By Matt Dennien
The Queensland government will introduce new drumlines and trial drone surveillance in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park under a multimillion-dollar commitment from its federal counterpart, fewer than six months after it lost a Federal Court appeal over their use.
Shark protection was withdrawn from 27 beaches in north Queensland in September after the government appealed against an Administrative Appeals Tribunal decision that found sharks found alive on drumlines had to be released.
A shark hooked off Magnetic Island in Queensland last year.Credit: AAP Image/Humane Society International
Fisheries Minister Mark Furner at the time said that would not be possible as staff and contractors were not trained or equipped to handle live sharks, although federal Environment Minister Sussan Ley later wrote to him claiming the state had "put politics ahead of public safety" as they were not legally required to remove them.
In a joint statement on Tuesday morning, the pair said an initial $4 million would go towards the rollout of SMART drumline trials, rebates to councils for swimmer safety netting, a drone surveillance pilot and swimmer education, while $1 million would go towards shark management for the Whitsundays community after a spate of recent attacks.
The latter would include funds for research into the animals, technology trials including near-real-time alerts through a sightings app or drone surveillance, along with signage and increased education efforts.
The drumlines are expected to be in the water from mid-February.
Ms Ley said "human safety is our overriding priority" and the reinstatement of drumlines in the marine park within the tribunal's conditions was "an important step forward".
"We’re delighted to provide funding to assist in Queensland’s transition to a modern, multipronged shark control program," she said.
The announcement follows a number of attacks in the region late last year and several others - including the death of Victorian man Daniel Christidis - in 2018.
Discussions between the two governments will continue around who will fund the ongoing program, with the increased surveillance of drumlines expected to increase operating costs with extra contractors' time at sea and the supply of acoustic tags and monitors for released sharks.
State Opposition Leader Deb Frecklington said the announcement was a "massive backflip" by the government, after her party announced a plan to install smart drumlines in September.
"For 134 days, Annastacia Palaszczuk and her ministers attacked the LNP’s plan, playing politics with swimmer safety and putting tourism jobs at risk," she said.
The AAT challenge of Queensland's Great Barrier Reef shark culling program was launched by the Humane Society International in January last year. The group argued the decision was in conflict with the marine park authority's responsibility to protect the reef.
Lawrence Chlebeck, a marine biologist with the society, welcomed the announcement but said it would be "closely monitoring" progress of the new plan.
"This is the way forward for more effective shark-bite mitigation in the Great Barrier Reef and we will be pleased to see an end to 60 years of deliberately and needlessly killing sharks in this precious ecosystem," he said.
Australian Marine Conservation Society shark scientist and spokesperson Dr Leonardo Guida echoed Mr Chlebeck's comments about the "evidence based" plan.
"Sharks are critical to our Reef’s health as they keep food webs in check, and it’s the very health of our Reef that supports around 64,000 tourism jobs," Dr Guida said.
The program restoration was made possible by an amended permit from the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority that factored in workplace health and safety issues.
Mr Furner said the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries was supporting shark contractors to develop procedures to ensure the safety of workers who will conduct regular checks of the drumlines.
Some sharks would be released at the site of their capture while others, where it is unsafe for the contractor or animal welfare concerns are raised, will be euthanised.
As relocating and releasing sharks would reduce immediate risk for swimmers at that location but "not remove the risk entirely", the government would also implement a range of other swimmer safety and education measures, Mr Furner said.