

This was published 4 years ago

‘No evidence’: CQV chief insists Holiday Inn patient didn’t declare nebuliser

By Aisha Dow and Mathew Dunckley

COVID-19 Quarantine Victoria commissioner Emma Cassar has repeated the government’s claim that the traveller blamed for spreading coronavirus at the Holiday Inn with his use of a nebuliser did not declare the medical device to staff at the hotel.

But she said she could not explain why the CQV account of events was so different to the traveller’s, who told The Age and The Herald on Friday that he informed hotel staff he had a nebuliser.

He claimed that staff not only did not tell him its use was prohibited they offered to source more of the medication administered by the machine.

“I can categorically say that there is no evidence from our audit that he has raised this with our health team or our operational team,” Ms Cassar said.

“The records that we keep for these assessments are thorough and detailed and these are the requirements of all health authorities.”

Ms Cassar said she would not accuse the man of lying.

“What’s happening to this family is awful… we need to be kind and respectful,” she said.

She said incoming residents in hotel quarantine have a health check within the first 12 hours and are asked if they are on any medication or have medical devices.

“There is no evidence from our audit that he has raised this with our health team, or our operational team but again this argument of, he said she said ... no one is going to win from this argument where we’re constantly having a battle on these matters which are so private for somebody,” she said.


“I can’t explain the difference of information. What I can do is say that you know is say I don’t agree with people talking about this poor individual and their family circumstances in this way it is awful for them. And this was not anyone’s fault.”

She said the first the CQV was aware of the nebuliser was when the man disclosed he had it during a check-in at the Alfred Health-run ‘hot hotel’.

Speaking from his bed in a Melbourne intensive care ward, the 38-year-old Victorian man said he declared his nebuliser to hotel quarantine staff and that the public portrayal of the situation had made him feel like a criminal.

Asked if there should be an apology to the man, Ms Cassar expressed regret over the situation.

“I’m deeply sorry for his treatment. No one ever wanted this to happen and I’m sorry that this has been played out the way it has, it is awful,” she said.

“We have never accused him of doing the wrong thing he hasn’t done the wrong thing. And he had no, I suspect, and he had no understanding.

“I’m sorry for the way he’s been treated and I would really encourage media outlets to be respectful to be kind. We need to be cognisant of the fact that this person has endured a really rough illness, and he’s trying to recover. We want to support him as best we can.”

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews earlier stood by his claim that the man broke rules governing quarantine when he used the nebuliser.

At a press conference on Friday, the Premier was adamant the nebuliser was never declared by the returned traveller.

“Short of barging into people’s rooms multiple times a day – which, again, I think might well produce a pretty big infection control risk itself – you have got to rely on people’s judgment,” Mr Andrews said on Friday.


Asked about the conflicting accounts, Mr Andrews said on Saturday that the head of COVID-19 Quarantine Victoria Emma Cassar would front the media to answer questions about the issue later in the day.

Mr Andrews said that he did not believe he had made any inaccurate comments.

“I have no advice that sees me doubt what I’ve been told by CQV,” Mr Andrews said.

“I don’t believe I have said things that are inaccurate, I got the advice provided to me.”

Mr Andrews said he had never made a negative comment about the man.

“In terms of these issues, I’m not reflecting on the person, I don’t think that’s fair, and that is not something I’ve said today,” he said.

“Ultimately, it is my understanding, the advice I have is that machines have been taken from people, that is the normal process.”

Mr Andrews said the working theory remains that the use of a nebuliser by a guest at the Holiday Inn spread the disease through the airport hotel, infecting multiple staff in a super-spreading event.

A detailed ventilation audit was not conducted at the hotel prior to the outbreak, but Mr Andrews has consistently said there is no evidence poor ventilation has been a factor in the outbreak.

“The theory is not a ventilation problem, the theory is the nebuliser was the issue,” he said.

“Again, I’m not making any judgments, reflections or comments on the individual –[but] that is the working theory, not that there is a generic airflow issue.”

Questions have also been raised about the capacity of Victoria’s contact tracing team after The Age reported that some close contacts of confirmed cases were not being contacted within the benchmark 48 hours this week.

Mr Andrews said he has been told that adequate resources have been deployed to this task, with more than 2100 people working within the state’s contact tracing team.

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