

This was published 3 years ago

‘Perfect storm of risk’: Experts warn of more cases in coming days

By Melissa Cunningham and Liam Mannix

Epidemiologists have warned that COVID-19 will continue to leak out of quarantine unless more is urgently done to address the threat of aerosol transmission, after a hotel worker’s positive test forced Victoria to take a step back to mask-wearing and gathering limits.

The scientists’ warning comes after the 26-year-old, who had been serving as a resident support officer in the Australian Open quarantine program, tested positive and another returned traveller was suspected of being infected with a highly infectious strain of COVID-19 after viral particles spread from another guest’s hotel room.

Cars queue at a pop-up COVID-19 testing clinic at Wantirna Trash and Treasure market on Thursday.

Cars queue at a pop-up COVID-19 testing clinic at Wantirna Trash and Treasure market on Thursday.Credit: Paul Jeffers

Both cases are under investigation by the state’s public health team.

Premier Daniel Andrews said aerosol transmission – where the virus is spread by droplets in the air – could not be ruled out. “That is challenging – very, very challenging,” he said on Thursday.

“[The Australian Health Protection Principal Committee] has been dealing with some of these issues. No doubt this will be a feature of the report that I will give to national cabinet tomorrow.”

Professor Mike Toole, an epidemiologist at the Burnet Institute, said Australia should prepare for “more groundhog days” unless health authorities did more to prevent the aerosol transmission.

A quarantine worker at the Grand Hyatt tested positive.

A quarantine worker at the Grand Hyatt tested positive.Credit: Paul Jeffers

“We’ve had outbreaks in hotel quarantine in every capital city on the mainland since November,” he said.

“It’s really quite astonishing. We have to pay more attention to ventilation and provide quarantine staff with the very best masks. It is a pittance compared with the economic cost of ‘open borders, close borders, open borders again’. We need to throw resources at this problem. It is our only defence because we won’t reach population immunity from vaccination this year.”


Victorian quarantine workers will be at the head of the queue for the vaccine and should be getting their first shots by the end of the month.

Mr Andrews said he expected the Australian Open, due to start on Monday, would go ahead, and tournament boss Craig Tiley said organisers were going “full steam ahead” with the grand slam event as officials awaited test results from more than 500 players.

“We fully expect them all to test negative and continue with play tomorrow like we originally planned,” Tiley said.

Emergency Services Minister Lisa Neville said the new local case and potential COVID-19 transmission within hotel quarantine meant “something has gone wrong, no question about that”.


Ms Neville said that in light of the more virulent British strain, the government’s infection control teams were looking at different procedures.

“Things like in the health hotels, we use N95 masks when we’re moving infectious people, but we may need to do fitted masks, that could be one of the procedures we need to change,” she told radio station 3AW.

The 26-year-old Noble Park man’s case brought an end to Victoria’s 28-day run of zero community transmission. Genomic testing results, which will reveal if he is carrying one of the more virulent strains of the virus, are expected on Friday. Authorities said on Thursday he had a high viral load and was probably carrying the mutant British strain.

A massive testing and contact tracing operation is under way and hotel quarantine workers will now be tested on their days off.

The young man visited 14 exposure sites, including Kmart, Coles and Bunnings stores, before showing symptoms of the virus and there were long delays at testing sites across Melbourne on Thursday, with at least one in the city’s south-east having to close not long after it opened.

The Health Department said on Thursday evening that investigations carried out by contact tracers had revealed 17 social and household close contacts of the worker, nine of whom have so far tested negative with further results to come.

Late on Thursday night, the Health Department released more information saying 15 of the 17 close contacts of the worker has tested negative and the final two results were expected on Friday.

Other states are watching the situation closely with NSW screening passengers arriving on flights from Melbourne. The South Australian and Queensland borders are staying open but WA Premier Mark McGowan said that a planned relaxation of border controls to Victoria would be paused.

On Wednesday, the Victorian government revealed a returned traveller in hotel quarantine had tested positive to the exact same British variant of the coronavirus as a family staying across the hall, with health authorities suspecting the viral load was so high in the family’s room that particles had spread across the corridor.


A member of the family recalled opening the hotel room door – either to collect food or put out laundry – at the same time as someone in the room opposite opened their door. CCTV footage has not shown any occasion on which members of the two rooms left their rooms at the same time.

The cases have reignited debate around Australia’s hotel quarantine program, with some experts arguing high-rise hotels were never designed for this purpose and that further outbreaks are inevitable.

Epidemiologist Mary-Louise McLaws, an adviser to the World Health Organisation, said the sheer number of exposure sites the hotel quarantine worker had visited in recent days, along with increasing concerns he was infected with the highly infectious British super-strain, had created a “perfect storm of risk”.

“With the variant, they’re up to 70 per cent more infectious,” Professor McLaws said. “It is highly likely that this poor young man will have inadvertently caused infection around Melbourne, so I think Melburnians need to be ready for a problem.”

Professor McLaws said Australian authorities had failed to develop a quarantine program that acknowledged the serious threat posed by opportunistic airborne spread of the virus. She wants a purpose-built quarantine building with corridors and rooms that have at least 10 airflow changes per hour.

“The hotel quarantine program should only have been an emergency response to get Australians and residents back home,” she said. “Unfortunately it has become the norm.”

Questions remain about how and when the young man became infected. He tested negative on January 29, his last day working at the quarantine hotel. In the ensuing days, he developed symptoms and then was tested again on February 2, returning a positive test.

Associate Professor Paul Griffin, a COVID-19 testing expert at the University of Queensland, said it can take several days after a person is exposed for the virus to build up high enough levels in their body that it can be detected.

On average, it takes five days for a person to test positive after being exposed. However, this can vary widely, from one to 14 days.

“[Exposure] could have been a small number of days before that positive test – two or three, or up to 14. But most likely around that five days before. Somewhere in the preceding week would be most likely,” he said.

University of Sydney infectious diseases expert Professor Robert Booy said the next 48 hours would be crucial.

“One case by itself doesn’t seem like much, but because two days before he became symptomatic he went to at least half a dozen locations right around Melbourne there are a lot more people at risk,” Professor Booy said.

However, he said the state government had so far done all it could to curb the spread of the virus and he was hopeful any outbreak would be contained swiftly by Victoria’s bolstered contact tracing system and mass testing.

“They’re acting as fast as is humanly possible,” he said.

University of South Australia biostatistics and epidemiology professor Adrian Esterman said the prospect of a short and sharp lockdown could not be ruled out if more cases emerged in the next 24 to 48 hours or if the man was confirmed to be infected with the UK strain of the virus.

“If it does turn out to be the UK variant, it’s of much more concern because it is much more contagious,” he said. “I am hopeful it won’t come to another lockdown. I have had criticism this morning for saying this and been told I am being alarmist, but if it is the UK variant, I am not being alarmist at all, I am being very sensible.”

Professor Esterman said it was important to remember that only 10 to 20 per cent of people cause 80 per cent of cases. “In other words, the majority of infected people are not very infectious,” he said.

Professor Toole said the man’s high viral load elevated the risk he could have passed the virus on at some of the venues he went to because face masks were not mandated at that time.


“Given what we know now about aerosol transmission it’s not unlikely that he infected someone else, but it’s such a guessing game,” Professor Toole said. “There’s a lot of luck in this whole sequence of events.”

Deputy Chief Health Officer Allen Cheng announced there would be new measures to test hotel quarantine workers including testing them after they finish a run of shifts and on their days off.

Meanwhile, Mr Andrews said he would consider moving hotel quarantine away from Melbourne and into regional areas if health experts and national cabinet suggested the proposal, but it didn’t remove all “risk” of the virus escaping quarantine.

Up to 600 people associated with the Australian Open have been told to isolate after being identified as casual contacts of the quarantine hotel worker who tested positive.

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