

This was published 3 years ago


Inside the murky Greensill corner of shadow banking

The abrupt implosion of the supply chain financier founded by Australian Lex Greensill provides an insight into a corner of the murky world of shadow banking in the post-financial crisis environment of ultra-low interest rates and ever-expanding liquidity.

The ever more desperate search for yield in that post-crisis and, more recently, pandemic-impacted environment has created opportunities for financial engineers. Greensill seized on that need to add a layer of innovation to an age-old form of financing.

There’s nothing new about supply chain financing, or factoring, to give it its less-sexy traditional label.

In essence, Greensill had applied a conventional technique – securitisation – to a new asset class.

In essence, Greensill had applied a conventional technique – securitisation – to a new asset class.Credit: Bloomberg

In conventional factoring, large suppliers borrow against the monies owed by their customers – they sell their accounts receivable to lenders – with the lender paying a discount on the face value of the invoices but eventually collecting the full amount. The suppliers benefit from the earlier cash flows and the reduction in their working capital requirements.

The “reverse factoring” that Greensill was engaged in is a twist on those relationships; one where the customer rather than the supplier drives the transaction.

The suppliers, generally smaller companies than their customers in reverse factoring transactions (think supermarket chains and their suppliers), are paid the money owed by their customers by the lender, with a small discount.

The lender is later repaid by the larger company, which is effectively smoothing out its payments schedules and, perhaps, getting access to finance on better and longer terms than it might from conventional sources.

For the smaller companies, it means they get paid more quickly, with obvious cash flow and working capital benefits.

Greensill was involved in both forms of factoring but it is the reverse factoring that seems to have brought it unstuck. Australian founder Lex Greensill’s insight was to bring his background in financial markets to bear. (He had been involved in supply chain financing at Morgan Stanley and Citigroup before launching his own business).


Where funding for factoring has traditionally been provided by banks and other conventional lenders, he created vehicles – investment funds – to finance what are essentially short-term loans.


By packaging the loans/receivables together in funds offered by big asset managers such as Credit Suisse and Swiss-based GAM Holding and adding credit insurance (or providing some capital support of its own) to cover any potential losses, Greensill was able to market the funds to pension funds and corporate treasurers looking for something better than the rates on offer from bank deposits or short-term fixed interest securities.

In essence, Greensill had applied a conventional technique – securitisation – to a new asset class.

Securitisation works, and can appeal to investors, if it generates attractive returns from a diversified portfolio of loans that individually might be regarded as risky. The diversification and the credit wraps provided by insurers spread and lower the risk.

The securitisation of mortgages is the classic example, although the securitisation of sub-prime mortgages in the US, with the packagers of the mortgages pushing the risk profile of the assets too far by concentrating them on too narrow a slice – and the riskiest slice – of the mortgage market, precipitated the financial crisis in 2008.

One of the “benefits” of supply chain finance is that, from the borrower’s perspective, it isn’t classified as debt. It appears on their balance sheet as “accounts receivable,” or “trade payables.” In effect it could allow a company to portray lower levels of leverage than it is actually incurring.

That became an issue for lenders, and Greensill, recently when several UK companies defaulted on their loans and it emerged they had very large amounts of previously undisclosed funding from Greensill and others.

In Greensill’s case its credit insurers were called on to cover the losses, which may have been a factor in its own troubles.

When Credit Suisse and GAM—the major conduits of funding for the Greensill business - froze their funds and their dealings with Greensill there was another influence at play.

To be attractive to investors, and insurers, securitisation has to spread risk over a diverse portfolio of borrowers.

Greensill came unstuck through its big exposure to UK steel magnate Sanjeev Gupta.

Greensill came unstuck through its big exposure to UK steel magnate Sanjeev Gupta.Credit: Bloomberg

The Greensill-originated loan portfolios, however, appear to have had a disproportionate exposure to a single name, the UK steel magnate Sanjeev Gupta and his sprawling, complex and opaque corporate structure.

The operations of a small German bank owned by Greensill were frozen by the German banking regulator this week over its concerns about the bank’s over-exposure to Gupta’s network of companies.

Gupta was reportedly once a shareholder in Greensill. Another shareholder, SoftBank, poured $1.5 billion into the business in 2019 via its Vision Fund, which it has subsequently written down heavily.

The Financial Times last year reported that SoftBank had also invested in the funds for which Greensill was sourcing assets, while the funds themselves were providing funding for several companies in which the Vision Fund was invested.

Credit Suisse, while marketing and distributing the funds, was also a lender to Greensill. There’s a circular, almost incestuous, element to some of the key relationships in the Greensill business that might be innocent – perhaps not that unusual in such an ambitious and fast-growing start-up – but which have added to the suspicions of the Greensill business model.

The collapse of a business that Greensill had involvement with may have played a role in helping create its current problems.

There’s a circular, almost incestuous, element to some of the key relationships in the Greensill business.

In 2018 a British multi-national construction company collapsed. Carillion Plc was the UK’s largest bankruptcy. Its use of supply chain financing – provided by major banks – to stretch out the timelines for about $900 million of payments to suppliers had disguised its shaky finances and generated controversy and closer scrutiny of the use of supply chain financing.

The losses within the portfolios for which Greensill was sourcing assets, and increasing concern about the extent to which companies adversely impacted by the pandemic were obscuring their finances and delaying their moment of reckoning by drawing on supply chain financing, made the portfolios’ credit insurers nervous.

When the insurers started giving notice of their intention not to renew the policies – which would leave the investors completely exposed to the creditworthiness of the underlying borrower, Credit Suisse probably had no option but to freeze its $US10 billion funds, leaving Greensill scrambling desperately for survival as its clever piece of financial engineering started to disintegrate.

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