

This was published 3 years ago

‘It’s a no-brainer’: Experts call for quarantine sites to be moved out of cities

By Henrietta Cook and Clay Lucas

Health experts are calling on the federal government to build regional quarantine stations as the Holiday Inn hotel quarantine coronavirus cluster that sparked a five-day lockdown in Victoria continues to grow.

International arrivals into NSW and Queensland will double on Monday, with NSW accepting more than 3000 people a week, but Victoria has halted all arrivals.

The Howard Springs quarantine facility near Darwin.

The Howard Springs quarantine facility near Darwin.Credit: Ben Sale

Premier Daniel Andrews previously flagged wanting Victoria to accept “hundreds” of arrivals each week, but on Friday he said there needed to be a “cold, hard discussion” about whether to cut the numbers returning to Australia now the more infectious British coronavirus strain was circulating.

Adrian Esterman, chair of biostatistics and epidemiology at the University of South Australia, said cities were not designed for quarantine and, until recently, it had taken place in more remote locations such as islands or regional sites.


“Typically, the people working in city quarantine hotels are poorly paid, travel home on public transport, and spread it to their families,” he said. “That’s what happened in Melbourne.”

He said staff in regional quarantine stations lived on-site and if there was a leak, it was confined to the station and unlikely to spread to big cities. “It’s a no-brainer.”

Professor Esterman said the federal government had abdicated its responsibility on quarantine, passing the buck to states and territories.

“It is absolutely a federal government issue,” he said.


Section 51 of the Australian constitution gives the Commonwealth quarantine powers, but it is not an exclusive power, meaning the states’ public health safeguards operate alongside it. While the Commonwealth could have taken over quarantine, it has not and states have not lobbied for it to.

While Victoria’s third lockdown was caused by more leaks from hotel quarantine, Mr Andrews has repeatedly insisted the state has the country’s strongest hotel quarantine system.

Professor Esterman said the Victorian hotel quarantine system was one of the best due to its strict testing regime and the ban on workers having second jobs. But he said poor ventilation continued to be an issue and this could be improved by rolling out air purifiers in every room.

“They would get rid of a huge amount of virus in the air,” he said.

Mike Toole, an epidemiologist at the Burnet Institute, said in an ideal world, every Australian city would have access to a quarantine facility like the one in Howard Springs, near Darwin.

“It has single-storey cabins that are joined but there are no airconditioning ducts,” he said. “They have individual airconditioning units and verandas where you can sit out and get some fresh air.

“It’s a 30-minute drive to the Royal Darwin hospital so it really fulfils everything you’d love to have in a quarantine facility.”

The site has so far taken 3781 people arriving on repatriation flights. The former labour camp is co-funded by the Commonwealth and the Northern Territory government to provide up to 850 quarantine places a fortnight. Prime Minister Scott Morrison has unveiled plans to more than double Howard Springs’ capacity, but reiterated that hotel quarantine would remain the primary mode of dealing with returning travellers.

Mr Morrison said on Friday that moving hotel quarantine to regional areas would only create “another set of risks. You’ve got transfer risks. You’ve got a workforce that you have to have in place in those situations. You’re further away from major, big hospitals.”

But Professor Toole said the federal government should consider building regional quarantine facilities, and Victorian locations could include Avalon Airport, Ballarat and Bendigo. He warned this would be a time-consuming and expensive exercise.

“We’re not China, we can’t build these things in three days, it takes months.”

In the meantime, he said, the priority should be on improving hotel quarantine. He urged authorities to engage with occupational hygienists and ventilation engineers to better understand how air moved in hotels, and said daily COVID-19 tests should also be considered for guests. Guests are currently tested on day three and day 11 of their 14-day stay.

“We should be treating all those cold hotels like they are hot hotels because guests can convert from negative to positive during that period and therefore become infectious,” he said.

The Holiday Inn at Melbourne Airport.

The Holiday Inn at Melbourne Airport.Credit: Penny Stephens

Benjamin Veness, a doctor and co-founder of advocacy group Health Care Workers Australia, said there was a good argument for moving quarantine facilities out of city centres. The argument that people needed to be close to city health facilities did not negate regional quarantine centres.

Those who needed to be near CBD hospitals because they were in higher-risk categories could still be housed in better facilities – “newer ones, ones with balconies, ones with windows that open, ones with airconditioning systems you can upgrade so they’re providing appropriate ventilation and not spreading COVID-19 potentially between rooms or into hallways”.

He said returned travellers heading to regional quarantine facilities could also be vaccinated before they flew into Australia.

“That would cut the chance of them bringing COVID-19 into Australia in the first place, and the reduced risk of severe illness would make regional quarantine safe for the vast majority of people.”


Together, these measures would “have the problem pretty much solved”, Dr Veness said.

“There is a lack of political will, not technical complexity, stopping us from finding a better solution” due to state and federal governments being “really stretched”, he added.

“The federal government should be taking responsibility for quarantine, but it has turned out that the states have taken on that responsibility, and so you’ve got this argy-bargy playing out,” he said.

“The feds particularly don’t want to commit, because they know getting hotel quarantine perfect is a tricky exercise and I think Scott Morrison doesn’t want to risk having outbreaks at a federally run facility that then impacts on his election chances later in the year.”

Dr Veness said the NT’s Howard Springs facility was working well.

“There is plenty of fresh air for residents, which is good not only from an infection perspective, but also it’s better from a mental health perspective,” he said.

“I’d prefer to go there than one of the high-rise towers with closed windows like we have in Melbourne.“

On Sunday, federal Health Minister Greg Hunt said state leaders had to remember it was “a vital part of our humanity” to bring Australians home.

“[These are] mums and dads coming home to see their sons and daughters, children who have been studying overseas, families that have been separated, people coming home to say goodbye to loved ones, some themselves who may have terminal conditions,” he said.

“That is our deep, profound, human duty, and we will continue to do that, and we’ll encourage all states and territories to do that.”

But Labor’s spokeswoman on home affairs Kristina Keneally said the federal government should be running a quarantine facility with surge capacity to cope when states halted or cut their international intake.

“Quarantine outbreaks of COVID-19 remain the biggest failing right now in our COVID response, and Scott Morrison needs to take action to ensure that Australians are able to return home without exposing the broader community,” she said.

With Katina Curtis, Kate Aubusson and Stuart Layt

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