

This was published 4 years ago

Steven Oliver gets serious with Looky Looky Here Comes Cooky

By Bridget McManus


Premiere ★★★★½

Thursday (August 20), 8.30pm, NITV

In this 250th year since Captain James Cook disembarked on Australian soil, with commemorative events cancelled in a nation divided about whether celebration of the beginning of colonisation is even appropriate, how fitting to have the NITV-commissioned musical documentary Looky Looky Here Comes Cooky explore an Indigenous perspective on the event – and all that came to follow.

Steven Oliver presents NITV documentary, Looky Looky Here Comes Cooky.

Steven Oliver presents NITV documentary, Looky Looky Here Comes Cooky.Credit:

Directed by Steven McGregor (Sweet Country); written and presented by comedian, playwright and poet, Steven Oliver, with performances by rappers Birdz and A. B. Original's Daniel Rankine; and songwriters Kev Carmody, Alice Skye, Mo'Ju, Fred Leone and Mau Power: the film is an illuminating response to the Cook story that raises questions about the legend.

"If we're going to talk about what it means to be Australian then we need to understand what Australia is and how it came into existence," says Oliver. "If people think their identity is under attack because something is questioned, then maybe their identity isn't as solidified as they think it is."

In the film, historians claim Cook's 1770 planting of the Union Jack on Bedanug in the Torres Strait, unambiguously renamed Possession Island, never happened. The painting capturing the moment depicts the wrong foliage, for a start. The smoke Cook saw as he approached was, they say, signalling warriors to attack.

What might also come as a revelation to many, is that Cook's secret instructions from King George III, to be opened once the 1769 Transit of Venus had been observed for mapping purposes, was to take possession of the great southern land, "with the consent of the Natives". Consent that is clearly yet to be sought, let alone granted.

"People have said to me, 'Why are Aboriginal people so angry? Why can't you get over things?'. There's anger in the documentary, but it's not like we just sit around festering. And we still laugh. We have a great sense of humour. My hope for this documentary is that it starts a discussion, not a screaming match."


Standing atop Sydney's dramatic Kurnell cliffs, Oliver slams home with a poem about the Aboriginal experience, then and now. For a television audience used to seeing him as a gay fashionista in memorable ABC Black Comedy sketches, or chairing NITV's Indigenous art quiz show Faboriginal with flair – this is a new Oliver with a new kind of punch line.

"When Black Comedy came out, I struggled with the fame," says Oliver, explaining his departure after the second season. "I saw a psychiatrist and he said, 'You've got burnout'. I was a very sad man and part of it was because people wanted me to be boxed in to this one type of person. I'd be at funerals and people would say, 'Be funny! Make us laugh!'."


So Oliver returned to his first love: spoken-word poetry. His 2015 NAIDOC Awards Australia Day poem, Hate He Said went viral, and he later performed it at Parliament House in Canberra. Spoken word is a strong component of his 2019 Adelaide Cabaret Festival show Bigger and Blacker.

"I started being very serious. I wanted to show people that, yes, I'm an idiot, but I have this other side. I know I'm known more for the lighter stuff, but hopefully I've done enough."

The poetry sits neatly in the film alongside the diverse genres of music that, as Oliver explains in his opening speech, seek to create contemporary songlines.

"We've forgotten the sacredness of music, or the power of it. For Aboriginal people, music wasn't to sell records or to be number one. Ours was law. It was history, identity. It taught us who we are … History's our greatest teacher. If we don't learn from our history, then we're about to repeat it."

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