

This was published 4 years ago

Don’t panic, Adams wrote. But Earth’s magnetic field collapsed years ago

By Stuart Layt

A temporary breakdown of the Earth’s magnetic field 42,000 years ago had a catastrophic effect on the entire planet, research across the Tasman has found.

And given the significance of that number, researchers have named the event after late science fiction writer and conservationist Douglas Adams.

Ancient kauri trees are often found on New Zealand’s North Island perfectly preserved in salt marshes.

Ancient kauri trees are often found on New Zealand’s North Island perfectly preserved in salt marshes.Credit: Nelson Parker

An international team led by researchers from UNSW Sydney and the South Australian Museum have been looking at kauri trees — huge trees native to New Zealand that have been around for millennia, with individual trees often reaching more than 1000 years in age and measuring more than four metres across.

UNSW professor Chris Turney said they were able to use radiocarbon dating of the trees rings to pinpoint exactly when the last breakdown of the Earth’s magnetic field occurred.

“One thing these cosmic rays generate when they hit the unshielded atmosphere is radioactive carbon,” he said.

“Plants absorb this carbon through their natural processes and it builds up in their rings.”

Professor Turney said, in effect, the trees acted as a Rosetta Stone for the era, allowing scientists to accurately chart changes in atmospheric radiocarbon levels caused by the collapse of Earth’s magnetic field.

The breakdown of the planet’s magnetic field came as a result of the magnetic poles drifting significantly, at one stage swapping places before eventually reverting to the configuration we see today.


When this occurs, the strength of the Earth’s magnetic field drops, which means much of the cosmic radiation from the sun it deflects instead gets through.

It has previously been theorised that this would have caused significant disruption to the planet’s biosphere, from making displays of lights in the sky like the aurora borealis common around the world, to environmental effects such as electrical storms and changed climate.

Professor Turney said while scientists had previously estimated the event, known as the “Laschamp Excursion”, happened between 40,000 to 45,000 years ago, this method gave a more precise date that also matched several known extinctions and other seemingly unrelated events.

“A range of things happened around the world within a few hundred years of each other - the growth of massive ice sheets across the northern hemisphere, shifted rain belts, megafauna extinction in Australia,” he said.

“Even the extinction of Neanderthals happens in this window. Everything was happening at the same time.”

The researchers theorise that even the explosion of cave art around that time might be linked to the field breakdown, as people adopted caves more frequently for shelter, and took art forms which might have been used outside but which were not preserved as they were on cave walls.


Owing to the fact the event is believed to have happened 42,000 years ago, the researchers dubbed it the “Adams Transitional Geomagnetic Event” in honour of writer Douglas Adams, who wrote in his comedy novel The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy that the answer to life, the universe, and everything was 42.

The eponymous guide in the story features the words “DON’T PANIC” on the cover, in part to assuage readers fearful of interstellar catastrophe.

Professor Turney said their research highlighted that if a magnetic pole excursion happened today, it would have a significant impact just as it did thousands of years ago.

“If a similar event happened today, the consequences would be huge for modern society. Incoming cosmic radiation would destroy our electric power grids and satellite networks,” he said.

“A magnetic pole reversal or extreme change in Sun activity would also be unprecedented climate change accelerants.”

The research has been published in the journal Science.

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