

This was published 4 years ago

IOC will want athletes to make a point, not a scene, at Tokyo 2021

By Phil Lutton

This was the International Olympic Committee's version of reading the room amid an outpouring of global push-back against oppression and racism. Months after tightening its rules about athlete protests, the IOC has opened the door, ever so slightly, to granting its athletes a greater degree of expression in Tokyo and beyond.

It's a concession that has come with some fine print and, at this point, has yet to progress beyond a potential discussion led by the in-house athlete committee, which is chaired by Zimbabwe's Olympic swimming champion Kirsty Coventry.

US athletes Tommie Smith and John Carlos, with Australia's Peter Norman, in their famous pose at the 1968 Games in Mexico.

US athletes Tommie Smith and John Carlos, with Australia's Peter Norman, in their famous pose at the 1968 Games in Mexico. Credit: AP

Expect progress. Don't expect miracles. Few sports organisations are more protective of their brand than the IOC and their stringent Rule 50 - "No kind of demonstration or political, religious or racial propaganda is permitted in any Olympic sites, venues or other areas" - doesn't leave much wriggle room for those with a cause to bear or an axe in need of grinding.

At their executive meeting overnight on Wednesday, IOC president Thomas Bach said that the Olympic ideals already enshrined the kind of unity and exclusivity sought by so many in the US and beyond. Those, he said, should be held aloft without the need for 'potentially divisive demonstrations'.

Bach and the IOC are receptive to exploring 'different ways' for athletes to express themselves while still 'respecting the Olympic spirit'. In other words, make your point, not a scene, or face sanctions that include warnings, fines and, in extreme cases, the potential of having medals stripped.

The question now is - assuming the IOC walk the walk on this and aren't paying lip service to the current mood - what new-age protests might look like at Tokyo 2021? And how far would athletes push the boundaries to make their voices heard?

Whatever Bach is thinking, it's unlikely to resemble the famous raised fists of Tommie Smith and John Carlos in Mexico City in 1968, with Australia's Peter Norman standing in proud support of their stance. Nor does the IOC want a reprise of Mack Horton's refusal to share a podium with a rival (Sun Yang's ban has somewhat alleviated this concern) from last year's FINA World Championships.

The IOC has tried to frame itself as an organisation receptive to change but it's hardly that progressive. No sports are going to give carte blanche to grand acts of protest on their biggest stage, so it will fall to Coventry and her commission to try and paint some grey areas in which competitors can manoeuvre.

Perhaps it might look like someone taking a knee as they are introduced before the final of the 100 metres. Maybe there's a flag that can be toured around an arena to raise an issue close to the heart of one of the placegetters.


Expect the sportswear giants like Nike, who have thrown their support behind the Black Lives Matter movement through viral marketing of their 'Don't Do it' line, to get exceedingly creative in trying to push the IOC boundaries and regulations to breaking point. For them, the more headlines they generate, the better.

Should the IOC only provide minor avenues for athletes to protest, they will be be called out as hypocrites. Decried at the time, the raised gloves of Mexico City now stand as a monument to the kind of awareness the Olympics can generate through its iconic moments.

Yet they are right to tread carefully on this front, given the layers of complexity around the issue. They will try to keep the podium sacrosanct, for starters, and encourage views to be aired at press conferences or post-event interviews.

And it's important not to view the potential of increased athlete protest simply through the American prism. Athletes from every nation may bring a cause of their own and what may be palatable to some may not be for others. The IOC would argue peace in the Middle East won't be won on the judo dais.


Either way, the prospect of an Olympics laced with protest movements and expressions of discontent or awareness will only add to the drama of a delayed Tokyo Games, should they go ahead next year in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

You can bet athletes won't miss an opportunity to raise key issues with the eyes of the world watching. All power to them. For the IOC, it's another step in the evolution of a sporting event that has no choice but to adapt if it wants to thrive.

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