

This was published 4 years ago

Secret EPA reports reveal PFAS problem on West Gate Tunnel

By Timna Jacks

Soil being dug up in the heart of Melbourne to build the $6.7 billion West Gate Tunnel has PFAS levels that are 100 times the acceptable amount in drinking water, but this was never disclosed to the public, internal documents from the environmental watchdog reveal.

In the first official confirmation of high levels of PFAS on the project, secret Environment Protection Authority documents seen by The Sunday Age show soil dug up along the West Gate Freeway has been classed as the second-highest level of hazardous waste.

Contaminated soil from the West Gate Tunnel project dumped near CityLink off Footscray Road.

Contaminated soil from the West Gate Tunnel project dumped near CityLink off Footscray Road.Credit: Wayne Taylor

The EPA and the project’s builders CPB Contractors and John Holland have known about severe PFAS contamination for nearly a year, but have never admitted it publicly.

This is despite multiple calls for the project's soil samples to be released. Bacchus Marsh residents and Moorabool councils have flagged possible legal action if the road's waste is sent to Maddingley Brown Coal — a landfill just hundreds of metres from schools and homes.

It comes as environmental experts warn that dumping PFAS soil in landfill could create a problem for future generations and have called for all PFAS waste — or at least the most contaminated parts — to be treated and removed.


Secret EPA classifications issued between May and September before tunnelling was to begin last year show sections of the project’s soil have 100 times the levels of PFAS acceptable in drinking water. Only one facility in the state is licensed to dispose of this soil.

Other sections of soil classified by the EPA have low-level contamination or are clean fill. The amounts of soil measured is unclear.

The Andrews government has continually argued that soil excavated during tunnelling has low traces of PFAS.


While the EPA documents appear to refer mainly to soil being dug up before tunnelling starts, they are understood to also include some areas where the tunnel will go.

"Preliminary testing has shown that the soil from tunnelling is expected to have very low levels of PFAS," a government spokeswoman said.

Transurban is in a bitter dispute with its builders over the soil crisis. The fight is likely to wind up in court.

Ballooning project costs are linked to delays, hefty landfill levies and the need to build massive new waste facilities to store, process and test more than 1.5 million cubic metres of soil in line with beefed up EPA requirements.

The project is also under pressure to consider treatment options for waste with high traces of PFAS, rather than simply dumping it in landfill.

A CSIRO-developed treatment for PFAS called RemBind, which mixes small amounts of powdered minerals into PFAS soil and prevents the chemicals from leaching out, has been pitched to the project for around $100 million, but a decision on whether it would be used appears to have stalled.

Senior lecturer in environmental science at Melbourne University Brad Clarke said it was time to rethink dumping PFAS waste in landfill, as this was “delaying environmental problems for our children to deal with”.

“As far as we know, these compounds don’t break down at all. So at some point, we will have to dig it up and treat it.”

Associate Professor Robert Niven at the University of NSW, who is researching how to treat PFAS in soils, said decontaminating all of the project's PFAS waste as proven treatment becomes available could add to costs, but bungling the process “will cost more in the long run”.

Bacchus Marsh resident Kat Barlow said residents were concerned about soil coming out of the tunnel and waste with high levels of PFAS being stockpiled on the side of the road that was covered only with a tarpaulin in Melbourne's inner-west. “This is a concern for the whole of Melbourne,” she said.

“The very next thing that is going to happen is a class action from residents who find out they’ve been sitting on 'Category A' PFAS soil leaching out into parks and gardens where we take our children.”

The EPA requires waste that is Category A — the highest level of contamination — to be decontaminated and a spokeswoman said this was being done for small amounts of soil.

A West Gate Tunnel Project spokeswoman said the EPA “confirmed the levels of PFAS in the spoil from the tunnel boring are expected to be low and at safe levels for the community and the environment with appropriate controls”.

A Transurban spokeswoman said the project’s low levels of PFAS were not harmful to the public during soil removal, relocation or disposal. “The builder, CPB John Holland, continues to work towards a tailored solution for tunnelling that meets all relevant EPA requirements.”

Planning Minister Richard Wynne is examining an application to send the project's soil to Maddingley Brown Coal landfill. He has triggered a clause in the Planning and Environment Act that gives Moorabool Council a say in the decision, after complaints the shire was shut out of the planning process.

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