

This was published 4 years ago

Close contact: Tracing the virus from Sydney's eastern suburbs

By Michael Evans, Kate Aubusson, Sarah Keoghan and Nigel Gladstone

On a warm, sunny autumn afternoon this week, Ronel Williams from Dover Heights hopped in her car and headed down the hill to Bondi Beach.

It wasn’t for exercise, a coffee or even a stroll along the world-famous beach promenade.

Drive-through coronavirus testing at Bondi Beach on Friday.

Drive-through coronavirus testing at Bondi Beach on Friday.Credit: Edwina Pickles

The 51-year-old had been up the night before with a sore throat.

And at the northern end of the beach in the car park, a COVID-19 drive-through facility has become the newest feature of the world-famous landmark.

A flashing sign directs drivers to the testing facility off Campbell Parade and witches hats mark the way to a testing marquee. Where visitors might once have expected to see a bronzed lifeguard, now there are medical workers wearing full personal protective equipment and full-face protective shields.

"Before I just thought it was for if you had been in contact with overseas guests,” Williams says. “But this morning, I heard them saying they encourage everyone to go, so because I'm not feeling well, I thought it was best to do this.”

Bondi Beach is closed because of the coronavirus lockdown.

Bondi Beach is closed because of the coronavirus lockdown. Credit: Rhett Wyman

On Wednesday afternoon, a steady stream of motorists pulls into the bay every few minutes. Many who were being tested had passengers in the vehicle. Most parents were rolling up with children in the back seat. Some had masks on. Most did not.

Nearly a month after scenes of a crowded Bondi Beach went around the world, highlighting how Australians were ignoring pleas for social distancing to stop the spread of the coronavirus, Sydney’s east remains a focal point of the fight to stop community transmission of the disease.


Local federal MP Dave Sharma acknowledges there have been problems with social distancing in a densely populated area popular with younger people less affected by the coronavirus. “Behaviour has changed and improved, people are getting the message,” he says. “Obviously, going around the suburb it’s quite different — people are still out buying coffee and takeaway, or are out exercising.

“I’ve never seen so many exercising in Centennial Park,” he says, without a hint of irony. “People are getting back to simpler pleasures.”

Runners and walkers in Centennial Park last week.

Runners and walkers in Centennial Park last week.Credit: James Brickwood

The highly visible and controversial move to shut the beach became the key moment in the public messaging of the importance of social distancing.

The latest data shows that the trend across New South Wales is going in the right direction with fewer than 30 new cases found each day since Easter Sunday despite testing more than 13,000 people. The virus has infected almost 3000 people but more than 1350 people have recovered.

The number of people in intensive care units at NSW hospitals has fallen steadily from 43 at the start of the month to 26 on Wednesday. People needing ventilators have remained reasonably steady with 19 requiring help to breathe on Wednesday, down from 22 last week.

In the first two weeks of April, NSW Health data shows 27 new cases in Waverley with seven of unknown origin. In nearby Woollahra, the numbers are retreating, with only eight new cases of which four are of unknown origin.

But in neighbouring Randwick, there were 28 new cases with seven of unknown origin.

On Monday, NSW Health was so concerned about numbers of cases of unknown origin in several areas, including Blacktown, Penrith and Randwick, that it said residents with any symptoms should be checked out. By Wednesday, that was widened and anyone with so much as a "scratchy throat" was encouraged to be tested.

There is no official explanation for the appearance of Randwick, nor Blacktown or Penrith in western Sydney on the list. Speculation centres on community transmission from those who are unaware they even have the coronavirus.

While a month ago, it was arrivals from overseas that concerned officials, borders have since closed (disastrous problems such as the Ruby Princess cruise ship notwithstanding) with cases largely identified and confined.

Dealing with the unknown

The next front has become infections with no known source. These cases are the big concern for health authorities because they suggest undetected cases of coronavirus spreading through the community: where there's one case, there are likely more hidden.

Randwick and Bondi have a high proportion of younger people, which is why NSW Health, Premier Gladys Berijiklian and Health Minister Brad Hazzard have been at pains to get the message through to young people that they are not immune to the virus.


But just a few kilometres south are suburbs with much larger populations aged over 60. If pockets of infection spread from unknown sources down to Maroubra, for example, where more than one in five residents are aged over 60, that cluster could have a far more significant impact.

Similarly, in neighbouring Kingsford, which already has confirmed cases and a much lower socioeconomic demographic to Randwick. A lower socioeconomic status is a proxy for other powerful risk factors for COVID-19 (such as chronic disease and smoking).

The same concerns exist around Australia. Those factors underline why authorities are concerned about cases from an unknown source, leaving them little choice but to undertake laborious tracing work to lock down known transmitters and determine with whom they have been in contact.


Tracing the source

Health authorities across the country have beefed up teams to track down people who have been in contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case.

About 150 workers are making an estimated 1300 calls a day, painstakingly trying to find who may have been in touch with a newly confirmed positive case.

Professor Lyn Gilbert, from the Marie Bashir Institute for Infectious Diseases and Biosecurity at the University of Sydney, says Australia is “probably the best country in the world for detecting cases and not missing them”.

“We’ve done pretty well but it’s very difficult to be 100 per cent. Figures at the moment show we're doing an extraordinarily good job — on average around the country each case is transmitting to less than one other —- which is a tribute to the physical-distancing measures and contact tracing that’s been done.”


It shows the importance of contact tracing, where public health officials painstakingly identify whom a confirmed patient has been in touch with before their diagnosis so they can shut down the spread. There are still 350 cases of unknown origin in NSW, down from more than 400 at its peak.

“It’s very labour intensive — we’ve only been able to do it because the public health workforce has been increased enormously by bringing in extra people and because we’ve been able to keep total case numbers down relatively low," Gilbert says.

“If numbers got out of control and start going up and major outbreaks in lots of places that would become difficult. That’s why it's so important to try to keep numbers low and have everybody doing their bit in terms of physical distancing and staying at home."

The difficulty comes from patients who remain asymptomatic, a group Gilbert says “we really don’t have a handle on at all yet”.

In locations where there are outbreaks among foreigners or itinerant travellers — like backpackers — the cluster can be more likely to move and spider out as infected people move into other areas because they are not permanent residents. For instance, a group of backpackers staying in Bondi hear the suburb is a coronavirus hotspot and choose to move out of the area to avoid catching the virus but unwittingly take it with them.

Pandemic adviser to state and federal governments, Associate Professor Adam Kamradt-Scott, said he was concerned NSW had a “reactive approach” to contact tracing that meant the process didn’t start until a suspected case linked to a cluster tested positive. “We should be looking at starting tracing earlier for each person tested but that requires immense resource allocation,” he says. “We need a massive health workforce to do this.”

He says during the Ebola outbreak in Liberia and Sierra Leone, health authorities employed masses of people who lost their jobs as a result of the outbreak and deployed them as contact tracers. “It was such a critical element,” he says.

“It’s a challenge but it conceivably can be done, and it relied on a high level of community compliance and a willingness to share information about the people they’ve met with and their movements [during their potentially infectious period].”

Kamradt-Scott also has slight concerns contact tracers were not meeting with suspected and confirmed cases linked to clusters, instead relying on phone calls, texts and emails. “That face-to-face contact is really important … you’re not a disembodied voice over the phone.

“When you get in front of someone and see the whites of their eyes, they are more co-operative and you can pick up on visual cues,” he says. “You can tell to what extent someone is being compliant. If you have someone who is defensive in their answers, it raises the question about whether they are likely to be compliant and self-isolate for 14 days.”

On Thursday, Prime Minister Scott Morrison described the need for "industrial scale" testing and contact tracing before the government could consider lifting restrictions. He said three requirements must be met before the rules are changed: more testing, better contact tracing and quicker reactions to outbreaks.

The government also proposed an opt-in tracking app for mobile phones to alert users if they have come in close proximity to someone later confirmed to be positive.

‘OK, now we need to backtrack’

Singer Abby Kenneally tested positive in late March.

Singer Abby Kenneally tested positive in late March.

Singer Abby Kenneally has had the coronavirus and helped contact tracers deal with those she had been in touch with. The 21-year-old tested positive on March 29 after the virus spread through a string of band mates in Sydney's east.

Kenneally shared a microphone in a music studio with a friend who had unknowingly contracted it from a bass player a few days earlier. The friend tested positive on the March 26 and Kenneally went straight into isolation.

"Once I tested positive, they were like, OK, now we need to backtrack and see everyone that you've been in contact with over the past from the day before," she says.

Kenneally says NSW Health asked her to trace back to the day before she started showing symptoms. "I had to remember everyone that I had seen," she says. "They asked for all their details to get in contact but I also took the authority and also messaged everyone as well."

Kenneally has now recovered and received her clearance letter via email on Monday.

‘There might be setbacks’

Like cities around the country, the impact on local MP Sharma’s community has been significant. But the good fortune compared with places like New York is not lost on him.

“My sense talking to business owners is that the most important thing is getting control of health elements before they can start to consider getting back to normal," he says. “I think there’s also an understanding it might be a gradual, piloted comeback, there might be setbacks.”

The size of the loss of business is significant. “Places like nail salons, gyms, those people are really hurting — some of the business models can't cope," he says. “Businesses expect that they’re not going to be back to normal, back to 100 per cent — they’re asking how do we get back to 40, 50, 60 per cent."


The former diplomat has also had an eye on global handling of the crisis, arguing Australia and other countries should undertake a global review into the World Health Organisation.

Despite Australia’s relative success in containing the virus, experts agree it’s too soon to consider lifting restrictions, pointing out that at one point, there was just one person in a Wuhan wet market with coronavirus.

Asked when restrictions might be lifted, Gilbert is frank: “Anybody who says they know that, at this stage, is kidding themselves.”

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