


Why do whales beach themselves and how do you save them?

Strandings are often heartbreaking and mysterious. So how do they happen? What goes on during a rescue? And are we getting any better at saving whales?


Rescuers say the noise is the hardest part. When whales are stranded on a beach, they keep calling to one another. Sometimes others will come in from safe water to join their dying pod.

Like humans, whales and orcas move through life alongside family and friends. But instead of GPS, they navigate with sound through echolocation, even in the empty darkness of the deep. Whales have been recorded calling to each other between Britain and the Carribean. The voices of humpbacks are so powerful that one note could travel the globe, says expert Wally Franklin, who has been studying whales for 30 years up north at Hervey Bay. “Our first sense is our eyes,” he says. “For whales, they start at their ears.”

But sometimes, something throws off this well-honed sonar and leads the whales astray, to where they were never made to go: land.

A rescue team at Macquarie Harbour   in Tasmania on September 24.

A rescue team at Macquarie Harbour in Tasmania on September 24.Credit: Getty Images

Why whales beach themselves is still largely a mystery, even after centuries of recorded strandings. Now, as humans deplete fish stocks and make noise of our own in the oceans, as water temperatures rise and ocean currents change, these events seem to be happening more and more.

In September 2020, more than 500 pilot whales washed up in Tasmania’s remote and treacherous Macquarie Harbour – the largest stranding in Australia’s history. Five long days of gruelling rescue efforts sent more than 100 back out to sea. Some survived; others returned to strand again alongside their beached pod.

For the whales themselves, marine biologist Olaf Meynecke describes a mass stranding like this: imagine trying to find a door in a pitch black room while hearing your loved ones screaming for help on the other side. “When one whale gets into trouble, it calls,” he says. “Like we would, some whales will choose their relatives over their own survival; they’ll try to reach them. The calls they make are very disturbing. They’re not normal calls. You can hear it in their voice, the distress.”


So how do strandings happen? What goes on during a rescue? And are we getting any better at saving whales?

(And a warning: this content may be distressing)

What are the likely causes of strandings?

Whales can strand alone, often sick and unable to keep swimming. A sperm whale might wash up with a belly full of plastic. Or animals can strand in groups, as commonly happens with pilot whales and other orcas such as killer whales. The biggest stranding on record involved more than 1000 pilot whales in New Zealand in 1918.

Marine scientist Vanessa Pirotta says there are plenty of theories, from misadventure to navigation errors. Food shortages could be to blame, forcing whales to travel into less familiar waters to chase prey closer to shore, as could a flight from predators, poor weather or changes to the nutrient-rich sea currents that whales follow around the world.

Earthquakes, solar flares and noise pollution from military sonar have also been linked to strandings. Since navies began using sonar to guide their submarines in the 1960s, researchers have found 12 mass strandings of beaked whales coincided with naval exercises, while 27 others involving the species happened near a naval base or ship. Another study suggested exposure to this sonar could even explain why some stranded beaked whales had shown signs of decompression sickness, known as the bends, commonly experienced by scuba divers and astronauts.

When it comes to big events, experts theorise it could simply be a case of “follow the leader” taking a wrong turn. Perhaps a sick or confused matriarch wanders into dangerous waters.


But Meynecke notes that a pod of hundreds is not typically led by one leader. “Pilot whales do form bigger groups than a lot of other whales, but … usually they have a core group, about 20 or 30, and they come together as a big pod to mate, sometimes to hunt.”

It’s like high school, he says: there are cliques. And that means mass strandings of this scale happen in more of a chain reaction than one mad rush. “They never all beach together. Some come in, and then later, hours, even days on, more come.”

Whales, such as this humpback calf, can communicate with each other over vast distances. But noise pollution is making it harder for them to hear one other.

Whales, such as this humpback calf, can communicate with each other over vast distances. But noise pollution is making it harder for them to hear one other.Credit: Shutterstock

In such a case, he says, many subgroups may have come together and the leader of one, perhaps confused or starving, may have led her own companions astray. “Those whales might be close to some in another subgroup, so those ones come and then others won’t leave them, so they come, one after the other, until there’s chaos.”

Pilot whales, he says, are “the masters of strandings”. “You might have one or two humpbacks, but with pilots it’s often whole groups.”

Sometimes a sick animal will move to shallow water to try to survive. Whales are marine mammals after all – they breathe air. “And that makes them as afraid of drowning as we are,” Franklin says.

Workers cover a beached pilot whale (but not its blowhole) to keep the sun off as they attempt to rescue it after a mass stranding at Marion Bay, Tasmania, in 2005.

Workers cover a beached pilot whale (but not its blowhole) to keep the sun off as they attempt to rescue it after a mass stranding at Marion Bay, Tasmania, in 2005.Credit: Getty Images


How does a huge whale even get onto a beach?

Whales do not normally venture into shallow water. There’s no food there, apart from the odd errant squid. But some stretches of coast can trap them in the geography, with waters shifting suddenly from deep water to sand banks and mud. In another very rare event in September 2020, three humpback whales took a wrong turn inland and ended up in a Northern Territory river filled with crocodiles. Two quickly turned back out to sea, but one whale travelled upstream more than 30 kilometres before returning safely to the open ocean more than a week later, at high tide, under the anxious gaze of rangers.


“Their echolocation works best when they’re in the open ocean or where there’s hard rocks to bounce off,” Meynecke says. “Sand banks absorb their sonar too fast, so they have to get very close to know it's there.”

By the time the whales realise they have strayed too far, they are trapped. “They don’t know where to go, or how to get out; they run out of water. They panic.”

In Hervey Bay, Franklin and his wife, Trish, have studied humpback whale mothers teaching their young to navigate the shallows without beaching.

Tasmania and neighbouring New Zealand are hotspots for mass strandings – the site of the September pilot whale stranding, Macquarie Harbour, is notoriously treacherous for boats, let alone whales. Nic Deka, who led the rescue there for Tasmania’s Parks and Wildlife Service, said the remoteness of the inlet made it difficult to get equipment and crews into the water – so he thought it unlikely that extra resources could have saved more of the animals.

The whales stranded on a sandbank at Macquarie Harbour off Strahan in September.

The whales stranded on a sandbank at Macquarie Harbour off Strahan in September. Credit: Getty Images

Why is it so hard to save them?

Imagine you’re on an alien planet without a spacesuit. You can breathe but gravity is crushing your lungs against your chest.Not only that but the radiation of the sun is so strong that your skin is dry and you’re boiling hot. You don’t know where you are or how to get home. You can’t even move.

That’s how whales might feel on shore. And from the moment they wash up, they are running out of time.

In the case of larger whales, Meynecke says their bones can break as their own weight crushes them.

“The sun is always a big problem. Whales can’t sweat, they can’t cool themselves down, and especially these pilot whales, they’re black, they will overheat very fast.”

The whales can also drown on the beach if they are leaning with their blowhole underwater. “They don’t have hands, they can’t roll themselves over,” Meynecke says. “When the tide comes up, sometimes people have to move them so they can breathe, and you’ll just see this desperate run from one animal to the next, trying to tip them over.”


But the big killer is often stress – chemicals in the body triggered by the animal’s panic will start to build to lethal levels. So rescuers must move fast. The first 48 hours are critical.

Still, beached whales can be saved. During some rescues, researchers have used satellite tags to track those carried back out to sea and found pleasing proof of survival. Three weeks after the Tasmanian stranding, amid the grim task of carcass clean-up, three whales were discovered still swimming around the inlet, and successfully returned to the open sea.

Franklin recalls guiding out a beached minke whale at Hervey Bay as the tide came in, and the moment it started swimming again on its own. “It shot straight off. There’s triumphs like that too.”

What's involved in a whale rescue?


In Tasmania, about 60 rescuers worked to “refloat” the pilot whales off sandbanks and out into deeper water using slings attached to the sides of boats. Franklin still remembers the 5000-strong crowd that came to the aid of a humpback on the Sunshine Coast about a decade earlier. “People will really try.”

But it’s a grim and often time-consuming task of triage, Meynecke says. “You have to assess which animals are too far gone, which can be moved, if there’s a calf, where’s the mother?”

Moving just one whale is exhausting, he says, and there are only so many boats and so many trained volunteers on hand. Usually, teams will need to wait for high tide, where there is more water near the animal, but sometimes when they are more submerged on sandbanks, crews will have to work almost full-time in the shallows. It can be dangerous too, both for the rescuers and their charges, as animals thrash around.

“People get very emotionally involved,” Franklin says. “Particularly when those with knowledge realise that the whale does need to be euthanised, then things can get very heated on the beach.”

Speaking from the scene of the Tasmanian stranding, wildlife biologist Dr Kris Carlyon said crews had been rotated regularly but the job still took a physical and emotional toll. “It’s pretty confronting. We haven’t had to deal with something on this scale before … any whale we save we're considering a real win.”

Only, sometimes they come back in.

A pod of orcas, including a juvenile.

A pod of orcas, including a juvenile.Credit: Getty Images

Why do whales come back after being rescued?

It's a well-known and heartbreaking phenomenon. For every beached whale saved, there's a risk some will restrand themselves. On the fourth day of rescue efforts in Tasmania, for example, 10 whales had washed back up on shore overnight, some still alive and refloated out again.

During some rescues, lines of boats or even human chains of volunteers will block off the rescued whales from returning to the shallow waters. In New Zealand, Franklin says, crews will often work to identify if there was an original sick animal that led the others ashore. “If they euthanise that animal, they've often found the others will leave.”

Meynecke thinks the whales know they are facing death when they return, and do it anyway. “They want to be together.”

Studies of whales that restrand themselves do not always reveal that they have a genetic connection with the animal they have returned to on the beach.

'What they hear is a call for help, so it doesn’t matter that it’s not their calf on the beach, they still go.'

“But we know whales and dolphins form lifelong friendships, just like people, and their families can change. Or perhaps they can’t recognise each other's calls the same way they can at sea. What they hear is a call for help, so it doesn’t matter that it’s not their calf on the beach, they still go.”

Experts say large-scale strandings can leave a vacuum in local whale populations. “It’s not just about genetic diversity,” Meynecke says. Whales carefully hand-rear their young, teaching them not only how to survive, but also, some scientists think, a kind of culture. Imagine whole generations of our parents vanishing in a single tragedy.

But Carlyon says rescued whales are still likely to recover and regroup further out at sea, even if they have to learn new behaviours. “We hope … they are reforming those bonds again.”

Are we getting any better at saving them?

While no tech start-up has yet come up with an easy fix for moving lots of big, heavy animals off a beach , a few innovations are helping speed up rescues, such as inflatable gurneys designed to slide under the whale and slings to attach alongside boats. Some not-for-profits train their own whale rescue commandos to deploy when tragedy strikes, and Tasmania’s Parks and Wildlife Service has skilled up locals in recent years (sometimes using a blow-up whale named Mark that can weigh up to three tonnes when filled with water).

“It’s getting a bit more co-ordinated, particularly in New Zealand, but sometimes it’s still left up to poor local councils,” Meynecke says. “The cost, particularly of clean-up, can be huge.”

Franklin thinks that – short of inventing a very big, very specialised crane – we are getting better at saving whales. “Moving an animal that size – an adult humpback will weigh 50 tonnes – there's probably no simple technological fix for that. And [the whale] can be easily injured. But we know more about them now. We're more prepared.”

Today the ocean that whales evolved in is being radically transformed – by overfishing, by global warming, by pollution. But Meynecke says one thing has changed for the better: how humans see them.

“Not that long ago, people still went out in droves to slaughter them. Now they are turning up on a beach to save their liveswhen this happens, and there are lots more of us who would do anything to go down there, too, and help them find their way again.”

An earlier version of this article was published on September 25, 2020.

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