

This was published 4 years ago

Can Singapore safely go to the polls during a pandemic?

By James Massola

How do you hold an election during a pandemic?

As the coronavirus crisis ricochets around the world, upending lives, economies and 'normal' life, Singapore is preparing for a national election that is widely expected to return the ruling People's Action Party to power, which has ruled for 61 years.

Potentially the most interesting thing about the election - which has to be held by April 2021, but will likely be much sooner - is the challenge of running an election while clamping down on mass gatherings, big queues or close contact.

Singapore is cautiously rolling back its lockdown after grappling with a second surge of infections.

Singapore is cautiously rolling back its lockdown after grappling with a second surge of infections. Credit: AP

South Korea and Israel offer some clues after their recent elections.

In South Korea, which has an aggressive contact-tracing program, precautions such as masks, sanitiser and social distancing were widely deployed.

It's likely Singapore will be able to do this in a similarly effective manner, according to Murdoch University's Emeritus Professor Garry Rodan, even though the nation is now grappling with a second surge of cases.

"Singapore can do this sort of regimented thing but whether it is, even by Singapore standards, the best way to hold an election to generate legitimacy is another matter," he said.

"It [the People's Action Party government] may not be that worried about that, when push comes to shove what they are really trying to do is reduce the opposition to as few seats as possible, preferably zero." The ruling party currently holds 83 of 89 seats in parliament.


New restrictions are expected during the nine-day campaign period and new laws have recently been passed that allow voters in quarantine to not vote (voting is usually compulsory, as in Australia), while people will also be allowed to vote outside their constituencies.

Cherian George, a Singapore-born academic now based in Hong Kong, said limits on rallies will likely hurt opposition parties such as the Workers Party (which holds six of the 89 seats in Parliament) more than the government.

"Traditionally the opposition has always needed big event, big rallies for a couple of reasons – to be able to speak directly to people in a media environment dominated by the government and secondly for the demonstration effect. In ordinary times in Singapore, opposition sympathisers feel isolated and therefore disempowered," he said. "It's often the big rallies of 10,000 or more people where Singaporeans who are thinking of voting for the opposition think ‘I’m not alone'!"

George, a professor of media studies, said the internet would be crucial in 2020 to reach voters - and the ruling party "is far more equipped" for online political campaigning this time.

Singapore’s Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong.

Singapore’s Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong.Credit: Bloomberg

Rodan agreed the constraints on rallies and door-knocking will help the ruling party, but added it may have missed the optimum time to hold the poll in late March or early April, before the second wave of infections saw a big spike in Singapore's caseload.

The number of cases in Singapore spiked from 1049 on April 2 to 25,346 on May 14 as the virus has swept through the dormitories that house low paid workers from countries such as Bangladesh, India and Malaysia.


Worldwide praise for Singapore's handling of the crisis has switched to questions about how the government didn't foresee the risk of widespread infections in these dormitories, and even doubts about the structure of Singapore's economic model of importing low-paid workers to do jobs Singaporeans don't want.

The government reports these daily new infections - running from the low 400s to 900 per day - separately to the daily handful of cases involving Singaporean citizens and those who hold permanent residence cards.

Though the first, best opportunity to hold the poll may have passed, Rodan said he "can’t see the Singapore government missing the opportunity to hold the election while they have these limitations in place".

"The election will be sooner, rather than later."

Singapore-born Oxford historian Thum Ping Tjin - a critic of the ruling party who was recently forced to issue a correction notice to a video he posted under the government's new 'fake news' laws - said the biggest question was whether the government would take a larger than expected hit for its handling of the crisis.

The historian, widely known as PJ Thum, said that even if voters are annoyed, the government is likely to be returned with a thumping majority.


The coronavirus "has exposed the dirty underbelly of our economy that NGOs, New Naratif [a rare independent media outlet Thum is managing director of] and activists have been saying for years is unsustainable," he said, referring to a big outbreak of the virus among dormitory workers.

"But will it actually affect someone when they walk into a polling station and they see [People's Action Party or someone else?"

Thum did not believe so.

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