

This was published 4 years ago

Peter Helliar: 'Somebody branded me lazy. It hit a nerve'

By Benjamin Law

Each week, Benjamin Law asks public figures to discuss the subjects we're told to keep private by getting them to roll a die. The numbers they land on are the topics they're given. This week he talks to Peter Helliar. The multitalented 44-year-old entertainer is best known as a co-host of Network Ten’s The Project.

Peter Helliar: "My wife has a family member who was molested by a Catholic priest. That’s probably why we only go twice a year to church. It is hard to separate those things."

Peter Helliar: "My wife has a family member who was molested by a Catholic priest. That’s probably why we only go twice a year to church. It is hard to separate those things."Credit: Network Ten


Let’s talk about what you do for money. Stand-up comedian, actor, producer, director, screenwriter, radio and TV host, author. Have I missed anything? [Laughs] Husband?

Wait, you get paid to be a husband? No! [Laughs] Oh no, that’s going to read badly in print.

Of all the things you’ve done for work, have any caught you by surprise? Directing. [Helliar has directed episodes of It’s a Date and How to Stay Married, two TV sitcoms he created.] I remembered watching Schindler’s List, and coming out rattled by the experience. But my second thought was, “How does somebody actually make that?” Now, this will not come as a shock to your readers, but I have not made Schindler’s List yet.


At the same time, you are directing TV! How do you become a director? Observe, ask questions and learn. It’s a group effort. You hire good people, listen to them and consult.

We’re still seeing you on The Project. Has coronavirus diminished your income? I do a fair bit of corporate work [emceeing and public speaking] and that’s all gone this year. And I probably only got through a third of my stand-up tour. That said, I’m extraordinarily lucky. The Project is my major income.

If anything went wrong with your career, what’s your Plan B? I’d politely suggest that maybe my wife Bridget could start thinking about what her occupational dreams might be [outside of full-time parenting]. [Laughs] Then I’d become a stay-at-home dad, make the brave choice!



What do you put on the census under “religion”? I was raised Catholic; I went to a Catholic school; my kids go to a Catholic school; I married a Catholic. I would say that I’m a semi-practising Catholic.

What does that entail? Church maybe twice a year during the big events: Easter and Christmas. Growing up, we went to church every week. Our ritual was going to church at 7.30am. Mass would go for 45 minutes unless Carlton won, in which case we’d wrap it up in 25 to watch the TV replay. But if you ask me if there’s a god, I don’t know.

Have recent revelations about the Catholic Church changed your relationship with it? My wife has a family member who was molested by a Catholic priest. That’s probably why, to be honest, we only go twice a year to church. It is hard to separate those things. Those [sexual abusers] don’t represent a religion, but when you look at the way the Catholic Church has handled these situations, it’s pretty heavy to take it on and then go to try to celebrate your religion.

Lighter question: to which of the seven deadly sins are you most susceptible: envy, gluttony, greed, lust, pride, sloth or wrath? [Laughs] Maybe sloth? That’s laziness, right? Actually, there was an article written about me many years ago that spoke to unnamed sources, and somebody branded me lazy. It hit a nerve because it’s like, “How many jobs do I have to do to be not considered lazy?” I’ve been called the hardest-working man in show business. I don’t believe that – Eddie McGuire’s got me covered.


But you do work hard. I work hard! I think my wife would have slit that person’s throat if she’d known who it was, because she sees it. So I won’t say sloth! And I made an early choice not to be envious of other people in the industry, so I don’t think envy. Lust? Actually, I won’t go for lust. [Laughs]


Let’s talk about your body, Pete. Are you happy with it? Uh, I’m not thrilled. [Laughs]

Why do you say that? How long have you got? I’ve always had weight. When I look back at photos of when I was a kid, I do look like a regular, healthy kid, but I’ve never been ripped. I was always the kid wearing T-shirts during swimming. Right now, though, I’m lighter than I’ve been for years. I made a choice at the end of last year to get into shape and I’m not drinking during the week, I’m exercising every day. I’m under 100 kilograms for the first time in years.

Wow, that’s huge. Actually, that’s the opposite of huge. [Laughs] People who have broken 100 kilograms know the 100-kilo mark becomes such a psychological thing. It does feel good. And I need to keep remembering the relationship between mental health and exercise, too. There are times when I’m at the shops and people recognise me, when I feel I would like to be invisible. But in times where I feel a bit fitter, I’m more open to that. I’ve only made that connection recently.


Do you have a cool party trick or superpower you can do with your body? I can bend my thumb back so it touches my forearm.

Is that a double-jointed thing? I don’t know, but it’s probably not good to do it. But that’s about it. I couldn’t even whistle until a few years ago! I can’t click my fingers correctly! I’m so glad my dreams actually worked out, because the Plan Bs were not vast.

Especially if you were going to be a professional whistler or finger-clicker. Well, I used to do a routine where I’d admit I couldn’t whistle. I’d say, “I don’t need the whistle. But if I were a kettle, it would be different.”

Season two of How to Stay Married is on Network Ten.

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