


Why do we have leap years (and what does Cleopatra have to do with them)?

Every four years, more or less, the world is gifted an entire extra day. Why? What would happen without it?


David Cameron will celebrate his ninth birthday tomorrow – but he will turn 36. The chances of being born on February 29 are about 1461 to one. Yet, at odds of 2 million to one, Cameron also shares his leap year birthday with his young son, Jaxon, who was born the last time the world enjoyed an extra day, in 2016.

Without this particular quirk of the Gregorian calendar, scientists estimate we would already be into July 2021 – Australia would be in the grip of its blistering summer peak in the middle of the year, instead of the start, ahead of a cold wintery Christmas. Of course, depending on the historian you ask, society could also be falling apart.

So why do we need leap years? What do they mean for the economy – and pay slips? And what's it really like to belong to that rare club of leap year babies, known affectionately as "leaplings"?

David Cameron and son Jaxon, both born on February 29. 

David Cameron and son Jaxon, both born on February 29. 

Why do we have leap years?

The Earth takes 24 hours to complete each rotation on its axis, turning day to night and forming the building block of our calendar. Each year is 365 of those days, roughly charting the Earth's orbit around the sun. The problem is that it actually takes the planet six hours longer than that – or approximately 365.2422 days – to complete the journey. So each solar year is about a quarter of a day too long for our calendar.

Over time, that drags our calendar out of sync with the seasons we use to guide everything from crop-planting to religious holidays. So an extra day, February 29, is slipped back in every four years to balance the books. But even that is an over-correction in the astronomical maths. In the very fine print, we also skip adding in a leap year every 100 years – except when the year is divisible by 400. (For example, the years 1700 and 1800 were not leap years but 1600 and 2000 were.) "Leap seconds" are also sprinkled in from time to time by scientists as the Earth's orbit slows down minutely and unpredictably with the pull of the tides.


Conveniently, leap years seem to arrive when we have need of more time, coinciding with summer Olympic Games and the US presidential races. But the Earth's solar year will never fall neatly within the boundaries of a calendar made of whole days and history is littered with humanity's failed attempts at timekeeping – including the strange 10-month-long tangle of early Rome, where extra days were often tacked on here and there, mostly at the whims of politicians, until the seasons seemed back in their proper place.

Caesar greatly admired Cleopatra's calendar.

Caesar greatly admired Cleopatra's calendar.Credit: Getty Images

What do leap years have to do with a steamy ancient Roman affair?

We're glad you asked. By the reign of Julius Caesar, from 49-44 BC, Rome's calendar was hopelessly off track by three months. In the depths of his famous affair with Cleopatra, Caesar was inspired to adopt Egypt's 365-day system instead, with a leap year thrown in once every four years. Egyptians, like most of the ancient world, mostly set their clocks by the stars, though some historians suggest they might have guessed the year was about 365 days long thanks to "Nilometers", which measured how high the Nile flooded at different points of the year. Because of Rome's keen admiration of Egypt's calendar, historians can pin nearly any event that occurred after January 1, 45 BC to an exact date. (One of the first traceable events in the record books is Caesar's own assassination on March 15, 44 BC.)

Unfortunately, the priests left in charge mistakenly added a leap year every three years instead of four. This was later corrected but the underlying maths was still not quite right and, by the 1570s, the calendar was out again by 10 days. With Easter askew, Pope Gregory XIII organised an overhaul, bringing in the rules we observe today. (Some countries held out until the 1700s over fears of a Catholic plot but eventually, albeit with a riot or two over those lost 10 days, the world synced up).

Still, even the careful choreography of the Gregorian calendar isn't perfect – it's off by about 26 seconds. By 4909, that will add up to a full day, meaning we may decide to scrap it altogether, opting for something based on weekdays or moving to the atomic clocks used by astronauts, which can measure time more precisely than tracking the Earth's journey around the sun but which bring their own complications too.


What do leap years mean for the economy?

This leap year, as the fallouts from the bushfires and now coronavirus start to bite, the extra day of trading may save the economy from recording its first quarter of negative growth in almost a decade.

KPMG chief economist Brendan Rynne says that although the economy is in bad shape, the leap year could deliver a timely $5.2 billion boost. That’s because since 2018, Australia has clocked up an average of about $5 billion in gross domestic product (GDP) each day. The extra day for this quarter will give it an extra injection of cash compared to the previous quarters it is measured against. But Rynne warns the country is getting off on a technicality – “the economy feels weak because it is weak”.

The sun over Florida, from Apollo 7 in 1968. The Earth's orbit around the sun (one solar year) does not line up with its rotation on its axis (one day).

The sun over Florida, from Apollo 7 in 1968. The Earth's orbit around the sun (one solar year) does not line up with its rotation on its axis (one day).Credit: Getty Images

What's it like being born on February 29?

Cameron shrugs. "Birthdays were never the greatest for me growing up and now they happen so rarely, it doesn't tend to be a big thing," he says. "But for my son they will be great. This year is his 'first', he's turning four. And next [leap year] is my 40th so it'll be a big one."

While Cameron has not ventured into the "leaper clubs" and parties that spring up around the world on February 29, he admits he's always been curious. "I haven't really met many others, well [apart from] Jaxon."


The Honour Society of Leap Year Day Babies was established back in 1997and now boasts more than 10,000 members. Leapers have banded together to launch "awareness campaigns" and fight back against deniers who question the validity of the date. They've asked more than one sitting US president to make February 29 a national holiday and convinced stores such as Toys R Us to include it on birthday cards and gifts every year. And of course, when the day does come around, they throw wild parties.

Outside a leap year, leapers tend to pick either February 28 or March 1 to celebrate their birthday. ("I tried the 28th when I was about to turn 18 and wanted to get to the pub a day early," Cameron says). But in some countries there are legal rules already in force to ensure leapers like Cameron aren't served that beer or issued a drivers' licence early. In China, the civil code has been interpreted to mean a leaper must observe their birthday before February ends but in Hong Kong as well as countries like New Zealand, the law explicitly names March 1 as the date. Most countries from the US to Australia don't have a hard rule and age is instead counted in days from birth.

In one strange Canberra case, a leaper was charged with a crime on February 28 - the day before her 18th birthday in the non-leap year 2000. That left lawyers confused over whether she should be tried as an adult - had she turned 18 the day of the crime or the day after?

Then there's Tasmania's eighth premier, Sir James Milne Wilson, born on February 29, 1812. He was celebrating his 17th leap year birthday, and turning 68, when he died on the very same day.

David Cameron with Jaxon: "This year is his first [birthday], he's turning four."

David Cameron with Jaxon: "This year is his first [birthday], he's turning four."Credit: David Cameron

What do leap years mean for pay slips?

Workers paid by the hour need have no fear of slogging through an extra day unpaid but it's a common worry in the ranks of salaried employees.


It really comes down to the employer. Experts say not many companies calculate pay by the exact number of days in a year as most pay runs go weekly or fortnightly. Even if the extra day is left out and your earnings for the year are stretched over 262 days instead of the usual working year of 261, you shouldn't miss out on much. For example, if you take home $50,000 per annum, that would translate to $191.57 a day compared with $190.84 in a leap year, a shortfall of about 70 cents a day (but one you now might not be able to stop thinking about during your morning coffee order).

How will I be billed in a leap year?

As for how much you will pay in a leap year, again there's no set rule. Many services bill clients on the same day every month, others at the end of each month, with that date varying based on its length. Some renters and subscribers might discover they've gotten a whole day for nothing. But you wouldn't be the first person to challenge a bill or calculation that falls around February 29. In the US, a man sued the government for omitting leap years when calculating the length of his prison sentence.

A leap year postcard from 1912.

A leap year postcard from 1912.Credit: Getty Images

Do women really propose on February 29?

The leap year tradition of women popping the question dates back centuries in Irish and British lore – possibly starting with an Irish nun known as St Brigid who had insisted women needed at least one day every four years to propose. There's also a tale that in 1288, Margaret, the Maid of Norway, passed a law to improve their odds after she inherited the throne of Scotland – any man who turned down such an offer had to pay a fine or present the spurned woman with a silk gown to make up for his bad attitude. (The problem is Margaret was just five at the time and still living in Norway.) Historian Katherine Parkin has tracked leap year traditions and instead points to the wild parties that sprang up in the 1780s – on the one night when girls were allowed to ask boys for a dance. An elite New York City party ran every four years from 1924 to 1968 except during WWII, sometimes at the Ritz-Carlton. Women could even cut in on dances.

Today, while some surveys show women consider the tradition that only the man can propose to be outdated, they’re not rushing to get down on one knee either. Leap years can still offer a kind of “cultural cover” from the enduring perception that a woman asking is somehow "pushy".


Do leap years cause Y2K-style bugs in computers?

There's usually one nervous gulp in IT departments as the clock ticks over but computers now have leap year counters built in. Of course, every now and then they make errors in their calculations – known as "leap-year bugs". Last leap year, a glitch in algorithms saw 1200 pieces of luggage miss their flight at a German airport. Over the years, phones have frozen, programs crashed and even smelting plants shut down.

Leap seconds tend to pose bigger problems for time-keeping computers – the very concept of an extra 61st second is almost circuit-frying. Companies such as Google run Network Time Protocol servers – the clocks your computer sets its watch to – and so have invented neat hacks to trick computers into taking the leap. Both Google and Amazon opt for time "smearing" instead of straight-up insertion. Clocks are slowed down by a fraction over the 10 hours before the second and the 10 hours after, thereby splicing in the extra moment without confusing servers.

At least someone knows what's going on.

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