

This was published 4 years ago

Newmarch House report finds 'confusion' and 'conflict' in virus response

By David Crowe

Conflict over management and confusion over policy increased the dangers for aged care residents and staff at one of Australia's earliest coronavirus outbreaks, according to a new report into the deaths at Newmarch House in western Sydney.

The aged care home lost 87 per cent of its usual staff at the height of the crisis, far beyond federal advice to prepare for up to 30 per cent, and discovered crucial skills gaps among the "surge" workforce sent to offer help.

Anglicare's Newmarch House in Sydney lost 87 per cent of its usual staff at the height of the crisis.

Anglicare's Newmarch House in Sydney lost 87 per cent of its usual staff at the height of the crisis.Credit: Edwina Pickles

The Anglicare home suffered a serious and sudden loss of staff in April even after the emergency medical workers were sent in, revealing a problem that was repeated on a far greater scale in Victoria two months later.

The lessons from Newmarch, where there were 71 cases leading to 17 deaths over two months, have been outlined in a final report handed to Aged Care Minister Richard Colbeck ten days ago but only released on Monday morning.

The report was conducted by Lyn Gilbert, an infectious diseases physician and an honorary professor at the University of Sydney, and Alan Lilly, an adjunct professor at the Australian Catholic University and a registered nurse by background.

The report identified major flaws in resourcing and communication, including chaotic teleconferences when the infections began on April 11.

"Anglicare managers ... reported frustration about conflicting advice from different agencies and the lack of clarity about the hierarchy of authority," the report says.

"Some of these issues were clarified by a COVID-19 Outbreak Management Plan, the third and final version of which was completed on 21 April 2020 but not before the confusion ... and inadequate human and physical resources had taken an enormous toll on Newmarch House residents, their families, staff and managers.


"The stress and tension among all stakeholders was aggravated by negative media attention and growing public alarm."


With 102 aged care places, Newmarch relied on a "conservative estimate" that it would need a surge workforce of 50 staff to make up for an attrition rate of 30 to 40 per cent among its permanent workers who could end up in quarantine, greater than the official government advice to plan for 20 to 30 per cent attrition.

In the days after the first outbreak the facility had to furlough 40 of its 90 staff.

Anglicare used a surge workforce recommended by the Department of Health, provided by federal contractor Mable, but discovered many of the extra staff did not have the training needed for infection control.

By the end of the first week of the outbreak, 87 per cent of the frontline personal carers and nursing staff had been in isolation or quarantine, and this included most of the surge team.

The finding counters federal government claims the sudden withdrawal of staff at Victorian centres, including St Basil's in Melbourne in July, was an "unprecedented" challenge.

The two experts are also conducting a review of the St Basil's outbreak and Professor Gilbert in April completed a review of the first major aged care crisis, at Dorothy Henderson Lodge in Sydney.

The report into Dorothy Henderson Lodge also warned the outbreak was followed by the sudden removal of many staff.

While Professor Gilbert praised BaptistCare for its management of Dorothy Henderson Lodge, the new report finds fault with Anglicare.


"Leadership and management at Newmarch House and in the broader Anglicare organisation was generally invisible to external parties interacting with them," the report says.

An external management team from BaptistCare was appointed and arrived at Newmarch to help on April 24.

The report, based on interviews with managers, staff and residents' families, found some agency staff had no infection control training at Newmarch House and additional nurses from Aspen Medical were not "credentialed" with similar skills.

Amid a debate over the use of personal protective equipment, the report says supplies were wasted in the early stages because staff were outfitted in gowns, gloves and masks in non-clinical areas such as the entrance foyer.

The approach "represented a risk" because some staff did not change equipment when entering the rooms of uninfected residents.

"Early in the outbreak, after their own stocks of PPE were rapidly depleted, Anglicare had difficulty acquiring adequate supplies from the national medical stockpile or NSW Health," the report says.

The report concludes an infection protection and control professional should have been involved from the start of the outbreak.

While quarantine measures meant the report authors could not speak to Newmarch residents, they conveyed huge frustration among family members who could not get their calls answered.

Family members also said residents were left waiting for meals and sometimes offered cold or inedible food due to the shortage of staff.


The report found the Anglicare board and executives were aware of the risks of a COVID-19 outbreak in early March and started additional training as well as developing plans for PPE and a surge workforce, basing their work on state and federal guidelines.

Newmarch was closed to visitors on March 23 and its managers spoke to BaptistCare about the lessons from Dorothy Henderson Lodge, the first major outbreak in aged care.

"However, when the first COVID-19 case was diagnosed at Newmarch House on 11 April 2020, no-one anticipated the magnitude of the challenge that would emerge."

Labor aged care spokeswoman Julie Collins said it was "heartbreaking and completely unforgivable" that the problems at Newmarch were repeated at multiple Victorian aged care homes.

Senator Colbeck said the government had made changes in response to Newmarch including early identification of COVID-19 cases, expansion of surge workforce providers and the formation of the Victorian Aged Care Response Centre.

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