

This was published 4 years ago

Bernie Sanders ends his 2020 Democratic presidential campaign

By Matthew Knott

Washington: Bernie Sanders, who once appeared on the verge of seizing the Democratic Party's presidential nomination, has officially dropped out of the race and declared that former vice-president Joe Biden will be the party's nominee in November.

While acknowledging that he would not secure enough delegates to win the party's nomination, Sanders said his progressive movement was winning the ideological and generational fight within the Democratic Party.

In a live-streamed address to supporters, Sanders said it was a "difficult and painful" decision to suspend his campaign, but that Biden's substantial delegate lead and the coronavirus pandemic had forced his hand.

"I wish I could give you better news but I think you know the truth and that is that we're now some 300 delegates behind vice-president Biden and the path to victory is virtually impossible," Sanders said on Wednesday (Thursday AEST).

"I cannot in good conscience continue to mount a campaign I cannot win and which would interfere with the important work required of all of us in this difficult hour."

He continued: "If I believed we had a feasible path to the nomination, I would certainly continue the campaign. But it's just not there."

Sanders said he and his supporters had moved ideas recently considered "radical and fringe" - such as a universal healthcare system provided by the federal government - to the centre of US political debate.

Sanders' withdrawal will pave the way for high-profile Democrats such as former president Barack Obama to endorse Biden, who staged a remarkable comeback after disastrous early performances in Iowa and New Hampshire.

The withdrawal by Bernie Sanders, right, means former vice-president Joe Biden, left, will be the Democratic Party's presidential nominee in November.

The withdrawal by Bernie Sanders, right, means former vice-president Joe Biden, left, will be the Democratic Party's presidential nominee in November. Credit: AP


In a statement, Biden praised Sanders for energising young voters and for popularising ideas such as a $US15 ($24) minimum wage and free public college.

"Bernie has done something rare in politics," Biden said.

"He hasn’t just run a political campaign; he’s created a movement. And make no mistake about it, I believe it’s a movement that is as powerful today as it was yesterday."

As recently as late February, Sanders appeared the most likely Democratic candidate to secure the party's nomination. He had won the most votes in the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary, before crushing his competition in the Nevada caucuses.

His campaign rallies drew the biggest crowds and his online fundraising abilities were unmatched.

But Biden revived his flagging campaign with a resounding victory in South Carolina, where African Americans form the dominant voting bloc.

Two other leading moderates in the contest - former South Bend, Indiana, mayor Pete Buttigieg and Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar - swiftly dropped out of the race and endorsed Biden.

The former vice-president then put in a formidable performance in the vital "Super Tuesday" contests and continued claiming victory in subsequent primaries.

One of Biden's next jobs will be to decide who to pick as a running mate for vice-president.


He has indicated that person will be a woman, but there are several potential candidates, among them three senators: California's Kamala Harris, who sparred with him in a debate, is seen by many as a logical choice; Amy Klobuchar, who dropped out of the presidential nomination race to allow Biden to win in her state of Minnesota, and Elizabeth Warren from Massachusetts who overlaps with Sanders on many policies and could help Biden retain some Sanders' supporters.

After Sanders' announcement, Trump almost immediately tried to stir up animosity among progressives, tweeting: "This ended just like the Democrats & the DNC wanted, same as the Crooked Hillary fiasco. The Bernie people should come to the Republican Party, TRADE!"

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