

This was published 4 years ago

'He's the great survivor': Nile stares down second attempt to oust him

By Alexandra Smith

NSW's oldest MP Fred Nile has stared down another attempt to force him from politics just five months after a teenager tried to engineer a coup against the 85-year-old.

A bitter split has emerged in Mr Nile's Christian Democratic Party (CDP) after the party's president Ross Clifford resigned amid claims several members want to take over the board.

Christian Democrat MP Fred Nile has been in Parliament since 1981.

Christian Democrat MP Fred Nile has been in Parliament since 1981.Credit: Getty Images AsiaPac

Other resignations from the leadership group are expected and the future of the party's most senior official, state director Craig Hall, is also unknown after an attempt to terminate his contract.

Mr Nile is the face of the party and has been in NSW Parliament since 1981 but several CDP members have said there is a push for him to step down and hand over the seat. He did not respond to several requests for comment from the Herald but did release a statement confirming Mr Clifford had resigned.

Mr Clifford's resignation came after a push in June to remove him from the party's board along with Mr Nile, amid accusations of nepotism and mismanagement.

The attempted coup was led by 18-year-old Samraat Grewal and his friend Joel Jammal who warned that the party needed to renew if it was to have future electoral success.

As the rift deepens, one party insider said there was "a clear and ongoing attempt to take over" the CDP by members who believe it would not retain a NSW seat without an overhaul.

A senior party member said Mr Nile "was a great survivor" and the reason why the CDP had continued to be elected to Parliament despite the emergence of other Christian parties. Internal research conducted during the state election campaign showed Mr Nile was very popular with CDP voters and was the reason they continued to vote for the party.

Mr Clifford confirmed he had resigned as president but remained a member of the party. The Baptist minister, who runs a theological college, has long been seen as Mr Nile's successor when the long-serving MP leaves Parliament.


Mr Clifford was touted as the party's lead candidate on the upper house ticket in the 2015 election but decided not to run, leaving Mr Nile to recontest and win another eight-year term for the CDP.

But the CDP was reduced to one seat in the upper house this year when former upper house MLC Paul Green failed to be re-elected. Mr Green did not respond to calls but a senior party member said he was eager to return to politics.

Mr Nile has repeatedly said he would remain in NSW Parliament as long as he remained healthy and the decision to leave would only "be made by God".

At the time of the June coup attempt, Mr Nile said Mr Clifford had been chosen as his successor should he retire before his term ends in 2023. But several sources said Mr Clifford was unlikely to want the seat any more.

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