


How is the new COVID-19 vaccine designed to work?

The government has signed a letter of intent with a drug company to manufacture doses of a vaccine being trialled. What is the vaccine and how is it designed to work?


When scientists sit down to design a vaccine, they are trying to thread the eye of a needle. A vaccine needs to make the body feel as though it is under assault from a deadly virus. But it needs to do that without actually making you sick.

ChAdOx1, the vaccine Australia’s government has signed up to buy, is one of the leaders among the more than 165 COVID-19 vaccines under development around the world.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has announced the Australian government has signed a letter of intent with British-Swedish big pharma company AstraZeneca to make 25 million doses of the vaccine for Australia. The government says the injections will be free.

That letter of intent is contingent on the vaccine working – and, scientists have emphasised, we don’t yet know if it will.

The vaccine is undergoing a 30,000-person, phase 3 clinical trial in the US. We won’t know the results until September at the earliest. If it does work, Australia could receive its first doses by the end of the year.

But based on early data, independent scientists say it has a good chance of success. “Of all the data sets I’ve seen, it is one of the most promising,” says Professor Stephen Turner, Monash University's head of microbiology.

So how is ChAdOx1 meant to work?

CSL’s biotechnology manufacturing facility in Broadmeadows where vaccines such as the Oxford candidate may be made if a deal is formalised.

CSL’s biotechnology manufacturing facility in Broadmeadows where vaccines such as the Oxford candidate may be made if a deal is formalised.

OK, so we don’t know if it works. How is it meant to work in theory?

ChAdOx1 is what is known as a "non-replicating viral vector vaccine". In essence, scientists genetically engineer a harmless virus to look like SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. “It’s a bit of a bait-and-switch approach,” says Dr Kylie Quinn, a vaccine designer working on a separate COVID-19 jab at RMIT University.

To begin, they take a virus known to be harmless to humans – in this case, an adenovirus that infects chimpanzees and gives them the sniffles.

The virus’s genetic code is “gutted”, says Quinn, so that it cannot reproduce. Then scientists insert a gene from SARS-CoV-2. That gene contains instructions to make the spike protein SARS-CoV-2 uses to gain entry to human cells. “That adenovirus now looks to the immune system like a big, bad virus, and it will mount a really strong immune response. However, the virus cannot replicate. So you get all the benefits of a big immune response without getting sick,” says Quinn.

The virus is then injected into the muscle of the arm. The design team expects you’ll either get a single jab or two jabs spaced a month apart, possibly with a yearly booster.

Then the immune system goes to work.


Antigen-presenting cells, the sacrificial lambs of the immune system, deliberately let themselves get infected by the virus. They are a trap. These cells contain machinery that cuts up the virus once it gets inside.

They then take SARS-CoV-2’s spike and display it – like a sign saying "this is what got me" – while emitting danger signals. The cells then head for the lymph nodes in the neck, armpits and groin, where our immune cells wait.

Our lymph nodes contain millions of B and T cells, each one specialised to recognise a particular piece of a virus. The antigen-presenting cell essentially wanders around the lymph node, showing SARS-CoV-2 to all the B and T cells, until it finds the right one.


That cell then arms up. It clones a vast T and B-cell army.

B cells are giant factories that make huge volumes of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies, that flow into the blood. T cells are hunter-killers – they head out into the bloodstream themselves, looking for infected cells to kill.

This army will expand in size and kill off the fake infection.


And then, once the phoney war is over, the body will forcibly retire its antibodies. “They are an inefficient way for the body to maintain immunity, because it takes a lot of energy to produce them,” says Dr Rob Grenfell, director of health and biosecurity at the CSIRO.

But it will keep some B and T cells, sliding them into the lymph nodes and bone marrow where they will continue to surveil the body for SARS-CoV-2. That is how – if everything goes well – you end up with lasting immunity to COVID-19.

So does it work in humans? Are there any side effects?

Scientists don’t know if it works. The vaccine has been studied only on animals and in small, phase 1 trials in humans.

A vaccine has to progress through three phases of trials – each with more people – to prove it is both safe and effective.

But there are promising signs. The CSIRO tested the vaccine on ferrets at its high-security Geelong lab, and found that it was safe. They then exposed the ferrets to SARS-CoV-2 to see if it would protect them.

Grenfell is coy on the results, which have not yet been published. But a bit of reading between the lines tells you Oxford is unlikely to have gone to phase 3 trials if the animal results were not promising.


The vaccine’s base technology also effectively protects primates against the coronavirus that causes MERS – a virus that is genetically very similar to SARS-CoV-2. It has been tested on the flu and tuberculosis in small-scale human trials.

Results from the vaccine’s first 543-person trial were published in The Lancet in July. The vaccine induced the volunteers’ immune systems to produce both antibodies and T cells against SARS-CoV-2.

That’s exactly the sort of wide-ranging immune response scientists are looking for. But that study did not look at whether the vaccine actually protected volunteers from infection – that's the role of the phase 3 trial.

There were side effects, but they were mild to moderate. Some 67 per cent of volunteers given the jab reported mild to moderate pain, 70 per cent reported fatigue, 68 per cent reported headaches, 60 per cent reported muscle aches while 18 per cent reported a fever.

This side-effect profile is not unexpected, and in some ways is a good sign. “It’s a live virus. There is always a small risk of some sort of reaction against the vaccine. But that’s also a plus. When you feel a bit crappy after getting a vaccine, that’s a sign of the immune system working,” says Turner.

It’s important to note the people studied in that trial were all aged between 18 and 55, and most of them were white.

Vaccine effectiveness generally declines as you age because your immune system is not as strong. And this group is particularly important in a coronavirus study because they are the ones most at risk of death from the virus. Further trials are under way to test the vaccine on children and the elderly.


Even if the vaccine does work, it’s not clear what level of immunity it will generate, and how long it will last. The US government has already said that a vaccine will only need to prevent COVID-19, or decrease its severity, in 50 per cent of people for it to be approved.

Where and how would the vaccine be produced?

AstraZeneca has brokered a number of deals with partners in countries including the UK, US and India for production of the Oxford vaccine.

The production of the vaccine in Australia would occur out of Melbourne, where biotechnology giant CSL has a production facility at Broadmeadows. However, exactly how CSL is involved in the making of the vaccine depends on ongoing negotiations between the government, AstraZeneca and CSL.

CSL could import the bulk vaccine product and then fill it into vials ready for use in Australia, or it could take a more active part in the process and produce the vaccine under a licensing deal. CSL chief executive Paul Perreault said today that there would be a range of technical issues that the company would have to work through before its facilities were ready for production of the Oxford vaccine.

“It doesn’t mean you can’t do it but the timing needs to be understood, and the regulatory complexity,” he said. If the vaccine project from the University of Queensland is successful, CSL has committed to producing this at its Melbourne facility.

– Emma Koehn

How does this compare to all the other COVID vaccines?

More than 165 vaccines for COVID-19 are under development around the world, using almost every possible vaccine technology. Viral vector vaccines such as ChAdOx1 have some key advantages over them – and some risks.

First, because they are using the genetic code from the virus, they can perfectly reproduce the spike protein, giving the immune system a great chance at developing quality B and T cells.

Second, because they mimic an infection – the virus literally infects your cells – they tend to produce a really strong and long-lasting immune response.

In particular, they induce "cellular immunity" – that is, they engage T cells, not just antibodies.

T cells are specialised immune cells purpose built by the body to target a specific virus. They can spot infected human cells and kill them. Most importantly, after an infection is defeated, the body largely rids itself of antibodies but stores some antibody-producing B cells in the bone-marrow and T cells in the lymph nodes – that’s how you get immunity.

"It’s hard to induce a T-cell response. We haven't figured out why," says Quinn. "But there is something about viral vectors that means we induce relatively strong T-cell responses."

And scientists have developed efficient technologies to make viral vector vaccines quickly and at scale.

There are disadvantages, though. Because scientists are essentially building a new genetically modified organism, there are risks, although they are limited. The organism could behave in an unexpected way, or even mingle its genes with ours.

That's why scientists are taking their time and carefully moving the vaccine through trials, rather than just giving it out. Those risks have not eventuated in a large number of studies conducted so far, but scientists remain wary.

Will everyone have to have the vaccine?

With a 95 per cent vaccination rate needed, “I would expect it to be as mandatory as you can possibly make,” Prime Minister Scott Morrison told 3AW radio on August 19.

Later that morning, he said he was "open to all options" to ensure strong uptake. Asked what measures would be taken to deal with vaccine refusers, he said: "I don't think offering jelly beans will be the way to do that as you do with kids ... We'll take those issues as they present and consider what steps are necessary at that time."

Acting Chief Medical Officer Paul Kelly flagged potential levers to make the vaccine mandatory if not enough people agree to have it – such as "linking vaccines with other programs", as the government did with childcare for paediatric vaccines under the "no jab, no play" policy introduced by Morrison when he was social services minister.

The Prime Minister said it was important for the wider population to be vaccinated so that those who could not receive the jab for medical reasons would be protected. The roll-out would be based on clinical advice about any vulnerabilities in communities, he said, with healthcare workers and the elderly "obvious" priorities.

He said a successful vaccine was "the closest thing to a silver bullet" to resolve the pandemic. "I'll certainly be taking it on, my family will be taking it on," he said.

What happens if we don't find a vaccine that works?

The Prime Minister says we will "continue to live positively with the virus, to ensure that we can establish our economy and society as much as is normally possible" under the "COVID-safe" approach to life. "That's why having testing, tracing and outbreak capacity capabilities are so critical.” 

– Dana McCauley

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