

This was published 4 years ago

How the shock of COVID-19 could end street homelessness in Victoria

Victoria trails other states and territories when it comes to social housing. Can the measures taken during this pandemic be turned into something more lasting?

By Jewel Topsfield

Colin Johnstone, who was homeless, is now being put up in a hotel in the CBD.

Colin Johnstone, who was homeless, is now being put up in a hotel in the CBD.Credit: Scott McNaughton

Colin Johnstone’s days used to be consumed with finding a place to sleep. He slept somewhere different each night; he figured it was safer that way. “You don’t realise it’s actually scary out there at night,” Johnstone, 48, says. “It’s a weird one - it’s not that you are scared of people, you just have that fear in your heart you are not going to wake up in the morning.”

Once Johnstone found a yoga mat in the Sidney Myer Music Bowl and curled up wrapped in a piece of shade cloth. Sometimes it was along the Yarra River, up towards the MCG, or near the Botanic Gardens. “I didn’t even have a blanket,” he says.

Sometime in March, Johnstone was at the back of Federation Square searching for a sleeping spot: “I saw two ladies walking around and thought I better hightail it.”

But the women, who were from homelessness organisation Launch Housing, stopped him and said they were trying to make sure everyone had accommodation during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Within an hour, Johnstone was checked into a swanky inner-city serviced apartment. “To be honest, when I walked in I had a shower and it brought a tear to me eye,” Johnstone says. “I couldn’t believe it.”

One of the unexpected consequences of the pandemic has been the revelation that street homelessness - seen for decades as an intractable problem - can be solved, at least in the short term, if there is political will.

To combat the spread of the virus during lockdown several countries, including Australia, Britain and New Zealand, put rough sleepers up in hotels.


Since March the Victorian government has provided $15 million to homelessness organisations to find people who were sleeping in the street temporary accommodation in hotels.

Today it will announce a further $9.8 million to keep them there in the short term but also help them plan a pathway into more long-term, stable accommodation.

“We were incredibly concerned that if COVID got into the homeless population it would start to really significantly infect people, because your capacity to self-isolate when you are homeless is zero,” says Housing Minister Richard Wynne.

“My motivation was to say we have to intervene here, we have to find a safe place for people to stay while we weather this pandemic.”

Within days hardly anyone was living in the street. At least 4500 people have been put up in hotels across the state, 1000 in the CBD alone, where Melbourne City Council has grappled with the thorny issue of street homelessness for years.

In 2017 then lord mayor Robert Doyle infamously proposed a ban on rough sleepers following concern about a “camp” outside Flinders Street station, although he later backed down from the controversial plan.


The council has now made homelessness its number one priority. “When we first came in we were just moving away from a … regulatory response, we agreed we needed to take a caring response,” says Lord Mayor Sally Capp.

Before the pandemic, rough sleeping seemed too complex a problem to solve. Capp says it has been breathtaking to see what is possible when street homelessness is prioritised and everyone works together. “I would say that the conundrum has been cracked.”

Yet as COVID-19 restrictions ease, many are anxious about what will happen next.

“I contact [my outreach worker] every second week, freaking out almost, because you don’t know how long the funding is for us to be here,” Johnstone says. “If I go back onto the street, I am going to disappear back into no man’s land.”

Launch Housing CEO Bevan Warner.

Launch Housing CEO Bevan Warner.Credit: Scott McNaughton

Bevan Warner, the CEO of Launch Housing in Melbourne, believes the pandemic has provided a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to place rough sleepers directly from the hotels into permanent housing.

“Complex problems can have simple solutions hidden in plain sight," he says.


Warner knows governments across the world housed rough sleepers out of an obligation to protect the public from the deadly virus. “I don’t think it was born out of a desire to solve the homelessness problem but it has created a wonderful opportunity to do exactly that.”

In New Zealand the government has pledged $100 million to keep 1200 motel rooms available for the homeless until next April. This will give the country the “breathing space” it needs to provide transitional housing places. Last month’s budget included a pledge to build 8000 more social housing places.

“The New Zealand example is very pertinent to Victoria, given we have similar land mass and population size,” Warner says. “We can end homelessness, but not without more homes.”


Therein lies the rub. Victoria has under-invested in social housing for decades. Curiously for a progressive government, it spends less on social housing per capita than any other state or territory. Social housing makes up only about 3.2 per cent of all housing in the state, well below the national average of 4.5 per cent. An estimated 80,000 people are waiting for public housing in Victoria.

University of Melbourne geographer Kate Shaw, whose current research focuses on urban renewal in the 21st century, says Australian governments have become increasingly poll-driven. She blames the neoliberalism of politics and the 24-hour news cycle, where policy panders to self-interest.

“Public housing never will and never did garner votes in significant volumes but that didn’t stop [former Victorian premiers Henry] Bolte and [Dick] Hamer, who built most of Victoria’s public housing stock,” Shaw says. “They forged ahead because they saw it as a moral issue.”


Warner believes the persistent idea that people choose homelessness has created the opportunity for policy inaction. He says Australians have a deep-seated belief in meritocracy and the notion that if you work hard you will succeed. This, he believes, has created the stigma around homelessness.

“The consequence of the idea that everyone’s station in life arises exclusively because of hard work ignores hereditary advantage and bad luck,” Warner says.

In fact, he adds, homelessness is almost inevitably associated with bad luck, including childhood trauma leading to mental or physical illness, family and sexual violence, job loss or relationship breakdown.

For Johnstone, it was the moment his heart stopped when he was driving along the freeway five years ago. “That was the end of my world,” Johnstone says.

'That was the end of my world': a health shock sent Colin Johnstone onto the street.

'That was the end of my world': a health shock sent Colin Johnstone onto the street.Credit: Scott McNaughton

He was diagnosed with heart disease and neurocardiogenic syncope, which causes the heart rate and blood pressure to drop suddenly.

Johnstone tried to keep working casual shifts in irrigation but says labour hire firms get nervous if you say you have a pacemaker. His shifts dried up in January. He lived off his savings for a month but then could no longer afford his $350-a-week workman’s cabin in Geelong.


“Being homeless destroyed me,” Johnstone says. “The first night I spent at Southern Cross Station and didn’t really think about it. But by the second night it really hit home. It was the first time in my life I never bounced into something.”

In the past Johnstone used to bring his sons into Melbourne on a Sunday morning to go skateboarding. “You would see the homeless people and sort of not think anything of it,” Johnstone says. “Never in a million years would I think ‘that’s me’.”

But if the pandemic has taught us anything, it is the fragility of all of our livelihoods.

For the past 12 weeks, political consultancy RedBridge Group has been conducting research exploring how political leaders are handling COVID-19.

Director Kosmos Samaras says the research has detected a much higher level of empathy towards the homeless. “People are worried about the prospect of being thrown out of their home, it is a much more real and visceral issue for them,” Samaras says. “There is now an acknowledgement within the electorate that homelessness doesn’t just affect people with drug and alcohol problems.”

In May the Victorian government announced a $500 million package to build 168 new social housing units and upgrade 23,000 rundown units. Samaras says the response from their polling was positive. Homelessness groups welcomed the package, but urged the government to build more social housing. They pointed out that to reach the national average of 4.5 per cent, the government would need to build 6000 housing units each year for a decade.

The Housing Minister says the government is “well aware of the advocacy of housing groups in relation to the question of supply”. “The simple truth is our provision is at 3.2 per cent and the government is well aware of that challenge,” Wynne says.

Danielle Wood, the budget policy and institutional reform program director at the Grattan Institute, says building social housing is a good way to stimulate the economy post-pandemic.

She says it supports the construction industry, which tends to take a significant hit during economic downturns, helps underwrite jobs and can be turned off and on pretty quickly.

“It has a high multiplier - every dollar spent generates more additional economic activity than most forms of government spending.”

But Wood says there are other sectors that have also suffered during the pandemic and are calling for stimulus spending.

She says there is an argument for money to help disadvantaged students who have fallen behind due to remote learning and cash handouts to support hospitality and tourism.

“All these things make a lot of economic sense - the government has to essentially decide how to divide up the stimulus pie.”

Warner, the Launch Housing CEO, says there is another strong economic argument for housing the homeless.

In 2008 Finland introduced a strategy called “housing first”, where chronically homeless people were moved from hostels into their own flat. Each has a contract and pays rent with the help of government subsidies. Not only has homelessness drastically fallen but according to one of the architects of the policy - Juha Kaakinen - the government saves €15,000 ($24,650) a year on each homeless person it houses.

A 2015 University of Queensland study also found governments can save more than $13,000 annually per person by providing the chronically homeless with access to secure long-term housing and support services. The evaluation of the Brisbane Common Ground housing project found tenants in supportive housing experienced fewer mental health episodes, fewer days as an admitted patient, fewer visits to the emergency department, fewer interactions with the police (both as victims and offenders) and fewer nights in custody.

'There is a silver lining in this pandemic, let’s hope we grab it.'

Bevan Warner, Launch Housing

“It costs more to treat street homelessness than it does to fix it,” Warner says. “The government can borrow at record low interest rates now and it can borrow for road and rail projects; so surely it can borrow to purchase and build new housing.

"Let’s get people out of hotels and paying 30 per cent of their income towards a social rent. There is a silver lining in this pandemic, let’s hope we grab it.”

In the three months since he has been living in the serviced apartment, Johnstone is eating better, has a new doctor and is back in touch with his cardiologist. “I have been buying little microwave spaghettis for dinner, which are cheap and easy to cook. When you are on the street you buy coffee, pies and doughnuts and that’s your staple diet.”

Launch Housing is assisting Johnstone to apply for the private rental assistance program. Last week he sent his first ever email.

“The job provider lady, she’s telling me over the phone how to do it,” he says. “I spell phonetically, I only got a year nine pass from school all those years ago.”

What has been the best part about living in the serviced apartment?

“How do you explain it?” Johnstone says. “Apart from a warm, dry bed, being able to cook and feel safe, the biggest change is it gives you a chance to try to focus on getting life going.”

If it wasn’t for the pandemic, Johnstone believes he would still be out on the streets. He says he can’t thank the two women who found him and Launch Housing enough. “One thing I noticed while I was on the street, is that you lose your self-esteem pretty fast. Something like this is amazing. You feel like a person again in life.”

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