

This was published 3 years ago

Murdoch students, academics face 'dead ends' as uni looks to axe degrees

By Aja Styles

Murdoch University plans to rewrite its education script by proposing to axe traditional science, technology, engineering and mathematics degrees, along with Indonesian, radio, theatre and drama studies.

In a leaked email, Murdoch provost Romy Lawson briefed staff on a proposal in which STEM would no longer have majors or minors but become "foundational disciplines" for other courses and majors, keeping only "specialised STEM to progress our world-leading research in Health, Food and the Environment".

Murdoch University proposes radical plan that will demote science and math academics, while eradicating some courses altogether in 2021 shake-up.

Murdoch University proposes radical plan that will demote science and math academics, while eradicating some courses altogether in 2021 shake-up.Credit: Aja Styles

It's part of a major shake-up to disciplines the university does not deem viable, which will see prospective and current students finding courses and majors within those disciplines suspended with "a view to progress to discontinuation", while viable units will be repositioned with other disciplines or redesigned for "contemporary delivery".

Chemistry, physics, maths and statistics, and economics won't extend beyond the units needed for entry into other degrees, while radio, Indonesian, theatre and drama will be "taught out" with no future student intake and possible staff redundancies.

Engineering, renewables and energy will be redesigned into new, potentially online, disciplines to attract international students.

"This curriculum management is a result of multiple factors, including analysis of student enrolments, expected future demand, alignment with our strategic goals, the need to safeguard our financial sustainability, as well as how the government will drive university funding in the future," Professor Lawson said.

At a Committee for Economic Development Australia panel in September, Murdoch vice chancellor Eeva Leinonen made clear her intention to tap into the Commonwealth's job-ready National Priorities and Industry Linkage Fund to better align business and industry to universities.

"The purpose of that group is to advise the minister on how we could bring industry and business closer with universities, and particularly through education," she said.

"We have $900 million that we will be looking at how to distribute that to universities over a four-year period."


In a consultation paper to staff, the university outlined its 10-year plan to 2027 to accelerate its shift to "digital-readiness", build up students in "areas of market demand", deliver research based on KPIs set by government funding performance models, "invest in the right areas" and keep pace with sectoral structural forces, like Education Minister Dan Tehan's "job ready" graduate reforms.


Casual teachers will not have their contracts renewed next year and academics in STEM will have their positions made redundant or demoted to "teaching intensive" positions, which prohibits them from seeking research funding. The move has gutted staff and left the union worried.

"One area of grave concern is the proposal that foundational units are to be taught by teaching-focused staff," National Tertiary Education Union WA secretary Catherine Moore said.

"This effectively creates a career dead-end for traditional academics as they would not receive any research allocation.

"We are also concerned about the impact on staff and students of the decision to either end, realign or redesign units which will see some students redirected onto different pathways or transferred to other universities."

Dr Moore said she was concerned the criteria being applied by the university seemed to be "more about commercial viability than about students, although there are exceptions for trans-national education".

There were also discrepancies between how the university was treating its veterinary science course – which failed to meet a greater than 54 per cent revenue-over-cost criteria – and its STEM courses.

"The university also seems to recognise the importance of keeping the disciplines that reflect their brand and reputation, like the Veterinary Sciences hospital which reportedly makes a loss and is a major drain financially," Dr Moore said.

"But in this case they will keep it, despite it not meeting their revenue requirements for a course, as an exception."

A university spokesman said it was wrong to suggest that these decisions were purely driven by financial reasons.

"With the changes we are proposing, our humanities, arts and social science students will be able to augment their learning and career opportunities, by building their STEM knowledge as part of their degree, and we are doing this by moving towards a 'STEM Everywhere' model," he said.

"This means a Bachelor of Commerce student wanting to specialise in analytics or a criminology student wanting to specialise in cybercrime will have the flexibility to incorporate STEM elements into their degree."

He also said those teaching STEM will "retain the opportunity to maintain their scholarship and research currency" and PhD students will continue under the normal arrangements.

"We are committed to ensuring that all students in an impacted course or major will not be disadvantaged in their studies," he said.

"Any student who has already commenced a Bachelor of Arts majoring in Indonesian, radio or theatre and drama will be able to complete their degree at Murdoch University.

"Some of the individual units from some of the suspended majors and minors will be repositioned into other offerings."

Murdoch continues to offer counter-terrorism, law and criminology, creative arts and social sciences, business, veterinary medicine, teaching and nursing courses, among others.

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