This was published 5 years ago
Compelling case for mental health revamp
Victoria's mental health system is as old as Victoria itself, with Melbourne's first institution, the Yarra Bend Lunatic Asylum, opening in 1848. While the Lunacy Act of 1867 was the state's first of many attempts to set down in law the structures and rules of a mental health system, public outcry over the treatment of those in asylums soon led to a royal commission. Deep concerns over Victoria's mental health system continue to this day.
The release of the interim report by Victoria's royal commission into mental health has revealed a system not even close to coping with demand. The headline quote that it has “catastrophically failed to live up to expectations” is a damning indictment of Victoria's reluctance to adequately tackle the problem despite all the alarm bells - suicide rates being the most obvious - exposing the tragic consequences of a failing system.
Commission chair Penny Armytage handed down the interim report. Credit: Darrian Traynor
While the full report will make further recommendations, the initial to-do list is substantial. Establishing a Collaborative Centre for Mental Health and Wellbeing, funding for 170 additional youth and adult acute mental health beds, a new Aboriginal Social and Emotional Wellbeing Centre, reforms to alleviate workforce shortages and getting input from those with "lived experience" are all worthwhile proposals the government should get moving on.
The standout recommendation is the collaborative centre, similar to the Peter McCallum comprehensive cancer centre. The Age strongly backs the idea of putting those with lived experience together with researchers and experts in multidisciplinary clinical and non-clinical care to work under one roof, providing services and conducting research. The Peter McCallum centre is an outstanding role model of success well worth replicating in mental health.
Another commendable theme is the emphasis placed on the potential benefit of using those with "lived experience". The report describes them as those living with (or who have lived with) mental illness or those who have cared or supported someone living with (or who has lived with) mental illness. While they may not be medically trained, it is eminently sensible to better harness the unique knowledge and practical experience they can offer.
The interim report's most politically savvy recommendation tackles funding. With the annual cost of poor mental health estimated at $14.2 billion, a budget outlay of $1.7 billion is well short of the mark, and a long way behind that allotted to our physical health. To lift spending in a substantial way, the report recommends a new levy or tax, providing cover for the Andrews government to introduce such a measure. The Age strongly supports this increase in funding, without which many of these initiatives would struggle to be realised.
While this is a good start, with some worthwhile initiatives, the royal commission still has a lot of work ahead. All of the interim recommendations are important parts of the system, but as the commission states, there is an absolute need for a total rethink and redesign of the system. The difficulty getting access to help, a lack of co-ordination and challenges navigating the system make a compelling case for a dramatic overhaul.
The Andrews government should be commended for putting in place such a root-and-branch investigation of the system. It is a formidable challenge, with success not measured in dollars and cents or structures built but in lives saved and the wellbeing of all Victorians.