

This was published 3 years ago

Trump impeachment as it happened: Trial continues against former US president Donald Trump over Capitol Hill riot


  • Democrats resumed their case against Donald Trump in the US Senate on the third day of the former president’s second impeachment hearing.
  • Senators have been asked to convict Trump of inciting insurrection via his comments and tweets prior to a violent mob of his supporters storming the Capitol on January 6.
  • The Democrats have made extensive use of previously unseen and graphic security footage during the trial.
  • Trump is expected to be acquitted because conviction requires two-thirds of senators to vote in favour, and the Senate is made up of 50 Democrats and 50 Republicans.
  • Trump-supporting Republicans have remained unswayed by the evidence presented to date.
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Watch live: Day three of Trump’s impeachment hearing

By Latika Bourke

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Democrats wrap up case with five hours to go

By Latika Bourke

The House impeachment managers have concluded their opening arguments, with around five hours to spare.

Our Washington correspondent Matthew Knott has this recap of the day’s events.

Read more: ‘Trump sent them there’: Democrats wrap up impeachment case

It’s now over to Donald Trump’s legal team to begin their defence. They will have 16 hours, just like the impeachment managers were allocated, to make their case.

But Trump adviser Jason Miller has said his legal team intends only to take up one day of proceedings.

That could mean an acquittal - which is expected - as early as Saturday, depending on whether any witnesses are called and if there are any questions to impeachment managers.

Trump will not appear at the trial and was reported to have spent Thursday golfing.

But lead impeachment Jamie Raskin has outlined several questions that he wants the former president’s legal team to answer.

These included:

  • Why did President Trump do nothing to stop the attack?
  • Why did he do nothing to send help for at least two hours?
  • Why did he at no point condemn the violence?

And on a legal point, he asked if a president did incite an insurrection would that constitute an impeachable offence?

The Senate is now adjourning until Friday noon, local time, or 4am AEDT.

And that’s it from me. Thanks so much for joining us for our rolling coverage on day three of Donald Trump’s second impeachment hearing.

If inciting insurrection is not impeachable what is?

By Latika Bourke

The Democrat House impeachment managers are wrapping up their case, around five hours short of the eight hours they were allocated today.

“What is impeachable conduct if not this? I challenge you all to think about it. If you think this is not impeachable, what is? What would be?”

House impeachment manager Jamie Raskin
  • The managers are recapping the evidence they presented showing how Donald Trump directly incited the mob of his supporters to storm the Capitol in a last-ditch effort to stop Joe Biden from being certified as President.
  • They have reminded jurors of the clips they played of the insurrectionists saying they were doing Trump’s bidding and were there as a result of his invitation and chanting back slogans previously said by Trump.
  • They are reminding Republican senators that Trump directed the rioters to target congressmen and women and senators, including vice-president Mike Pence.

Analysis: Does it matter if Trump is acquitted or convicted?

By Waleed Aly

In the lead-up to Donald Trump’s second impeachment trial this week, I’ve been wrestling with a deceptively complex question: does it matter if he’s convicted?

Donald Trump could run for the Presidency again.

Donald Trump could run for the Presidency again.Credit: AP

His presidential term is finished, and while a conviction would mean he cannot run again in 2024, it might also mean someone of similar political inclinations – only more competent – takes his place (and his voters) instead. In that scenario, a Trump re-run would have been a better result.

Read more: Republicans should impeach Trump but cost now will be high


Glued to the impeachment? Some doodling, napping senators aren’t

By Latika Bourke

Now we bring you some snippets from reporters in the Capitol who are monitoring how other senators are receiving the presentations put forward by the Democratic House impeachment managers.

Pool reporters have reported that Republican Senator Rick Scott ”had a blank map of Asia on his desk and was writing on it like he was filling in the names of the countries”.

Yesterday, reporters said Scott was “studying what appeared to be a map of south-east Asia” during the impeachment proceedings.

And Republican Senator Rand Paul was reported to have spent the first day of arguments doodling.

According to CNN’s chief congressional correspondent, many senators aren’t even present and one who is, namely Democrat Bernie Sanders, has been having a snooze.

Trump’s First Amendment defence ‘wrong completely’

By Latika Bourke

House impeachment manager Joe Neguse is now taking on the First Amendment argument that has been put forward by Donald Trump’s team.

The First Amendment states that: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

Put simply, Trump is arguing that his right to free speech nullifies the charges of inciting an insurrection over which he was impeached by the House.

House impeachment manager Joe Neguse.

House impeachment manager Joe Neguse.Credit: Senate Television

But Neguse says that is “wrong completely”.

“To hear his lawyers tell it, he was just some guy at a rally expressing unpopular opinions,” Neguse said.

“They would have you believe that this whole impeachment is because he said things that one may disagree with. Really?”

Jamie Raskin, another House impeachment manager, adds: “It is a bedrock principle that nobody can incite a riot, the First Amendment doesn’t protect it.”

“The First Amendment does not create some superpower immunity from impeachment for a president who attacks the constitution in word and in deed while rejecting the outcome of an election he happened to lose,” he said.

Riot compromised US national security

By Latika Bourke

The impeachment hearing has resumed after a break.

House impeachment manager Joaquin Castro is outlining how the riot, which they say was incited by Donald Trump, compromised the United States’ national security by showing how the Capitol building could be breached, as well as allowing the interior of usually secret parts of the building to be broadcast to the world.

House impeachment manager Joaquin Castro.

House impeachment manager Joaquin Castro.Credit: Senate Television

Castro quoted responses from China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and state propaganda to show how the unrest had been exploited by rivals.

“President Trump gave the Chinese government an opening to create a false equivalency between Hong Kongers protesting for democracy and violent insurrectionists trying to overthrow it,” he said.

Castro also pointed to criticism from Russia and Iran.

“They’re using President Trump’s incitement of an insurrection to declare that democracy is over,” he told jurors.


Five more Proud Boys associates charged

By Latika Bourke

A group that has received a lot of attention from House impeachment managers is the far-right group Proud Boys.

Many members attended the rally and identify as supporters of Donald Trump.

People march with those who claim they are members of the Proud Boys as they attend a rally in Washington.

People march with those who claim they are members of the Proud Boys as they attend a rally in Washington.Credit: AP

Police have arrested and charged five more members, bringing to 18 the number who have been charged in relation to the riot.

Read more: Five more linked with Proud Boys charged for Capitol riot

Trump lawyers will only use one day to mount defence

By Latika Bourke

The hearing is taking a 15-minute break.

While senators refresh, it’s worth bringing your attention to a comment from Jason Miller, an adviser to Donald Trump.

Miller has confirmed a report by CNN that Trump’s legal team will only use one of their two days to mount their defence. Each side has 16 hours, over two days, to make their arguments.

The Democrats were allocated Wednesday and Thursday, leaving Friday and Saturday for Trump’s team.

But Miller said on Twitter: “We will finish up our presentation tomorrow/Friday.”

That could mean we might see a vote as early as Saturday, making this the fastest impeachment trial in history.

Officers ‘sustained brain injuries’ in riot

By Latika Bourke

House impeachment manager David Cicilline is now giving a presentation about the injuries caused to the Capitol building staff, including cleaners and police officers, during the riot.

At least 81 Capitol Police members and 65 members of the Metropolitan Police suffered injuries.

Evidence presented to Donald Trump’s impeachment trial details the loss of life and injuries sustained by police officers guarding the Capitol building.

Evidence presented to Donald Trump’s impeachment trial details the loss of life and injuries sustained by police officers guarding the Capitol building.Credit: Screengrab/CNBC

He said these included brain injuries, smashed ribs and, in one instance, an officer lost the tip of their finger.

Cicilline also detailed how officers reported instances of self-harm in the days after the riot and one female officer turned in her gun because she was afraid of what might happen.

Trump supporters beat down barricades and attacked police in a violent riot that left at least five dead, including two Capitol Police officers.

Trump supporters beat down barricades and attacked police in a violent riot that left at least five dead, including two Capitol Police officers.Credit: AP

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