

This was published 4 years ago

HSC to proceed, but students warned of uncertain timetable

By Jordan Baker and Amelia McGuire

Education experts say the Higher School Certificate will go ahead this year although the coronavirus pandemic may force major adjustments such as delayed exams, a slimmed-down syllabus or even dumping examinations altogether and using assessments to calculate results.

Schools say they are in limbo about the HSC and are calling for more information about potential options as year 12 students navigate the two-fold stress of studying for their final exams and worrying about their health.

Emma Hooten is studying for her HSC this year.

Emma Hooten is studying for her HSC this year. Credit: Steven Siewert

The NSW Education Standards Authority board meets on Tuesday night but is unlikely to make any decisions, given there is so much uncertainty about how the coming months will unfold.

"A lot of it depends on how things evolve and how long schools are able to stay open, and when they would reopen," said Craig Petersen, the acting president of the Secondary Principals Council. "If they have to close, as they probably will, what does that look like?

"Is it a short closure, is it partly operational with provisions for some HSC students, particularly those who are developing major works?"

The United Kingdom has cancelled its A-level and GCSE exams, which were due in May and June, and students' results will instead be based on a combination of assessment marks and teacher estimates.

Australia's exams are not scheduled until October and could be held later with the co-operation of the university sector, which uses the results to calculate an entry rank for its courses.

Federal, state and territory ministers decided on Friday to cancel NAPLAN tests this year.

If a school shutdown was required, NESA could consider reducing the amount of content that would be examined, especially as the examinations had not yet been written, said Karen McDaid, the president of the Mathematical Association of NSW.


"If the kids can't be taught [some of the material] and if we can identify the areas they would actually need, I think that's a sensible suggestion," she said.

If, in a worst case scenario, exams could not be held at all, senior school assessments could be used instead.

"Our research suggests that even year 11 results are a good predictor," said Kim Paino, the general manager of marketing and engagement at Universities Admissions Centre - which uses HSC results to determine ranks for university admissions. "The research is pretty strong around their reliability."

One principal, who did not want to be named, worried that using year 11 assessments would be unfair. "Those [early] assessments are quite different, you'd be weighing them quite heavily," she said.

Tom Alegounarias, the former chair of NESA, said there was a high correlation between moderated teacher estimates and actual marks. But "that does deny that group of 10 or 15 per cent of students who get very different marks than you would predict, for instance those kids who were going to put in the effort in the last six months," he said.

A major consideration for the board will be equity. The HSC's strength is as a level playing field; all students are taught the same material and sit the same test. But that will be undermined if private school students can learn remotely with high-quality technology while others cannot.

Some have suggested exempting year 12 from school closures where possible. "I'd advocate for staff staying at school and running online/landline support from there," said one principal. At some private schools that have switched to remote lessons, year 12 remains on-site.

The longer we have before we get to that situation [of a school shutdown], the better prepared we will be.

Craig Petersen, Secondary Principals Council.

Some schools have quarantined them from students in lower years.

Mr Petersen said schools should take a business-as-usual approach and focus on ensuring students finished their term one assessments while schools were still operating.

"The longer we have before we get to that situation [of a school shutdown], the better prepared we will be, the more teaching time we will have, and that's why it's really critical for parents to be sending their kids, particularly their HSC students, to school," he said.

NESA has set up an advice page, which tells schools to keep holding assessments and students to keep working on their major projects. "The NESA Board and CEO is closely monitoring the situation, along with other government authorities, to plan for a range of potential scenarios should the situation escalate further," a spokeswoman said in a statement.

"We know these are important years in our students' education and we will ensure that any disruption to learning caused by the virus does not impact outcomes."

But Phillip Heath, the headmaster of Barker College, said teachers and principals were craving more information about the HSC.

"We are in unprecedented times," he said. "Even if NESA was to say, 'we are aware of the concerns of schools, here are the range of questions we are considering', that would make a big difference to quell the rising concern around us," he said.

"One of the causes of public panic is a lack of information that leads to a powerlessness. Silence isn't an option."

Year 12 student Emma Hooten's school in Sydney has closed its gates and gone online. She worries about what that means for her Higher School Certificate, and even her teachers can't give her an answer. No one can. "It's really disheartening," she said.

Olivia Hodgkins is also doing her HSC and experiencing "intense stress" over what will happen if her school is closed. Two of her subjects have key group assignments. "I don't understand how we're supposed to do a group performance while practicing social distancing," she said.

UAC has notified schools that the coronavirus crisis would not be considered under the educational access scheme, which gives special consideration to senior students whose studies were negatively affected for at least six months.

"If it's across the board then giving everyone an adjustment is a fairly pointless activity," Ms Paino said.

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