

This was published 4 years ago

Angus Taylor rejects Naomi Wolf's 'outrageous' claims about Oxford story

By Nick Bonyhady

Embattled Energy Minister Angus Taylor is digging in after feminist author Naomi Wolf accused him of telling a false story about her time at Oxford, saying her allegations are "deeply offensive" and "outrageous".

Dr Wolf released a half-hour-long recording of a late-night phone call (Thursday morning AEDT) with an unnamed staffer in Mr Taylor's office, in which Dr Wolf castigates the minister for claiming in his maiden speech to Parliament to have lived down the corridor from her in Oxford in 1991.

Prominent feminist author and journalist Naomi Wolf in 2017.

Prominent feminist author and journalist Naomi Wolf in 2017.Credit: Marco Del Grande

She said she was not at Oxford at the time and had nothing to do with a group of students warring about Christmas, which she said Mr Taylor's remarks implied she had been part of.

Dr Wolf added on Twitter that she is Jewish and viewed the story as an "anti-Semitic dog whistle".

Mr Taylor said his grandmother is Jewish, that his "Judeo-Christian values" were "deeply held" and called on Dr Wolf to apologise.

Dr Wolf said she would not apologise and called Mr Taylor's request "very inappropriate and very wrong".

"I do think [Mr Taylor's story] is anti-Semitic, I stand by what I said," Dr Wolf said on ABC TV.

She said her family, which is of mixed Jewish and Christian faith, was distressed by the minister's "divisive" and "false" remarks.

Mr Taylor had seen her around Oxford in 1991, he said. "She began her studies there in the mid-1980s and she only finished a couple of years ago," Mr Taylor said in question time on Thursday.


Mr Taylor said in question time the Labor Party had "attached itself to anti-Semitic accusations" by bringing up Dr Wolf's claims in Parliament, triggering an outraged wall of sound from Labor.

Energy Minister Angus Taylor.

Energy Minister Angus Taylor.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Mr Taylor withdrew the remarks after being instructed to do so by the speaker.

Earlier on Thursday Dr Wolf called on Mr Taylor, via the call with his staffer, to make a correction to Parliament over what she said were inaccuracies in his speech.

"I wasn't there in 1991, he couldn't have seen me, and he stated that I lived a few doors down, that's not correct ... I was in New York", Dr Wolf said in the call from Massachusetts, in which it appears she did not disclose was being recorded until the end of the conversation.

Dr Wolf cited witnesses who stayed with her in New York and public reports of a book tour she was on that year to back up her claim that she was not in Oxford in 1991.

"Let me clarify, Mr Taylor recalls seeing you at Oxford," the staffer said. "Mr Taylor does not suggest in any way, and this clarification has been provided to Australian media who have reported on this matter, that you were campaigning against, quote unquote Christmas."

Mr Taylor said in his maiden speech to Parliament in 2013 he first encountered "political correctness" at Oxford, where in 1991 "a young Naomi Wolf lived a couple of doors down the corridor".

"Several graduate students, mostly from the north-east of the US, decided we should abandon the Christmas tree in the common room because some people might be offended," Mr Taylor said.


He said a group of more "mainstream" students pushed back successfully against the bid to remove the Christmas tree.

"He publicly, verbally mis-stated where I was, what I was doing and implied to Parliament that I was warring against Christmas," Dr Wolf said in the call. "I have been trying to get this corrected for three or four days now."

The staffer repeatedly asks Dr Wolf to put her concerns in writing because of the hour of the call, which he said was taking place at about 1am (AEDT).

The full length of the call is unknown, as there are points where Dr Wolf edits it to insert other media clips.

Mr Taylor has faced intense scrutiny from the opposition and the media this week over the use of an allegedly forged document to attack City of Sydney lord mayor Clover Moore on climate change.

University of Canberra Associate Professor Bruce Baer Arnold said it was unlawful under ACT law to record calls without the permission of both parties.

"As the law stands, you should get permission."

Dr Wolf addressed concerns about the release of a recording of her call by saying "I was acting in the capacity as a target of slander".

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