

This was published 3 years ago

Sweeping hack of US government 'likely Russian in origin'

By Eric Tucker

Washington: Top national security agencies in a rare joint statement have confirmed that Russia was likely responsible for a massive hack of US government departments and corporations, rejecting President Donald Trump's claim that China might be to blame.

The statement represented the government's first formal attempt to assign responsibility for the breaches at several agencies and to assign a possible motive for the operation. It said the hacks appeared to be part of an “intelligence-gathering," suggesting the evidence so far pointed to a Russian spying effort rather than an attempt to damage or disrupt US government operations.

“This is a serious compromise that will require a sustained and dedicated effort to remediate,” said the statement, distributed by a cyber working group comprised of the FBI and other investigative agencies.

Former Attorney-General William Barr always said the likely hacker was Russia.

Former Attorney-General William Barr always said the likely hacker was Russia. Credit: Bloomberg

US officials, including Attorney General William Barr and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and cybersecurity experts have previously said Russia was to blame. But Trump, in a series of tweets late last month, sought to downplay the severity of the hack and raised the unsubstantiated idea that China could be responsible.

The statement released Wednesday morning AEDT makes clear that that is not the case, saying the intrusions are likely “Russian in origin”.

The US National Nuclear Security Administration, which maintains the US nuclear weapons stockpile, is among the departments that have found evidence of hacking.

The Treasury Department, Homeland Security Department, Defence Department and National Institutes of Health are also believed to have been hacked, alongside private firms such as cable giant Cox Communications.

The hackers have been monitoring government networks since March after compromising the widely-used software made by IT company SolarWinds Corp.

The hackers inserted malicious code into otherwise legitimate software updates in what is known as a supply-chain attack, because it infects software while it's being assembled.


President-elect Joe Biden said he would make cyber-security - and dealing with this specific breach - a top priority for his administration.


"There’s a lot we don’t yet know, but what we do know is a matter of great concern," Biden said in a statement in December

Democratic congressman Jason Crow, a member of the House Armed Services Committee, said on MSNBC last month: "I don't think we can overstate how dangerous this is for our country right now".

"Breathtaking is a word that certainly comes to mind for me - that's why earlier today I referred to this as our modern-day cyber Pear Harbour. Both the depth and the breadth of the breach is incredible."

Russia has denied involvement in the hack.


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