPs push to bump foreign workers up the queue as jobless rate falls

By Shane Wright and Nick Bonyhady

The Morrison government is facing internal demands to let skilled migrants into the country ahead of Australians stranded overseas to deal with workplace shortages as new figures show the number of people with a job is back to pre-pandemic levels.

While Prime Minister Scott Morrison said worker shortages in rural areas were holding back the economy, Labor, the Greens and unions ridiculed a proposal from the federal joint committee on migration to weaken rules around the importation of skilled staff.

Skilled migrants would have spaces allocated on flights into the country under a plan from Coalition MPs.

Skilled migrants would have spaces allocated on flights into the country under a plan from Coalition MPs.Credit: Getty Images

The proposal has also raised concerns within the Liberal Party, with at least one MP saying the government had to get Australians back into work before allowing in migrants.

Figures from the Australian Bureau of Statistics on Thursday showed the national jobless rate dropped half a percentage point to 5.8 per cent in February, its best result since March last year.

Full-time employment lifted by 89,000, with 69,000 of those jobs going to women. Female full-time employment is now 1.8 per cent higher than March last year while male full-time employment is 0.8 per cent lower.

The number of people out of work fell by 69,900 to 805,200 but is still 109,500 higher than February last year.

Both the Treasury and Reserve Bank had been expecting unemployment to remain around 6 per cent by year’s end. The government’s own budget repair policy is based on unemployment being “comfortably” below 6 per cent.

The data pre-dates this month’s end to the JobKeeper wage subsidy, which analysts believe will result in between 100,000 and 225,000 people moving into the national unemployment queue. That data won’t be known until at least mid-June.


Mr Morrison said the ABS figures showed the economy was recovering from the pandemic recession even faster than expected.


Some parts of the country, especially regional centres reliant on migrant fruit and vegetable pickers, were now facing shortages of workers.

“That is a challenge which is holding the rest of the economy back and so it is not only impacting on those producers directly, but it is impacting on the broader working of the economy and is holding back job creation for Australians in so many other parts of the economy,” he said.

Coalition members of the migration committee urged the government to “reserve places on flights and in quarantine for skilled migrants” and to relax rules forcing businesses to advertise jobs extensively in Australia before going abroad in a process called “labour market testing”. Small businesses would be exempt altogether.

Chefs, veterinarians, cafe and restaurant managers and seafarers would be added to a list of priority occupations for visas and, at least until the pandemic is over, employers recruiting from abroad would not have to pay into a fund to train Australians.


The committee chair, Liberal MP Julian Leeser, said Australia had seen a massive fall in the number of skilled workers, leaving businesses crying out for specific skills that would then create other jobs for Australians, such as an imported chef making employment for local waiters.

But the proposals immediately came under fire, including from committee member and LNP senator Gerard Rennick, who said it was too early to make some of the changes.

He said it was hard to believe the nation suffered a shortage of chefs and restaurant managers given the way the sector had been hit by pandemic-related closures.

“I am very sympathetic to employers finding it hard to find labour but we need to get Aussies into work first before importing foreign labour,” said Senator Rennick, who voted against the report.

The job figures showed that while total employment is now just 1800 short of where it was a year ago, there are still 2 million Australians either out of work or not getting enough hours in the job they have.


The jobless rate is still 0.7 percentage points higher than where it was ahead of the pandemic.

The strength of the jobs recovery will be tested when JobKeeper ends on March 31.

Research to be released on Friday by the NSW Tourism Industry Council shows 13 per cent of tourism businesses in NSW expect to shut altogether once the wage subsidy scheme is withdrawn and a further 20 per cent say they will close temporarily. The survey found 42 per cent of the state’s tourism businesses expected to reduce staff numbers post-JobKeeper while 53 per cent would reduce staff hours.

The council’s executive manager, Greg Binskin, said the NSW visitor economy was set for massive job losses once the “JobKeeper cliff” arrived.

“Not only will we see an immediate effect on jobs, industry capability and confidence, there will be flow-on effects to the deep supply chain that sustains the visitor economy,” he said.

Labor members of the migration committee issued a dissenting report, labelling the recommendations a joke.

“You couldn’t make this stuff up. It would make sense if the report was released on April 1, but it’s not. Government MPs seriously think this is good policy,” they said.

ETU national sectary Allen Hicks said the proposals were a disgrace.

“While thousands of Australians are still stranded overseas, the government is considering putting them at the end of the queue behind foreign workers who can be easily exploited. This is an attack on Australian values,” he said.

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