

This was published 4 years ago

Is it any wonder the 'tradwife' lifestyle is so alluring?

By Wendy Squires

Should there ever be a sign that my serotonin levels are starting to resemble a Murray-Darling downstream trickle, it is when I hear myself moan the following: “I am so tired of doing this all on my own. I wish I had someone to say it’s OK that I curl up in a ball and take a rest from life, that they will look after me for a change.”

The #tradwife movement harks back to the pre-feminist 50s and celebrates women who prefer to take a submissive role in marriage.

The #tradwife movement harks back to the pre-feminist 50s and celebrates women who prefer to take a submissive role in marriage.

This is not something I say often. Generally, it is a precursor to a depressive episode which, I am happy to say, is a rare occurrence these days thanks to the marvels of meds and mindfulness. Normally, I am an independent, strong and content woman who actively and proudly chooses to go it alone, who revels in being responsible for my own happiness and livelihood.

But there are occasions still when life gets too damn hard, too pressured, too much … And I don’t even have the pressure of raising kids!

Sound familiar?


I am well aware my lament is a common one, and men are not immune to feeling the same way. However, what I am noticing is that more women are admitting to openly feeling overwhelmed, that today’s pressure for perfection as mother, friend, daughter, sister, wife, lover, worker and ageless beauty is leaving them spread so thin they feel like failures and frauds in all areas.

It is no wonder we wish our burdens eased, to lose some of the endless demands on our time and energy to concentrate on the ones that really matter. Cue the emergence of the tradwife.

The #tradwife movement harks back to the pre-feminist ’50s and celebrates women who prefer to take a submissive role in marriage, often choosing to leave careers and focus instead on family and raising children. Along with opting out of the rat race comes taking a more submissive role, deferring to the man as the head of the household and promoting the joys of domesticity. And, as a fervent feminist, I say good on them. Whatever floats your boat.

The simple fact at the heart of this argument is the fact that feminism should be about allowing women to live their lives how they choose and giving them the right to be what they wish. We are all different and we all have varying wants and needs and our own sense of femininity. Feminism should give us the same opportunities as men but it doesn’t or shouldn’t mean we have to embrace them. We can step back if we damn well want to.


Let’s face it, the hectic pace of life today is suppressing the best of us. The myth we can have it all may have finally been debunked but the desire to still try and its associated juggle and struggle is hard to concede or accept.

Anne-Marie Slaughter, former director of policy planning for the US State Department among numerous other roles, succinctly wrote of the struggle and subsequent reaction to her decision to step back to raise her children in an Atlantic article, Why Women Still Cant Have It All (note: she is not part of a the tradwife movement).

“All my life, I’d been on the other side of this exchange," she wrote.

"I’d been the woman smiling the faintly superior smile while another woman told me she had decided to take some time out or pursue a less competitive career track so that she could spend more time with her family.

"I’d been the woman congratulating herself on her unswerving commitment to the feminist cause, chatting smugly with her dwindling number of college or law-school friends who had reached and maintained their place on the highest rungs of their profession.

"I’d been the one telling young women at my lectures that you can have it all and do it all, regardless of what field you are in. Which means I’d been part, albeit unwittingly, of making millions of women feel that they are to blame if they cannot manage.”


Respected Australian journalist Annabel Crabb lamented the advantage men have that women don’t - wives and partners who work part-time or not at all and take care of the home front - in her 2014 book, The Wife Drought.

“I need a wife’ is a common joke among women juggling work and family,” she writes. “But it’s not actually a joke. Having a spouse who takes care of things at home is a Godsend on the domestic front. It’s a potent economic asset on the work front.”

So while personally I’d rather eat my own eyeball – even at my most exhausted and despondent – than become a subservient tradwife, I not only understand the desire of some women to return to what they believe is an easier and simple way of life, I respect it.

What’s more, I rejoice in the fact women feel safe and secure enough actively make such a choice, to go against the progressive grain today. Their life, their right. However, should women feel forced to acquiesce to men’s demands or become tradwives, then I will fight tooth and nail for their emancipation from such oppression. But if a sister wants to bake up a storm, iron his shirts, believe her place is in the home and actively parent as a priority, knock yourself out. This is what we have been fighting for – choice.

The last thing we need as women is for some of us to feel superior and judgmental of others. Putting women down is the patriarchy’s job, not feminism’s.

Wendy Squires is a Melbourne writer.

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