

This was published 4 years ago

Roza's run to Tiffany's in the rules

By Stephen Brook and Samantha Hutchinson

The pro-business candidacy of nightclub king Nick Russian for the City of Melbourne lord mayoralty risks being upended by a trip to Tiffany's.

Nick and Rozalia Russian.

Nick and Rozalia Russian.Credit: Getty Images

Rozalia Russian, the candidate's wife and Instagram influencer, was spotted on Friday at Tiffany & Co, clutching two shopping bags in the luxury jewellery retailer's signature light medium robin egg blue known as Tiffany's Blue.

Not a good look, considering the city was in the grip of a stage-four lockdown, and click-and-collect trips to Tiffany's do not count as shopping for pandemic essentials.

Roza's effervescent stylist, Elliot Garnaut, chronicled the event on his Instagram.

Garnaut, son of financial adviser Chris Garnaut and wife Kathy, is also the official stylist of the VRC and Chadstone, and dubbed his client "First Lady Roz", which seemed highly premature and endearingly optimistic.

Rozalia Russian and Elliot Garnaut visit Tiffany & Co in Melbourne.

Rozalia Russian and Elliot Garnaut visit Tiffany & Co in Melbourne.Credit: Instagram 

All within the rules, Nick Russian told CBD. "My wife works with Tiffany & Co in Australia and as part of her role, picked up a loan product to photograph at our home from the Collins Street store within the 5 kilometre radius. Appropriate measures were of course taken including 'click and collect' with no one allowed inside the store," Russian said.

So there you have it, Melbourne's first essential services photoshoot.

"We will absolutely continue to support CBD businesses at every opportunity, adhering to all regulations, and if this is what some councillors are focused on right now then it is no wonder that business is crippled in Melbourne," he continued.


Oh really Nick. The thought that Sally Capp and Nicholas Reece have the time to trawl through Instagram for damaging titbits to use against you is laughable. Arron Wood, maybe.

Picking up the bar tab

At the Victorian Bar it's still all sturm und drang. The Bar's 2192 fee-paying members (of which 314 are silk) are feeling the squeeze, with COVID-19 shutting the courts, leaving many barristers out of work.

Thus continuing unhappiness over Bar expenditure. A dinner hosted by outgoing Victorian Bar president Matt Collins QC at his South Yarra home back in November, first reported by CBD, is continuing to cause ructions.

One lawyer, in an attempt to discover the cost of the function, attended by Attorney-General Christian Porter, termed it an "exclusive banquet thrown for Matt Collins in his efforts to get a judicial position". Ouch.

Now barristers are frustrated by equally futile attempts to uncover the cost of a study trip to London earlier this year by Bar president Wendy Harris QC, chief executive Katherine Lorenz and a junior barrister.

Barristers are exchanging emails about the "fact-finding mission", accompanied by dark mutterings of "business-class" expenditure.

Then there are two reports, one by consultancy firm Nous into the Bar Readers Course, the other by consultancy firm Adept Research, into the Bar's hospitality venue, the Essoign Club.

Barrister Graham Robertson of Owen Dixon Chambers West has been leading the charge, describing chief executive Lorenz as having an "addiction to consultants".

President Harris has sharply returned fire, telling Robertson in an email that Lorenz found the "persistent denigration" of her management of the Bar "distressing, offensive and hurtful".

"She has weathered the challenges in a way which fills me, and my Bar Council colleagues, with admiration and respect. But the unnecessary personal nature of the criticism levelled at her, and management of the Bar office, cannot help but take a toll."

Harris told Robertson to back off. "I would ask respectfully but firmly that in your future communications you desist from personal denigration of the CEO and the team that she leads. I have no doubt that you can convey your views to your readership without doing so."

Robertson wrote back that he didn't accept the characterisation of his recent emails. "On that we shall have to agree to disagree."

Over before it began

Mat Hilakari is either brave, crazy brave, or just plain crazy. The low-key Socialist Left convenor, is the senior adviser to former mental health minister Martin Foley, just promoted to the post of health minister after the weekend dramas. Hilakari, who happens to be the brother of Trades Hall secretary Luke, is the only bloke so far to announce he is a candidate to replace fallen health minister Jenny Mikakos in her upper house seat.

But problems abound. Not only do senior party officials want a like-for-like replacement for the former health minister, who fell on her sword and resigned from Parliament after the hotel quarantine inquiry. But pressure group Emily's List has come out forcefully against any man replacing Mikakos, pointing out that the last vacancy was filled by a man, and that the ALP caucus representation would fall to 46.6 per cent if another man replaced Mikakos, which is in no way equal.

But this may be the clincher. Hilakari owns a home with partner Cassie Farley, the Australian Services Union organiser. That home is in Seaford, a mere 60km from the southern-most fringe of Mikakos's Northern Metropolitan Region electorate. Sounds like his candidacy is dead in the water.

Eccles escape option

Chris Eccles prefers to operate behind the scenes. But Victoria's top public servant couldn't avoid the spotlight during the hotel quarantine inquiry last week.

The Department of Premier and Cabinet secretary, known in wonkish circles as the "Surfing Mandarin" for his favourite hobby, was revealed as the recipient of text messages from Victoria Police chief Graham Ashton pointedly asked about the policy to guard hotel quarantine guests.

Eccles' fate after the inquiry hands down its findings is an unknown unknown. Whatever occurs, he has the character-building experience of his time working for the NSW government to fall back on.

Eccles was NSW's most senior public servant under Liberal premier Barry O'Farrell.

He left the job early when O'Farrell resigned after that problematic bottle of Grange in 2014. Incoming premier Mike Baird made no effort to keep him.

Eccles left and took home a $343,095 payout. In an interview, he admitted he referred to himself as "Mr Wolf" in conversations with government staff (a reference to Quentin Tarantino's Pulp Fiction).

"When I was explaining to people some part of what the role involved, there was a proportion of the job which was just cleaning up stuff," he helpfully explained.

Less than a year later he bought a beachfront holiday house in Guerilla Bay on the NSW South Coast.

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