


Where are we at with COVID-19 variants – and what are they?

What risk do these new variants pose? How did they evolve? And how will they affect our vaccines?


Somewhere in the world, there is a person who is very, very sick. Perhaps they have leukaemia, a cancer of the blood, treated with a cocktail of toxins we call chemotherapy. Perhaps they have an autoimmune disease, so doctors are pumping drugs into their system to stop their immune system attacking their body and help them heal. Or maybe they have simply battled a rattling cough and a persistent lethargy for months.

Different cases with a common thread: their immune systems are exhausted, their defences are down.

Such people represent one possible origin story for the sudden raft of coronavirus variants that seem to have emerged across the globe and that are now hitting closer to home in Australia.

First, B.1.1.7 was linked to a dramatic increase in cases in Britain; an escaped case sent Brisbane into a snap lockdown while an outbreak from hotel quarantine has led to a five-day shutdown in Victoria where Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton has described the variant as “super-infectious” and Premier Daniel Andrews has warned that it is “moving at a velocity that has not been seen anywhere in our country over the course of these last 12 months”.

South Africa, meanwhile, has been facing its own surge from a variant known as N501Y.V2. And a third variant, more mysterious still, is being linked to a spike of infections in a Brazilian city thought to have achieved herd immunity.

Since the world started to wake up to the threat posed by variants, many countries have extensive programs of genomic surviellence to try to spot mutations as they arise. That has led the US to spot two new variants of concern, B.1.427 and B.1.429, in California.

The rise of variants is an expected part of any viral pandemic. But these viruses caught scientists somewhat by surprise – and now threaten to accelerate an already out-of-control pandemic even as countries race to vaccinate their populations.


Where do these mutants come from? What risk do they pose? How will they affect our vaccines? And what can we do about them?

 An electron-microscope image of the COVID-19 virus.

An electron-microscope image of the COVID-19 virus.Credit: CSIRO

What is a variant – is it a mutant, or a new strain?

While “mutant” might bring to mind a vision of a three-headed comic-book creature, the scientific meaning is less scary: a mutation is a random change in an organism’s genetic code - when one of the letters of the code is switched out for another as the code is copied – and this is what happens in the case of a virus replicating inside our cells.

Often, these changes have no effect on the organism. Sometimes, they can change the way it looks or functions.

A variant is a virus with a collection of mutations – such as B.1.1.7, also known as the Kent variant – that turns up often enough for scientists to take an interest.

That’s different from a strain, which denotes essentially a whole new virus type, or a virus that has changed so much it causes different symptoms. B.1.1.7 is a variant of SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV-2 is a strain of coronavirus.

It was Christmas, but not as Londoners knew it after the city went into lockdown as a new COVID variant took hold.

It was Christmas, but not as Londoners knew it after the city went into lockdown as a new COVID variant took hold. Credit: Getty Images

Where did these variants come from?

As late as December 13, British health officials thought they had at least some measure of control over their epidemic. On that day alone, the country recorded 21,988 new cases and 419 deaths, and was in the middle of stage three lockdown. But Britain would still be getting a four-day lockdown break for Christmas, Prime Minister Boris Johnson pledged.

Within a few days, he had changed his mind. Daily cases would soon peak at 81,520. Much of the country was pushed into tier-four lockdown. For London, Christmas was cancelled.

Driving much of that surge, Johnson claimed, was a new and fast-spreading variant of COVID-19 known as B.1.1.7. A mutant.

B.1.1.7 first emerged in the academic literature as a footnote, a new variant slotted into a widening family tree as scientists sequenced the viral genomes from sick Britons. The first genomic report to mention it found just two samples; the scientists did not even bother remarking on it. Genomic databases would later show the first sample was taken in Kent on September 20.

But B.1.1.7 wasn’t just another member of a growing family. When you draw a COVID-19 family tree, it has so many mutations it sticks right out like a rogue branch.


Meanwhile, in late November, three testing labs in England started to report strange results from some of their COVID-19 tests. These tests target three genes in the virus, including one coded for the virus’s spike. The tests showed positive for two of the genes, but the spike was blank. A malfunction in the test, perhaps? But the malfunctioning test numbers kept growing – on charts, a black line that keeps shooting up and up.

Other scientists were investigating B.1.1.7′s rogue tree branch. The virus had, somehow, amassed 17 mutations – far more than scientists would expect in such a slow-mutating virus. Eight of those were to the spike protein, subtly changing its shape. One mutation, scientists eventually realised, would cause standard COVID-19 tests to miss the spike.

That’s what the testing labs were seeing. The tests weren’t malfunctioning. B.1.1.7 was everywhere. By the week of December 9, B.1.1.7 made up 62 per cent of cases in London.

Britain was in the middle of a viral surge so scientists expect to see more cases of all variants. But B.1.1.7 was growing disproportionately, outcompeting its cousins.

“The really compelling thing for me is it is not just spreading rapidly in itself, but it is replacing all the other strains in the population,” leading University of Sydney virologist Professor Edward Holmes told the ABC. “And that suggests it has some advantages, it’s fitter, it’s doing better, it’s transmitting more readily.”

It has now spread around the world, with hundreds of infections detected as far apart as Denmark, the US, South Korea and Peru. As of February 11, Australia had recorded 82 cases.

On the eve of Victoria’s snap lockdown, B.1.1.7 made up 75 per cent of the state’s hotel quarantine cases. Since leaking out into the community, it was spreading so fast it threatened to overwhelm contact tracing efforts. Sutton described “individuals who are becoming symptomatic, testing positive, who have already infected their close contacts.”


What are the differences between the three known variants?

So far, scientists are most concerned by three variants of COVID-19: B.1.1.7, first spotted in Britain, 501Y.V2, first spotted in South Africa (you’ll also hear this one referred to as B.1.351) and P.1, first spotted in Brazil.

Under a standard electron microscope, all these viruses look identical: little spheres covered in spikes.

To infect a human cell, one of those spikes needs to fit into a slot on a human cell – a receptor called ACE2.

The virus that emerged out of Wuhan wasn’t very good at doing that. Often, the spike would bounce off its target, or slip out of its grip.

The new variants are much improved. All three possess a mutation called N501Y, which slightly changes the shape of the tip of the spike, allowing it to bind tighter to human cells. There is now significant evidence that B.1.1.7 and B.1.351 (the Kent and South African variants) at least, are substantially more transmissible.


The South African and Brazilian variants add a pair of extra mutations, K417T and E484K, which together hide part of the spikes targeted by human antibodies.

These mutations are of most concern to scientists. There is now significant evidence they reduce the effectiveness of antibodies, a key tool of the immune system – and of vaccines.

The United States, despite its enormous number of infections and deaths, has long lagged in the co-ordinated genomic surveillance effort needed to spot new variants. But after the emergence of the Kent variant, that effort has ramped up, and several new variants have been spotted.

Scientists debate whether any of these variants carry important mutations. Two that have attracted the most attention – the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has classified them as variants of concern – were found in California carrying a mutation called L452R, which effects the shape of the spike protein. There is preliminary evidence that variant causes higher levels of virus to build up in the nose, potentially making it more infectious. There is also some evidence it may cut the effectiveness of current vaccines. However, that evidence is hotly debated.

Were we expecting mutations?

Part of what makes the new mutants so troubling is they were, to an extent, unexpected. Viruses naturally mutate over time, as random changes in their genetic code accumulate and change their shape and function. Since it left Wuhan, COVID-19′s family tree has branched and branched until the original virus is almost undetectable around the world. Everything is variants.

The chances of a virus evolving to be fitter – more transmissible, better at avoiding immunity – was 100 per cent,” wrote Professor Brendan Crabb, director of the Burnet Institute, on Twitter. “And it was 100 per cent predictable the more virus there is, the faster this would occur.”

But COVID-19 is slow to change – about two to four times slower than the flu, says Dr Sebastian Duchene, who studies viral evolution at the Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity. That’s because, unlike the flu, it incorporates a genetic proofreader that picks up typos in its code.

Scientists have watched as it has shown perhaps one or two mutations a month. At that slow rate of change, big pandemic-altering mutations seem unlikely, at least in the short-term.

But B.1.1.7 and the other variants have a lot more changes than that. The variant spotted in South Africa, 501Y.V2, has nine changes to its spike protein alone. P.1, the variant emerging in Brazil, has 20 changes, including three in the spike.

These variants appear to have outpaced evolution. How?


“The fact is, we do not know but the rapid appearance of these changes is faster than expected,” says Associate Professor Stuart Turville, a virologist at the Kirby Institute.

One leading theory: immuno-compromised patients, like the ones we met earlier.

With no immune system to mount a defence, COVID-19 could live inside their bodies for months, replicating again and again, rapidly accelerating evolution.

They may have even been treated with convalescent plasma, which contains antibodies from recovered patients; it would wipe out all variants of the virus except any lucky enough to have randomly developed resistance. Empowered with its new mutations and unhindered by competition, that virus could jump away and spread.

Several of these patients, their bodies filled with mutation-carrying viruses, have already been found – although no patient zero yet.

“This is probably an uncommon situation, but we have seen an increase in evolutionary rates within patients in other viruses, like HIV and influenza,” says Duchene.

Why would these ultra-rare events happen now? The simple maths of probability: the more infections you have (we just passed 100 million confirmed cases worldwide) the more chance of an extremely rare event happening. “It is absolutely a direct link,” says Professor Trevor Drew, director of the Australian Centre for Disease Preparedness.

People with oxygen bottles outside an oxygen supplier in Manaus, Brazil during a second wave of COVID that may have been caused by a variant.

People with oxygen bottles outside an oxygen supplier in Manaus, Brazil during a second wave of COVID that may have been caused by a variant. Credit: Getty Images

What effect are these variants likely to have?

One theory often promoted by opponents of lockdown – and officials appointed by former US president Donald Trump – is that natural herd immunity will bring the virus under control. Rather than lock down, we should embrace infections to bring a quick end to the pandemic, they argue. Once enough people have been infected and developed antibodies, the virus will have nowhere to go and die out.

Ground zero for that idea: Manaus, Brazil. In September, scientists suggested the city had reached herd immunity, with 66 per cent of the population now having antibodies to COVID-19 (the cost: thousands of deaths).

With so many people already immune, Manaus should largely have COVID-19 under control, the thinking goes. Instead, in mid-December the virus again started racing through the city’s streets. The city’s hospitals are more packed than during the first wave; some are running out of oxygen and ventilators. So much for herd immunity.

What’s gone wrong? One theory: a mutant. In late December, scientists identified a new variant, P.1, containing an array of mutations that, in the South African variant, seem to convey significant antibody resistance.

A South African study that has not yet been peer reviewed tested the blood of 44 patients who had already recovered from COVID-19 – and therefore should theoretically be immune – against the South African variant. Some 21 had no detectable neutralising antibody activity (the same study has not yet been done on P.1).

Scientists don’t yet know if that means they are vulnerable to infection. “Keep in mind that neutralising antibodies are only one part of our immune response. Scientists will [also] be looking at T cell responses,” says Professor Michael Toole, an epidemiologist at the Burnet Institute.

But it’s not a promising sign.

Manaus, a city that thought it had achieved herd immunity may now face a new invader from which few are protected.

This is the chilling threat that COVID-19′s new variants pose: a faster-spreading virus that is able to evade our immune defences.

A health worker carries out a COVID-19 testing at the Merrylands drive-through clinic in Sydney.

A health worker carries out a COVID-19 testing at the Merrylands drive-through clinic in Sydney.Credit: Getty Images

Are the mutations more deadly?

On January 23, the British government’s chief medical and scientific officers announced they had emerging evidence B.1.1.7 was more deadly. But, at this stage, that claim needs to be interpreted with caution. The evidence is very early-stage. The government’s advisers can say only that there is “a realistic possibility” the virus is more deadly.

The government review used to make the claim contained data from three studies, by the London School of Tropical Medicine, Imperial College London and the University of Exeter, which came back with increased mortality (death) estimates ranging between 1.08 and 2.71.

One study looked at 2583 deaths, of which 384 had B.1.1.7. Another covered 152 deaths, of which 86 had B.1.1.7.

And it is hard to disentangle this data from the out-of-control epidemic situation in Britain.

“It’s too easy to just lay the blame on the variant and say, ‘It’s the virus that did it’,” Dr Mike Ryan, the World Health Organisation’s executive director of health emergencies, said in mid-January. “Unfortunately, it’s also what we didn’t do that did it, and we have to be able to accept our share individually and as communities, as governments, our share of the responsibility in this virus getting out of control.”

At this stage, there is no significant evidence the South African, Brazilian or Californian variants significantly increase the risk of severe illness. But even if they are not more deadly, more cases means more deaths.

“If you have something that kills 1 per cent of people but a huge number of people get it, that’s going to result in more deaths than something that a small number of people get but it kills 2 per cent of them,” Adam Kucharski, a modeller at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine told Science Magazine’s Kai Kupferschmidt.

Daniel Andrews announces a snap shutdown on February 12.

Daniel Andrews announces a snap shutdown on February 12.Credit: Getty Images

What effect will this have on the vaccine?

When our immune system encounters a pathogen, it makes many, many different shapes of antibody. Some don’t work. Some work partially. And some bind perfectly, gumming up the virus. Throw enough mud at the wall, as the saying goes, and some of it will stick.

A small change in a virus’s shape, therefore, might allow it to evade one antibody, but others should still block it.

B.1.1.7 has nine changes to amino acids on its spike protein – out of more than 1270. There is still plenty there to grab on to. It takes a string of mutations to fully evade antibodies; so far, we only have evidence the South African variant might be able to do this.

That does not mean any variant can evade vaccines. Jabs from Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca generate such a strong immune response – much stronger than a natural infection – that scientists expect, even if the new variants can partially resist them, they will still be covered.

“They will potentially cut the potency of the vaccine response, but not in my view eliminate it,” says Professor Damian Purcell, head of the molecular virology laboratory in at the Doherty Institute. “One thing we do recognise with vaccine-induced antibodies is you get much, much higher levels of antibodies than you do with infection. We think the level of potency you get with these additional changes will not be enough to allow the virus to escape.”

What do we know about the vaccines for Australia?

Efficacy and effectiveness: two words that sound the same but mean slightly different things, at least when it comes to vaccines. Efficacy is how well the vaccine works in clinical trials. Effectiveness is how well it works in the real world. All vaccines that have finished phase three trials have efficacy data; it is only once they are being given in the real world that effectiveness data starts to emerge. So what do we know about the vaccines for Australia?  

AstraZeneca / Oxford (two doses)

Type of vaccine: Adenovirus vector

Data on efficacy: Interim data showed the vaccine was 62 per cent efficacious at preventing symptomatic COVID-19 on recommended two doses. Phase three showed up to 90 per cent for patients receiving half dose followed by full dose. Of the 11,636 people given a vaccine, none developed serious illness or died.

What that means: AstraZeneca’s vaccine is likely to offer between 62 per cent and 90 per cent protection against catching COVID-19 and developing symptoms. It is unclear if it will protect you from asymptomatic COVID-19. It is likely but not proven if it will reduce your chances of passing the virus on to others. It seems likely the vaccine will protect you from serious illness or death.

Rollout: Approved in UK, 53 million doses expected in Australia from February after TGA approval.

Pfizer/BioNTech (two doses)

Type of vaccine: mRNA vaccine

Data on efficacy: Full phase three results show the vaccine is 95 per cent efficacious at preventing symptomatic COVID-19. Of 21,720 people given the vaccine, only case of severe illness was detected.

What that means: Pfizer’s vaccine is likely to offer offer 95 per cent protection against catching COVID-19 and developing symptoms. It is unclear if it will protect you from asymptomatic COVID-19. It is likely but not proven if it will reduce your chances of passing the virus on to others. It seems likely the vaccine will protect you from serious illness or death.

Rollout: Provisionally approved in Australia in January, rollout likely in late February.

Novavax (two doses)

Type of vaccine: Protein

Data on efficacy: Novavax is the first company to report efficaciousness against different COVID-19 variants. Against the strain that emerged from Wuhan, it is 95.6 per cent efficacious against symptomatic COVID-19; that drops to 85.6 per cent against the variant first spotted in Britain, and around 49 per cent efficacious against the South African strain. There were no cases of serious illness or death.

What that means: Novavax’s vaccine will offer between 49 and 95 per cent protection against catching COVID-19 and developing symptoms, depending on the variant encountered. It is unclear if it will protect you from asymptomatic COVID-19. It is likely but not proven it will reduce your chances of passing the virus on to others. It seems likely the vaccine will protect you from serious illness or death.

Rollout: Australia has ordered 51 million doses for import mid to late 2021.

That’s what the early laboratory evidence showed: the new variants modestly cut, but do not fully cancel, the efficacy of the vaccine. So we should be “full steam ahead with vaccine roll-out, here and everywhere”, says Professor Crabb.

But two human trials that have just been released may undercut that. As part of phase three trials, first Novavax and then Johnson & Johnson reported their vaccines were substantially less effective – as low as 49 per cent – against the South African variant. Importantly, no one in Johnson & Johnson’s trial was hospitalised or died, suggesting but not confirming the vaccine provides protection against serious illness even when facing the South African variant.

A third trial, on AstraZeneca’s vaccine, reported even more troubling results. Published in the New England Journal of Medicine on March 16, it studied 1011 adults given the vaccine in South Africa.

In a group given a placebo vaccine, 23 caught the virus. In the group given the real vaccine, 19 did, which suggests the vaccine’s efficacy against the variant was low. The trial is small, so its results need to be treated with caution – but on the basis of that result, the South African government said it would pause rollout of the vaccine. The trial was not designed to be able to tell if the vaccine provided protection from serious disease and death.

AstraZeneca and several other vaccine developers are now working on boosters to cover the variants.


Britain, facing a tight supply of vaccine and an overwhelmed healthcare system, has decided to delay the vaccine’s crucial second dose. It’s not clear what that will mean for immunity; the doses were tested in pairs.

But some scientists fear it could leave a pool of people with partial immunity. In a worst-case scenario, a virus variant with partial resistance may be able to hang around long enough in their bodies to mutate into something with full resistance to the vaccine.

One small Italian study has already shown what can happen: the team exposed SARS-CoV-2 to low levels of antibodies. Within three months, the virus had picked up mutations that made it immune to the antibodies.

On the other hand, there are few examples of viruses that have managed to mutate around a vaccine; the flu manages this trick because of a uniquely unstable genome. And vaccine manufacturers such as Moderna are already working on “booster shots” to cover any variants.

– with Adam Carey

This explainer was originally published on February 1 and has been updated to reflect new information about vaccines as it has come to hand, and the five-day lockdown in Victoria.

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