


COVID busters: Just how deep is a deep clean?

Forget feather dusters and mops. Fogging machines, steamers and a special double wipe are the key weapons in the fight against the highly infectious coronavirus. Who deploys them and how is the work regulated?


Sandra Pankhurst and Trudi Brown are trauma cleaners. Usually, they’re donning their hazmat gear to scrub down crime scenes or shuttered meth labs. But in recent months they’ve been lending their decontamination expertise to a new (and booming) market: coronavirus "deep cleans".

This may well be the year of the big clean. As the pandemic rages around the world, offices, shops, hotels and homes are being wiped down like never before – sometimes three, four, even five times a day. Airlines have pulled out the kinds of chemicals usually reserved for nuking superbugs and herpes in a bid to keep passengers safe from the contagious new virus that causes COVID-19.

"Up until now, people haven't understood what cleanliness really meant," Pankhurst says. "It's not just about [visible] mess."

So what's the difference between clean and deep clean?

Who you gonna call? Kate O'Sullivan (left) and Trudi Brown with fogging machines.

Who you gonna call? Kate O'Sullivan (left) and Trudi Brown with fogging machines.Credit: Eddie Jim

How does a deep clean kill the virus?

We live in a sea of viruses – most can’t hurt us – but right now we are on the hunt for one in particular. We can’t see it with the naked eye but when we breathe it out indoors it can build up in the air, and when we cough and sneeze it can shoot out in bigger viral balls known as droplets.


Sometimes it will stick to surfaces, surviving for hours or even days. It will eventually break down and die and it is still unclear how much of the virus you would need to ingest to fall sick – say, from touching a door handle and then touching your mouth or nose. Surface contamination is not considered the main way people catch COVID-19. Patients mostly seem to pick it up while in close proximity to someone who is infected, when the microbe is still lingering in the air or falling in droplets between them.

But a deep clean is about not taking any chances. It's designed to obliterate the virus before it finds you.

Crews dressed head to toe in hazmat (hazardous materials) suits will scour every nook and cranny for the virus, steaming carpets, wiping down blinds, scrubbing back drain scum and then leave a protective seal of disinfectant behind. So far, the science tells us the new coronavirus can survive longer (up to three days) on flat surfaces such as stainless steel and plastic compared to softer surfaces such as cardboard or fabric.

Fortunately, experts say, our new foe is not particularly hard to kill for a virus. Encased in a fatty envelope, the little microbe is susceptible to a good disinfectant (bleach, hydrogen peroxide or anything that’s 70 per cent alcohol) and even soap and water. It will die out faster in heat and humidity and break apart in the air when circulation is good – that is, when windows are flung open.


Pankhurst’s cleaning company, STC Services, also offers deep cleans for hospitals and is well practised in driving out viruses and bacteria. She says there are three main ways to do a deep clean: fogging, steaming and a two-step wipe-down done by hand.

Victoria and NSW authorities recommend at least the two-step wipedown, which involves cleaning an area with strong detergents before leaving a disinfectant to set on top.


The vapour released by a steam cleaner can penetrate deeper to slay not just dirt but bacteria, viruses, mould and dust mites – the secret is the high temperature of the water. Fogging, meanwhile, releases a fine mist of virus-killing chemicals into the air, sticking to the places a cloth might miss. But Pankhurst says many workplaces are reluctant to use the technique as it will also reach into air filtration systems – meaning those in the building have to be evacuated while the chemicals do their job and settle.

"We've seen places like aged care really struggle with this because they can’t really move their residents," Pankhurst says. "And it can set off the fire alarms, and then you get the fire brigade coming out. But it’s the best way to be sure. We have a motto at STC. Excellence is no accident. If we’re going to do this thing, we might as well do it right."

Unlike some other countries, however, Australian authorities generally do not recommend fogging for COVID-19, noting chemicals can often linger on soft surfaces such as couches and a physical wipe-down is still important.

Deep cleans are not only reserved for the scenes of outbreaks. Some workplaces and schools are bringing in crews regularly to sanitise buildings pre-emptively as they stand empty in the wee hours.

Brett Langley, who is co-ordinating the transport sector’s pandemic response for the Victorian government, says trains and trams now undergo deep cleans using hospital-grade disinfectant every night. "And we have cleaning troops, I guess you could call them, out during the day wiping down high-touch contact points like hand rails and stop buttons."

Trudi Brown wields a steaming machine.

Trudi Brown wields a steaming machine. Credit: Eddie Jim

What does deep cleaning involve (and cost)?


Decontaminating an office or an aged care home after a COVID-19 outbreak is like scrubbing down a crime scene. "Not one drop of blood can be left behind then, not one viral particle now," Pankhurst says.

Her staff work in teams of at least two so there are always two sets of eyes sweeping the room, checking for what may have been missed. Pankhurst herself is forced to stay home these days, fearful of what a dose of the new virus will do to her lungs – her early years cleaning and breathing in chemicals before personal protective equipment became standard have left her with lung disease.

Brown, who co-ordinates the team on the ground in her stead, says deep cleaning can be long, exhausting work. "You have to think outside the box, each clean is different. You have to think, what would I have touched in here, where could [a virus] hide? We can’t miss a thing."


Take a police station, for example, one of the team's regular clients. With more charges being laid against those breaching public health orders, more people with COVID-19 are being cuffed and brought in for processing. That means police cars, cells, interview rooms, hallways and bathrooms all need sanitising in a busy hub of activity that cannot shut its doors for a clean.

"We go room by room, high-traffic and high-touch areas first," Brown says.

In the beginning, some staff were nervous about doing a COVID clean, she says. "They said, 'We’re not doing it', they were scared, but now we know more, we know we can kill it like other coronaviruses. But we have to be so careful."


Some companies even take swabs to check for any surviving germs after a clean.

All that extra infection control, including protective gear, has forced deep cleaning prices to go up across the industry, Pankurst says. Some companies such as STC will charge around $500 by the hour to send out a team. While other companies might quote $5000 all up for larger jobs such as a big pub.

"We get a lot of people calling for a deep clean but some businesses are putting it off because of the price," Pankhurst says. "We’re charging more than we’d like to but there’s so much extra with the chemicals, the gear and the amount of time it takes to cover every single surface. Of course, there'll still be shonky companies charging just $70 an hour."

Trudi Brown, armed with a fogging machine.

Trudi Brown, armed with a fogging machine.Credit: Eddie Jim

Is deep cleaning regulated?

After an outbreak, decontamination of a site is generally required, either explicitly in public health orders such as in Victoria or under new workplace COVID Safe plans, which include increased hygiene and cleaning measures. Not taking reasonable steps to reduce the risk of infection for employees (such as following cleaning guidelines set down by health departments) could also see employers liable for WorkSafe penalties. State safety watchdogs are notified when there is an outbreak in a workplace – a second case weeks later could raise red flags.

But you don’t need to be accredited cleaner to do a deep clean. "Businesses may be able to undertake this cleaning themselves or through their regular cleaning contractors," a NSW government spokeswoman said.


As demand for the now much-coveted deep clean soars, some businesses worry people without proper training may try to take advantage of the pandemic.

"We've been fighting for regulation in the [cleaning] industry for years," Pankhurst says. "We've already heard about people rocking up with just brushes and plastic bags. Stuff-ups can happen. We have to be so careful of cross-contamination or recontaminating something."

Contractors hired to sanitise public transport must adhere to the regulations the Department of Transport has put in place, Langley says, based on guidelines from Victoria's Chief Health Officer.

"We've made them the minimum standard and we do compliance checks with the companies running the network – that includes their [cleaning] contractors."

Brown keeps a close eye on the latest COVID-19 science so she can brief her team and says, while infection control resources are being offered by governments online, training should be mandatory for cleaners.

Victoria's Department of Health and Human Services did not answer questions on deep cleaning requirements before deadline.


Any final cleaning tips?

As for some parting words of wisdom, Brown points out that a surface must be clean first before a disinfectant can work properly, so, wipe down surfaces twice a day if possible.

People know not to touch their faces by now but Pankhurst says they should avoid touching just about anything else in public too. Steer clear of hand rails, open doors with your foot, use an elbow to call the lift. Better yet, take the stairs.

Or have a crack at Safe Work Australia's COVID-19 cleaning guide here.

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