


Who is responsible for aged care homes?

Who funds and runs aged care facilities? How have they become the epicentre of this crisis? And what is the best way to fix it?


When the aged care royal commission took a look at what confronted older people contemplating the need for care, it described the system as "frightening, confronting and confusing". Once a resident entered a nursing home, even before COVID-19 came along, it was a "cruel and harmful system", the commissioners said.

Now, as Australia tries to come to terms with the speed and extent of the disaster hitting Victoria's nursing homes, it is of acute interest to everyone how that system works, who the players are and who's to blame for its faults.

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews said of some of the private aged care facilities hit by COVID-19 outbreaks, "I would not let my mum be in some of these places, I just wouldn't." Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt hit back on behalf of the carers who work in the facilities, saying they had looked after his father and were "wonderful human beings and I won't hear a word against them".

So why are nursing homes suddenly the subject of this war of words? Who funds and runs them? How have they become the centre of the COVID-19 crisis? And, crucially, what is the best way to fix them?

A patient is removed from St Basil's Homes for the Aged in the Melbourne suburb of Fawkner on July 25.

A patient is removed from St Basil's Homes for the Aged in the Melbourne suburb of Fawkner on July 25.Credit: Penny Stephens

Who owns, funds and regulates nursing homes?

"If you were a resident in a nursing home, their family or their community," says the Australian Medical Association's emergency representative, Dr Sarah Whitelaw, "you can imagine how frustrated and uninterested you'd be in the apportioning of blame."


Whitelaw is quite right. But part of the reason things have come unstuck is that the system is complicated and people fall between the gaps. Federal and Victorian governments each run their own aged care systems. Private providers, which are regulated by the Commonwealth, are each individual entities.

The vast majority of nursing homes in Australia are privately owned. Private nursing homes can be run for profit or not for profit. For-profit homes are owned by everything from private family companies to listed entities such as Japara and Estia to large international conglomerates such as Bupa. The not-for-profits are usually run by church-based charities such as Anglicare, Uniting Care or, in the case of St Basil's in Fawkner, the Greek Archdiocese of Australia.

The private entities own the land and buildings, employ staff, set budgets and do the marketing. They are governed by the Commonwealth Aged Care Act and are accredited, regulated and inspected by the Commonwealth's mega-agency the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission, which also deals with complaints against them.

That's why the federal Aged Care Minister, Richard Colbeck, has suddenly become a feature on our airwaves in the past week or two and why Scott Morrison has been defending his government's handling of the crisis.

A much smaller number of nursing homes remain in public ownership by the states. Victoria has the most publicly run aged care homes. Out of about 50,000 beds in Victoria, 5400 are in the public system, largely in regional areas. The federal regulator still accredits and oversees these facilities.

The federal government paid $13 billion last year to fund the system, which housed 242,612 residents. But, according to both the AMA's Whitelaw, and the head of Victoria's nursing union, Lisa Fitzpatrick, private nursing homes are appallingly under-prepared for a medical emergency such as COVID-19.


"There have been pre-existing problems with staffing, workforce training, the delivery of care, which the AMA has been calling on central government and [the regulator] to do something about for many years," Whitelaw says. "Add COVID on top of that and you have the situation now."

Private facilities have been widely criticised for having too few staff and the majority of them as poorly paid certificate III-educated "personal care assistants" as compared with trained nurses. And while the Victorian government mandates minimum nurse-to-resident ratios of up to one nurse for every seven residents during the day, the Commonwealth laws only call for an "adequate" number of "appropriately skilled" staff – both terms are undefined.

A worker disposes of hazardous waste during a deep clean at St Basil's on July 28.

A worker disposes of hazardous waste during a deep clean at St Basil's on July 28. Credit: Chris Hopkins

What happens when COVID-19 comes knocking?

The finer details of this will be explored in a federal inquiry and by the royal commission – but the response, in some cases, in Victoria has been extreme.

In the suburb of Fawkner, St Basil’s Homes for the Aged has had at least nine deaths and, by July 29, had recorded 89 infections among residents and staff.

Federal Health Department secretary Brendan Murphy said on July 29 that St Basil's, which is regulated by the Commonwealth, was emptied of its staff and management by a decision of the Victorian government, whose public health officials ordered them into quarantine because of the number of infections. The Commonwealth, with Victoria, then had to find new staff and new leadership to look after the residents, in "the context where there was no spare staff in Victoria" because of the community outbreak.


What happened next has made headlines. Staff came to the home from "all sorts of sources", according to Murphy, but they did not know the residents or their families, nor how the systems at the home worked.

With families shut out, communication was virtually nil, residents were dying without their families being told, faeces was left in beds and people became dehydrated and hungry because the new staff did not know they needed hand-feeding or did not have time.

The experience made clear that, under pressure from COVID-19, Australia needs a centrally co-ordinated plan that involves the privately and federally run homes as well as state homes, and a lot more workers.

The Epping Gardens aged care home on July 29.

The Epping Gardens aged care home on July 29. Credit: Eddie Jim

What have governments done since?

On the weekend, the federal government and the state government finally got together. They set up the Victorian Aged Care Response Centre, which includes representatives from the federal and state health departments, the aged care regulator, state and federal emergency management agencies and defence.

When the private for-profit home Epping Gardens went into crisis and most of the workforce had to go into quarantine, that agency scrambled. Nurses working in state-run hospitals are now flooding into Commonwealth-regulated nursing homes. The state closed hospital wards and cancelled elective surgery to free them up.


The federal government has also deployed resources, bringing into Victoria what Health Minister Greg Hunt calls the "SAS of the medical world", the AUSMAT team, as well as Australian Defence Force doctors and nurses who have gone to work at Epping Gardens. AUSMAT's job will be to stabilise outbreaks, and support the owner and operator of the nursing home. Nurses are also flying in from other states to join the battle.

    The new co-ordinated approach should make staff available in an emergency, but it does not necessarily get around the problems with bringing new staff into a facility for the first time.

    Workers at Epping Gardens on July 27.

    Workers at Epping Gardens on July 27.Credit: Luis Ascui

    Why can't we just put all residents in hospital?

    Enmity has grown between the state and federal governments over recent years, with the accusation that thinly staffed private nursing homes send residents to hospitals at the first sign of trouble. It's a form of "cost-shifting", the state governments say, to under-fund aged care and force residents to go to the state-funded hospital system for treatment.

    But there are two other reasons why, in a COVID-19 environment, moving everyone to hospital is not a good idea. There's not enough room for them, and hospital is the wrong place for the frail aged.


    Joe Buffone, the former Country Fire Authority chief who is running the cross-government agency, said people would be moved to hospitals when they needed medical care but warned a "considered approach" was required.

    There are 242,000 nursing home residents in Australia, 50,000 of them in Victoria, and a fraction of that number of hospital beds. Put simply, an influx of aged residents, many with dementia, would swamp the system.

    Also, hospitals are confusing and terrifying places for dementia patients who, according to the AMA's Sarah Whitelaw, "are much better off in their own familiar environments".

    "My father and father-in-law are in nursing homes, and if they are well, the last place I'd want them to be is in an acute-care hospital ward."

    What's happened in other countries?

    In many other countries, including Sweden, Canada and the UK, residential aged care homes have accounted for almost half of fatalities linked to the coronavirus.


    The debate in Sweden played out, almost blow by blow, the same way as Australia's. Swedish healthcare workers suggested there had been a reluctance to send nursing home residents to hospitals. As in Australia, people working in Swedish nursing homes are not as highly trained as hospital staff, are relatively poorly paid and move among homes, sometimes bringing the virus with them.

    In the UK, "care homes" as they are known, were the scene of well over 20,000 deaths, about 40 per cent of Britains's total.

    Again, as in Australia and Sweden, staff were blamed for bringing the disease in and then spreading it among residents.

    Now that we know the problem, is it fixed?

    According to Whitelaw, a more co-ordinated response between the federal government and the states, and a muting of the bad language across state lines, is a good start. But there's a long way to go.


    "The need for a centrally co-ordinated plan that involves the privately and federally run homes, as well as state homes, has always been apparent," she says. "I think we're at the very first step of a long journey."

    If hospitals are the worst places for residents, and they cannot stay in their aged care homes, she says some kind of alternative accommodation might be necessary, ideally staffed by specialists.

    Other entrenched difficulties will remain despite the help flooding to Victoria. One is that privately owned nursing homes are, by law, private property, so owners and managers might decide they do not want intervention from the state, and stand in their way. Reports in the Herald Sun allege precisely this happened at the privately owned Epping Gardens, which by Wednesday had 86 COVID-19 cases.

    The Victorian head of the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation, Lisa Fitzpatrick, said nurses being thrown into unfamiliar facilities have found themselves facing significant problems with uncooperative or absent management, poor hand overs and inadequate staff.

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    In one facility, "they had kitchen-quality gloves to wear, not hospital quality, limited PPE, and they had to continually ask for more gowns because they had to don and doff [take on and off] into residents' rooms," Ms Fitzpatrick said.

    "They had to answer phones which were ringing continually, there was one cleaner up and down the corridor emptying these small bins outside the doors that had gowns in them, and there were no admin staff and no sign of the management. They didn't even meet them."

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