

This was published 4 years ago

JobKeeper will be extended until March but split into two tiers

By David Crowe

Millions of workers will keep receiving the JobKeeper wage subsidy until the end of March in a dramatic extension of the $70 billion program under a fresh eligibility test to ensure the payments go to those in genuine need.

The Morrison government will also extend a temporary boost to its JobSeeker unemployment benefit on the same timetable to shore up household incomes through the recession.

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg and Prime Minister Scott Morrison will announce the government's plans for JobKeeper and JobSeeker on Tuesday.

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg and Prime Minister Scott Morrison will announce the government's plans for JobKeeper and JobSeeker on Tuesday.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

But the government will cut the value of both payments from the first week of October and will introduce two tiers to the wage subsidy so part-time workers no longer receive a full-time rate.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Treasurer Josh Frydenberg will reveal the new rates on Tuesday to replace the JobKeeper payment of $1500 per fortnight and the temporary boost to JobSeeker to $1100 per fortnight.

A Treasury review has found a "strong" case to extend JobKeeper beyond its legislated end-date in the last week of September, telling the government the scheme has put a "brake" on job losses.

Mr Frydenberg said the payment had been an "economic lifeline" and would be extended for those who needed it most.

With the second wave of coronavirus infections sparking fears of a deeper and longer recession, the government revoked its original plan to phase out the emergency payments at the end of September and instead heeded business calls to extend them for about six months.

This means the JobSeeker benefit will not fall back to its base rate of $566 per fortnight, with government sources saying it would stay above $700 per fortnight when the temporary coronavirus supplement was taken into account.


This means the unemployment benefit is likely to be more than 80 per cent of the single rate for the Age Pension.


While the government was tight-lipped about the new JobKeeper rate, it is tipped to be more than $1100 per fortnight for full-time workers.

Labor treasury spokesman Jim Chalmers called on the government to release the full Treasury advice to ensure an informed debate on the new payment rates when Parliament meets to consider the proposals.

"The government must avoid a situation where having spent hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars all they’ve done is shift the worst of the problem from April to October," Mr Chalmers said.

Labor and the ACTU remain critical of the government for excluding an estimated one million casual workers from the JobKeeper scheme, while warning against a big cut to the JobSeeker rate.


Greens leader Adam Bandt has called for a permanent increase in the JobSeeker benefit to $1100 per fortnight, an option the government has rejected.

Treasury endorsed the case for an extension in the wage subsidy in a report delivered at the end of June, before the spike in Victorian cases forced Treasury officials to downgrade the forecasts in an economic statement to be issued this Thursday.

In crucial findings that have shaped the new payment rates, Treasury warned that the payments had to be kept at levels that gave people an incentive to work.


The review found that part-time workers and casuals had received an "increase in income" to the full JobKeeper rate and this could be fixed by introducing two tiers, with the lower rate set by the number of hours the employee worked.

"Any move to a lower [JobKeeper] payment for some employees should therefore be aligned with any changes to JobSeeker support," it said.

The wage subsidy goes to 3.5 million workers under rules set in March to offer support if companies with up to $1 billion in turnover suffered a 30 per cent fall in business, and companies with more than $1 billion in turnover suffered a 50 per cent fall.

The eligibility rules will remain but will be tested again in a check of company turnover in October, in line with a Treasury recommendation.

The government rejected the idea of targeting the payments to specific industries even though Mr Frydenberg has named tourism, aviation, hospitality, arts and recreation as those under greatest stress.

The government also rejected the option of cutting the JobKeeper rate for part-time or casual workers early and instead decided all changes would commence in October.

Because the original payment rates and end-dates were legislated in an emergency session of Parliament in April, the government will need to convene Parliament as scheduled on August 24 or soon afterwards to ensure the changes are enacted in time.

Labor leader Anthony Albanese said he was "very concerned" at the weekend decision to cancel the sitting of Parliament due to start on August 4, although he believed the Parliament had to heed health advice.

Labor is proposing a working group to ensure the August 24 sitting goes ahead as scheduled.

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