

This was published 5 years ago

Your right to know: Freedom of information costs blow out to $60m

By Nigel Gladstone

Taxpayers were slugged $60 million by government agencies dealing with Freedom of Information requests last year, with the cost now triple that of 15 years ago when there were 3500 more requests.

Government agencies and ministers issued 2225 notices to refuse FOI requests citing "practical" reasons last year, but more than three in four of those were rejected or withdrawn. In 2017/18 the proportion rejected was 84 per cent.

After 37 years of FOI in Australia, the laws and processes are outdated, which suits those opposed to transparency, FOI expert Peter Timmins said.

"There's a culture of guardians standing at the gate repelling barbarians who are lined up seeking access to government information," he said. "Champions of open government are few and far between at the political level and in the senior public service ... that permeates down."

The average cost of an FOI request was $1985 last year, up 20 per cent on 2017/18, and some departments, such as Defence, spent more than $10,000 on each one, the Australian Information Commissioner's (OIC) annual report shows.

The figures support calls from Australia’s Right to Know coalition warning about a growing culture of secrecy that restricts the public’s ability to hold the powerful to account.

This week, Australia's media came together in an unprecedented show of unity to demand the government urgently pass reforms that would protect media freedom, and safeguard whistleblowers.  The Your Right to Know campaign is backed by Nine (the owner of this masthead), the ABC, the Guardian, News Corp Australia, Prime Media, Seven West Media, Sky News, SBS, Ten and the WIN Network and others.

In response, Attorney-General Christian Porter said "the Morrison government is absolutely committed to a free press," but warned the media not to expect any favours.

William Summers, an independent journalist who specialises in FOI work said the charges seem to have "little rhyme or reason".


"One day a complex request can sail through ... free of charge yet another day, a seemingly simple request results in a bill for hundreds of dollars," he said.

"...  every piece of information prepared by government departments is being done on our behalf, paid for by Australian taxpayers. We own the information ... we should not have to pay again for its release."

The legislation itself is out of date that sits uncomfortably in a digital age, Mr Timmins said.

"There is little if any scrutiny of FOI processing, few (if any) published efficiency measures and nothing about best practice or the use of technology for FOI processing," he said. "We're hearing a lot about data but FOI is stuck in the pre-digital world."

The Department of Defence retreated from its quote to SBS of $2515 to process a request for the cost of a minister’s overseas travel, reducing the fee to nothing, after saying it would take 45 hours of searching records and 97 hours of deliberation.

The rise in FOI costs was due to a 13 per cent increase in staff hours devoted to the task, more than 840,000 hours in total last year, OAIC said.

The majority of requests (83 per cent) were for documents containing personal information.


The Department of Home Affairs, Department of Human Services and Department of Veterans’ Affairs received about 70 per cent of all FOI requests last year, 96 per cent of them were for personal information.

The number of applications to the Information Commissioner for a review of decisions has climbed by more than 80 per cent in the past four years to 928 in 2018/19.

The total reported costs attributable to processing requests in 2018–19 was $59.85 million, a 15 per cent increase on 2017–18 ($52.19 million).

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