

This was published 3 years ago


Can spending money on your appearance really boost your income?

At some point during early adolescence, I decided – against my mother’s wishes – to start shaving my legs.

It became a regular clandestine mission of mine to procure packets of pink Daisy razors from the IGA closest to my piano teacher’s house.

Applying a little makeup can have a positive affect on your earning power.

Applying a little makeup can have a positive affect on your earning power. Credit: Rob Banks

Being uninitiated in the ways of saving money, and well, the world, I guess, I didn’t realise you could actually re-use the disposable razors.

I can only wonder what that local shop owner made of my all-too-frequent visits to stock up on razors and killer python lollies – my favourite at the time.

Which is to say that spending money on maintaining our appearance is a large and ongoing drain on our incomes from the earliest of years.

It is estimated Australians today spend about $22 billion a year on beauty goods and services, split by $17 billion for women and $5 billion for men. It’s been called the “beauty expectations gap” and it is one of the many factors draining women, in particular, of both their time and money.

Women, on average, spend triple the time it takes men to get ready for work. COVID-19 and working from home have provided some reprieve but, as we get back to normal, those beauty bills are set to rise again.

Because as expensive and time consuming as our beauty regimes may be, studies suggest they may not be entirely irrational.

Economists have observed for some time the very real returns enjoyed by individuals possessed of the gift of “attractiveness”.


In his 2011 book titled Beauty Pays: Why Attractive People are More Successful, published by no less than Princeton University Press, economist Daniel Hamermesh explored the field of “pulchronomics” – the economics of physical attractiveness and how it affects incomes.

Using data from the 1970s, Hamermesh found men rated to be of below-average attractiveness earnt 17 per cent less than those considered by survey participants as above-average.

Below-average-looking women earnt 12 per cent less than their above-average-looking peers.

While separate studies of weight and height have uncovered wage premiums for both the tall and slim, Hamermesh’s research found weight was irrelevant to peoples’ opinions of the attractiveness of a person’s face.

In his work, Hamermesh was also able to disprove any link between the higher incomes of attractiveness being explained by either higher intelligence or more confidence. Only looks produced the result.

Assuming an hourly wage of $20, Hamermesh found that a person with a face rated as attractive by others could expect to earn about $230,000 more over their career than a below-average-looking colleague.

Clearly (and depressingly!), the potential labour market returns from being attractive are very real.

But can a person’s attractiveness be improved with a bit of cash?

Some of us think so, given the large amount of money spent these days on plastic surgery, skin treatments and creams, eyebrow tinting and sculpting, microdermabrasion – the list goes on.

In a 2016 research paper titled Gender and the returns to attractiveness researchers Jaclyn Wong and Andrew Penner found evidence that grooming can influence earnings.

“We find that attractive individuals earn roughly 20 per cent more than people of average attractiveness, but this gap is reduced when controlling for grooming, suggesting that the beauty premium can be actively cultivated.”

Interestingly, they found no gender difference in the beauty gap. Beautiful men earn just as big a premium over men rated as unattractive as beautiful women do over their plainer peers.

But women, it seems, possess a secret weapon that men do not.

Almost all of the gap in earnings discovered by Wong and Penner could be explained for women by differences in their grooming levels.

For men, grooming only explained half the earnings premium.

“Our findings underscore the social construction of attractiveness, and in doing so illuminate a key mechanism for attractiveness premia that varies by gender.”

Ah make-up. Perhaps there’s a reason women spend so much on it. Sadly, it seems to affect our earnings.

But not too much, be warned.

In a 2011 study, Cosmetics as a Feature of the Extended Human Phenotype: Modulation of the Perception of Biologically Important Facial Signals, researchers found that makeup on a face increased study participants’ ratings of both attractiveness and competence – both factors linked to earnings.

But it depends how you do it. While a more “glamorous” make-up style increased perceived attractiveness, it also had a negative effect on perceived trustworthiness, which could affect earnings.

“It may be that natural beauty – or natural appearing beauty – leads to positive inferences of social co-operation, where more obvious beauty enhancement may lead to neutral or even negative inferences,” such as “vanity, immodesty or greater likelihood to cheat on a partner” the authors conclude.


Sounds like “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” to me.

Of course, it’s likely the returns to beauty will vary by occupation. And while beauty may be one factor linked to higher earnings, there are many other ways to boost your earnings potential, including cultivating greater skills and experience.

Given the choice between spending more time in front of the mirror and more time improving or applying your skills, I know which investment strategy I’d pick.

You can follow Jess’ money adventures on Instagram at @moneywithjess or subscribe to her email newsletter via the Age at or via the Sun-Herald at

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