

This was published 4 years ago

'COVID normal': Daniel Andrews feels the heat over a crisis without end

By Michael Bachelard

As Scott Morrison announced the national easing of coronavirus restrictions and released his “Three-step roadmap to a COVID-safe Australia” way back on May 7, Daniel Andrews had a typically no-nonsense response.

It would be “almost unbearable,” the Victorian Premier said, if businesses burnt through their savings to reopen but were subsequently forced to close their doors a second time. Opening up should happen “properly and once”.

At midnight on Wednesday, the almost unbearable happened. Melbourne locked down for the second time. "This is binary. It is life and death," Andrews said announcing the change in policy.

Soldiers and Victoria police on a roadside checkpoint on the Geelong Freeway enforcing lockdown in Melbourne on Friday.

Soldiers and Victoria police on a roadside checkpoint on the Geelong Freeway enforcing lockdown in Melbourne on Friday.Credit: Jason South

Hours before the deadline, lines of cars snaked kilometres out of Melbourne as the wealthy escaped to their holiday houses. On Elizabeth Street in Melbourne’s central spine, city dwellers and students spilled out of their apartments onto the streets, taking to the plethora of restaurants for one final eat-in experience before the doors closed for six long weeks, or more.

And then Victoria found itself isolated, pilloried as a pariah on social media and cut off for the first time in 101 years from NSW and all other states. Even our sporting teams have abandoned the state to frolic in the sun in the geographical north.

"Victoria has now had seven times more cases known to be locally acquired than Queensland has had throughout this pandemic," Queensland Health Minister Steven Miles gloated on Thursday as he reopened his state's border to all but Victoria.

Diners at a Melbourne city restaurant enjoy their last chance to eat in on Wednesday evening in the hours before lockdown.

Diners at a Melbourne city restaurant enjoy their last chance to eat in on Wednesday evening in the hours before lockdown.Credit: Michael Bachelard

In the city, traders were furious.

"Our Premier has done his best to cruel the city," said Grant Cohen, the owner of the Block Arcade on the corner of Elizabeth and Collins Streets. “The only thing missing from the city is the tumbleweeds.”


“The state government has screwed the [hotel] quarantine and we are now paying for it," said Daniel Rizk, chief executive of the popular Bavarian restaurant chain. He told the Australian Financial Review he'd spent $20,000 ordering a week’s worth of supplies only to be told his two restaurants had to close again.

On Chapel Street the president of the precinct’s retail association Justin O’Donnell called on Andrews to “do the right thing and resign”.

Grant Cohen in the Block Arcade.

Grant Cohen in the Block Arcade.Credit: Eamon Gallagher

There was little joy for the Premier on the left of politics either, with anger erupting over the sudden, police-enforced “hard lockdown” on nine North Melbourne and Flemington public housing blocks. Chris Breen of the Refugee Action Collective described the Saturday afternoon manoeuvre as “authoritarian,” and an attempt by the Andrews government to “shift blame from its own mismanagement of the quarantine hotels onto individual behaviour, migrant families and public housing residents".

The public housing move, he said, “made it clear that we are not ‘all in it together’."


Any way you cut it, restricting the movement for a further six weeks-plus of 5.1 million people in Australia’s second-most populous state is a crisis. It will crimp Victoria's society and the economy. Melbourne and its environs are home to one-fifth of Australia’s jobs. The city is the economic engine of a state that makes up a quarter of national GDP. Estimates of the economic cost to Australia from Melbourne’s lockdown range from $1 billion to $2 billion per week.

The long-term costs are unknowable. Will foreign students, the state's number one export earner, ever come back to Victorian universities? How many cafes, restaurants, theatres, event spaces will never reopen? How many private-sector workers will be thrown out of work when JobKeeper ends?

The first lockdown, coming straight out of the summer of bushfire catastrophe, was viewed publicly as tough but necessary. Andrews, a sometimes abrasive straight-talker, went harder than some other premiers and seemed firmly in control. Victorians applauded him and complied, and the number of infections dived. At the end of June, just as the infection numbers were showing the early signs of rising again, 72 per cent of Victorians thought his government was handling the crisis well or very well, according to Newspoll.

This winter lockdown, however, already feels harder, drearier, and the enforcement actions harder-edged and directed towards ordinary people, not just returning travellers.

Many were shocked at the overwhelming police presence and the lack of health workers at the foot of the towers where some of Victoria's most disadvantaged people live.

"When the rest of us were being locked down, we got 24 hours to get mobilised, so why were the people in the flats not given the same courtesy?" asked Margaret Heffernan, a behavioural researcher at RMIT University in Melbourne of the overwhelming police force directed to the towers last weekend.

Critical Incident police making arrests at the Flemington towers during Daniel Andrews' "hard lockdown".

Critical Incident police making arrests at the Flemington towers during Daniel Andrews' "hard lockdown".Credit: Jason South

Police also featured prominently at Wednesday’s press conference about the city-wide lockdown, with the announcement of “Operation Sentinel,” a “ring of steel” around the city of Melbourne policed by drones and checkpoints. Fines would be levied vigorously, Chief Commissioner Shane Patton promised, singling out one gathering of 15 “stupid, selfish, reckless” people who’d been fined at an Airbnb party in the city.

Those 15 fines were later withdrawn. Prior to lockdown that party was perfectly legal.

Avoiding questions

The recent tough talk was likely prompted by the abject failures in hotel quarantine, an event which apparently prompted the current outbreak, and the biggest single challenge to Andrews' image of competence.

On June 30, Andrews and Chief Medical Officer Brett Sutton announced that genomic testing proved that much of the resurgent outbreak in Victoria could be traced to a virus that escaped from the Rydges and Stamford hotels and seeded clusters in the northern and western suburbs of Melbourne.

But when they are asked for details about this Andrews and his ministers – most recently Jobs, Precincts and Regions minister Martin Pakula – pushed the questions off to the judicial inquiry. Victorians should focus not on the cause of the outbreak, Andrews has said, but on its spread. He directed our attention to the working-class northern and western suburbs of Melbourne and the “complacency … frustration” of Victorians.

“Regardless of who patient zero is and how they became infected, the virus then spreads ... a person gets infected, they're in a family of six, or seven or eight or even 10 people, they then go home, they’re unwell. They don’t get tested for quite some time. They’re wildly infectious, they go and visit other families,” Mr Andrews said.

The judicial inquiry into hotel quarantine, led by Justice Jennifer Coate, will hold public hearings in coming weeks and might embarrass or exonerate the government or individual security operators. Meanwhile Victorians are left telling each other unconfirmed rumours about underpaid and under-trained guards swapping sex and cigarettes with those in quarantine.

As the Liberal member for Higgins, Dr Katie Allen, pointed out on ABC radio this week, the NSW state government was answering questions in public hearings within days about the Ruby Princess debacle while the crisis was still underway.

“We had a pretty clear understanding of what went wrong and what we need to do about it,” she said. “I'd like to know what went wrong with the quarantine in hotels.”

Feeling the heat

The political, health and economic challenges thrown up by COVID-19 are diabolical and Andrews is not alone globally in feeling the heat. Many countries are grappling with second waves, or their failure to subdue the first one, and the politicians so far who have maintained their credibility are those who have flattened the curve most effectively, including in South Korea and Singapore. In France, Italy, Japan, the United States and the UK, on the other hand, failure has seen political leaders suffering slumping approval.

Senior lecturer in politics at Monash University, Nick Economou, said state governments in Australia had made a "rod for their own back" by creating the expectation that case numbers would be low or zero.

"We've set a very low threshold at which a health problem is considered a major crisis to hit with a sledgehammer. Can we eliminate this? If not we are on a crisis footing permanently and we could have a lockdown every couple of months."

A family pulls up to a drive-through testing site in Phoenix, Arizona, where the virus is out of control.

A family pulls up to a drive-through testing site in Phoenix, Arizona, where the virus is out of control.Credit: AP

He said a key decision for the Andrews government would be what to do when the school holiday extension ended. Will Victorian parents tolerate another extended period of remote schooling?

Economou also pointed out the "very interesting and curious moment for those that are in opposition". Simply, they are not getting a look in, in any state or Federally.

"I feel for [Victorian opposition leader] Michael O'Brien. His job is to oppose, to come up with an alternative. But what is the alternative? He's tried a couple of times and every time he gets a bollocking."

'Like playing a game of tiggy'

Andrews' political reputation for competence has been shaken by this outbreak. Whether it comes back could largely depend on whether other states continue to outperform Victoria and whether the second lockdown works as well as the first one did to suppress the disease.

And that, according to CSIRO’s Health and Biosecurity Director Rob Grenfell, does – as the Premier insists – depend on everyone. This week has seen a white-knuckle daily wait for the new case count. That culminated on Friday with a horrifying 288 fresh diagnoses. Those numbers, Grenfell says, are a reflection of what happened 10 days ago, when people were first infected. That means the lockdown will not really have an effect on them, if it does, for another week or more.

“It’s like playing a game of tiggy at school and someone is tagged, but they don’t become ‘it’ for another hour or two into the game,” Grenfell said. “It’s messing with our heads.”

Australia's first lockdown (including closing the international borders) put the country at the forefront of nations flattening the curve. But fatigue with the idea of distancing is dangerous.

Grenfell fears a human tendency to “deny catastrophic events". And while Melbourne is facing the brunt of this breakout, Grenfell points out that, in states that are less affected, people are taking a "cavalier" attitude, teeming into pubs and cafes and acting as if it's all over.

That was Melbourne a few weeks ago.

'A cavalier attitude': guests queue to enter Sydney's Luna Park last week.

'A cavalier attitude': guests queue to enter Sydney's Luna Park last week.Credit: Getty Images

But even in Melbourne, according to University of Sydney infectious diseases expert and professor of paediatrics Dr Robert Booy we are not as respectful of this coronavirus as we should be.

"What would really shock Victorians is knowing someone who is at death’s door or in intensive care. People in Australia have not really experienced this virus yet. We’ve watched on TV that it’s killing tens of thousands of Americans and South Americans, but the real impact of that hasn't really come home to us.”

Even so, millions are struggling with the economic and mental-health fallout of the combination of the disease and economic uncertainty. Agencies such as Lifeline and Beyond Blue are recording a huge increase in calls and domestic violence is high and rising. Women are disproportionately affected, as are the young.

“I have a 21-year-old, and I can see what they're missing in their life," Grenfell says. "It's heartbreaking. We all know what we were doing at 21 and we're telling them they can't do it.”

RMIT's Margaret Heffernan says the virus "is going to further divide society.

"There will be those who still have money and who are quite well off and those who are really struggling and can't get jobs. There will be an increase in theft, in social breakdown, basically. We'll get a long term rebuild, but as what? What are we going to do to stop this social dislocation?”

'Attack, but for a good reason'

Andrews insists there is no choice but to follow the familiar mantra: lock down, keep our distance, wash our hands, and test. Victoria is trying to wrestle to the ground a virus that has been described by infectious disease expert Professor Mary-Louise McLaws as a "psychopath with a very high IQ" and, in this wave, it is transmitting through the community in a way Australia has not confronted before.

"There is no alternative apart from thousands and thousands of cases, many, many in hospital and the tragic consequences that come of that," the Premier warned this week.

Even among residents in the locked-down towers, there is sympathy for that position. Asked if the "hard lockdown" felt like an attack on them, Flemington tower resident and African Australian Multicultural Employment Youth Service organiser Tehiya Umer said: "Attack but for good reason.

"It's not attacking us, [but] to attack the virus. There is no choice. This is only the choice."


Economou asks the pertinent question: "Can we eliminate the virus? If the answer is no, then we are on a crisis footing permanently and we could have a lockdown every couple of months in any community at any time. Can the community tolerate this? Can the community afford it?"

Grenfell’s prescription is a depressing one: “What we’re seeing now is just the nature of this disease," he says.

"It will require all of us to adjust the way we live until we get a vaccine.”

It's what Andrews described on Friday as: "Not normal, but COVID normal".

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