

This was published 5 years ago

Seven weeks, 20 witnesses, but pieces of the puzzle still missing in ICAC inquiry

By Deborah Snow, Michaela Whitbourn and Tom Rabe

Jamie Clements’ gut was telling him he’d probably made a bad call. It was May 2015 and Clements, then state Labor party boss, had been asked by a union ally to find $10,000 in order to fund "stamps" for mailing out material to help swing a union contest. The party had lost a hard-fought election less than two months previously and Clements didn’t have spare funds lying around.

But he turned to someone who did – a man who would soon become his personal benefactor, the billionaire Chinese property developer and prolific political donor Huang Xiangmo.

Jamie Clements arrives at the ICAC on Thursday.

Jamie Clements arrives at the ICAC on Thursday.Credit: AAP

Several days after Clements made the request, an assistant of Huang’s turned up at the party’s Sussex Street headquarters with the funds in a white envelope. Cold, hard cash.

"I didn’t feel great about it," Clements said this week, alleging he’d been encouraged to turn to Huang for the $10,000 by his predecessor, former NSW Labor senator Sam Dastyari, and that he felt obligated to seek out such funds because "the expectation on me was that I would be able to deliver something like this".

Asked why he felt discomfited, Clements told the Independent Commission Against Corruption it was because "one day you could end up in a commission like this and be answering questions about it" - and "while it’s not illegal it's not something that is within the expectations of behaviour my members have of me."

Clements’ instincts were prophetic. He has indeed ended up before "a commission like this", as have a slew of other Labor identities and former officials.

The public hearings, dubbed Operation Aero, were meant to run for six weeks but have now run over seven with no end in sight. As ICAC's chief commissioner Peter Hall, QC, observed late this week, "we’re on a journey and not quite sure what turns in the road are going to come up".

Others to front the inquiry have included the disgraced former senator Dastyari; Clements’ bitter rival and successor as party chieftain Kaila Murnain; former NSW upper house Labor MP and key Huang contact Ernest Wong; NSW Labor community relations officer Kenrick Cheah; and head of the Chinese Friends of Labor organisation Jonathan Yee. The party’s chief legal adviser in 2016, Ian Robertson of Holding Redlich, has also been drawn in for some tough questioning by ICAC counsel.


At times, the inquiry has unfolded like a circular firing squad, with key sections of these witnesses’ accounts impossible to reconcile. It has also brutally exposed some of the party’s deepest fractures, particularly the poisonous relationship between Clements and Murnain, who remains suspended from her party role following evidence she gave to the inquiry in August. And it has shone a light on the extraordinary laxity in the party’s processes around managing and recording donations at the time.

The key mystery remains the origins of $100,000 in cash which turned up in Labor party accounts in April 2015, a month before Clements asked for the funds for the union election and nearly a month after a major fundraising dinner for the state election campaign organised by the Chinese Friends of Labor.

The 2015 Chinese Friends of Labor fundraising dinner is under the ICAC microscope.

The 2015 Chinese Friends of Labor fundraising dinner is under the ICAC microscope.Credit: Facebook

ICAC has heard of a scheme to disguise the source of the funds by using a series of low-paid restaurant workers to front as "straw donors". But the party’s community relations officer, Kenrick Cheah, has told ICAC the money was brought into the party’s offices by Huang accompanied by an assistant around April 7, 2015, and given to Clements, who later brought it out in an Aldi shopping bag and gave it to Cheah to count at his desk in the office.

Such a scenario, if proven, would flout the state’s electoral laws on several counts: it would have vastly exceeded the $5000 cap on the amount an individual can donate, it would have breached state bans on donations from property developers and would have trampled over laws relating to proper disclosure of funding sources.

Clements has flatly denied "on my oath" the scenario outlined by Cheah. So too has Wong, who has been accused of secretly "selling" Huang the plum spots at the Chinese Friends of Labor dinner, where the developer was seated alongside then federal party leader Bill Shorten and state leader Luke Foley. Huang too has denied it from afar though has refused to give evidence.

Thus far, no third-party witness to Clements giving Cheah a bag of cash to count has emerged. Cheah has claimed someone in head office – possibly Murnain, although she denies it – saw him with the bag and told him to "be careful". He said he "took it to mean be careful with the money".

Chinese billionaire Huang Xiangmo at his home in Mosman in 2018.

Chinese billionaire Huang Xiangmo at his home in Mosman in 2018.Credit: James Brickwood

Yet leaving aside the contentious Aldi bag, Clements, it transpires, has plenty to be uncomfortable about other than the $10,000 he admits seeking for the union stoush. In August 2015, Huang had quietly given him another $35,000 in cash in a "wine box" during a visit Clements made to the mogul’s palatial Mosman home.

It was money offered, Clements revealed this week, to cover his legal expenses during a period when he had been suspended from the party office over sexual harassment allegations. At the time, he was also facing an AVO that police had taken out against him in relation to a former female staffer. (The AVO application was later dropped with no charges laid.)

Clements says Huang offered him sympathy and personal support as well as the money. After the meeting he took the cash to his car, counted it, and stored it at home rather than putting it in his joint bank account with his wife, because he didn't want to talk to her about it although by then he'd admitted his extramarital affair. He did not report the gift to the party’s administrative committee, which is state Labor’s ultimate oversight body.


This exposed him to stinging cross examination on Thursday when the barrister hired by the NSW Labor party for the hearings, Arthur Moses, SC, put to Clements that he’d left himself open to being Huang’s secret "stooge".

"What’s a stooge?" Clements replied, before facing a series of questions during which he denied the suggestion the gifts Huang gave him might have given the developer undue leverage over him.

At one point the exchanges grew fiery. Moses put to Clements that the reason he felt "comfortable" asking Huang for the cash for the trade union official in May 2015 was "because he had already delivered to you, on 8 April, 2015, the $100,000 cash. Correct?"

"Incorrect", Clements shot back.

"Is the reason why you’re not admitting to it is because the truth is too awful for you to admit, sir?" Moses asked.

"No. The reason I’m not admitting to it is because it’s not true," Clements replied.

Under questioning though, fascinating insights have emerged into how Huang cultivated his relationship with Clements over time. Clements claims it was Dastyari (who already had his own relationship with Huang) who’d first "badgered" him into meeting the Chinese billionaire, and that he and Huang got together initially over a meal in the first half of 2014 at Master Ken’s Seafood Restaurant in Sydney’s Chinatown (one of several eating establishments to feature in this week’s evidence).

Former Labor Senator Sam Dastyari arrives at the ICAC in August.

Former Labor Senator Sam Dastyari arrives at the ICAC in August.Credit: Renee Nowytarger

They did not talk party donations in the early months, Clements insists, despite the reputation Huang already had as generous donor. "I sought to build a strong relationship with him in the future expectation that he would donate to the 2016 federal campaign," Clements said.


There was a good reason for the former party boss to lay emphasis on wanting funds for the federal, not state, campaign. Because of an absurd disparity between state and federal electoral law, property developers can still donate to federal party organisations.

But the relationship in any case was going beyond politics. Clements by his own admission was drawing "very close" to Huang. So close that in January 2016, when Clements was finally forced to resign from the party, the billionaire agreed to pay him a generous $4000 per week as a retainer while also giving him use of a rent-free suite on the seventh floor of a Pitt Street office block. The floor was owned by Huang’s Yuhu Group.

The lucrative retainer lasted from February 2016 to February 2019. But it came to a shuddering halt after Huang was banned from returning to Australia early this year. The government has been circumspect about the reasons for the ban but there has been increasing focus by the security agencies on organisations such as the Australian Council for the Promotion of the Peaceful Reunification of China, of which Huang had been president, and which has been linked to the Chinese Communist Party.

Significantly, Clements claims he did not even know that an amount of $100,000 had been "banked" by Labor after the 2015 dinner until he was told so by ICAC investigators during a secret compulsory examination in 2018. He said was aware of allegations "about a bag of cash" in July the previous year and had "no idea" what it was about.

This was met with some incredulity from chief commissioner Hall. It does partially fit, however, with Clements painting himself during the hearings as someone who was not a "detail man" and not much of a stickler for what he called "micro-management".

Clements did, however, acknowledge meeting Huang at Labor’s Sussex Street headquarters on April 7, 2015 – two days prior to the banking of the funds, which he says he didn’t know about.

The subject of the April 7 meeting, he insists, was Huang’s desire to get Clements to organise a dinner with Shorten, so Huang could lobby Shorten to set up a meeting with Victorian Labor Premier Dan Andrews. (In the end Shorten did meet with Huang – over dinner, naturally, at Master Ken’s Seafood – but didn’t deliver on the Victorian contact so Clements did the follow up with Andrews himself.)

"I think proximity to power was something that Mr Huang was interested in,” Clements observed on Friday.

Ernest Wong outside the ICAC  hearing in August.

Ernest Wong outside the ICAC hearing in August.Credit: Renee Nowytarger

It was only in July 2017, he said, that he got the first hint that there was trouble over donations to the 2015 state campaign and that a NSW Electoral Commission probe was underway. He recounted being contacted by Ernest Wong, meeting the then MP at a Starbucks cafe in the city, and being told by Wong of Cheah’s claims that Clements had handed him a bag containing $100,000 in cash.

"My mind was blown. I'm sitting here thinking how could this be ... Why the f--k would Kenrick say that?" Clements said he responded. He choked back tears in the witness box as he described what a horror stretch that time was for him: how he had been fined on charges of unlawfully accessing the electoral roll – another episode from his time as party secretary; how his father was close to death. Now, these explosive allegations were being relayed to him by Wong. Clements turned to a psychologist. "His advice to me was to stop investigating myself or I would have a nervous breakdown."

By now Clements and Wong were not the only Labor identities with good reason to be anxious about the mysterious $100,000 cash donation.

By September 2016 Clements’ successor Kaila Murnain was being sucked into the affair. Huang was known to Murnain. She and Labor frontbencher Chris Bowen had gone to visit him in early 2016 seeking funds for that year’s federal election.

What she didn’t know, she insists, is what Wong revealed to her in September that year when he asked to meet her urgently on a Friday afternoon. The pair caught up behind the state Parliament building, where Wong told her there was a problem with some of the Chinese Friends of Labor donors from the previous year, and that Huang was involved.

Now suspended NSW Labor boss Kaila Murnain leaves the NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption in August.

Now suspended NSW Labor boss Kaila Murnain leaves the NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption in August.Credit: AAP

A panicked Murnain rang Dastyari (with whom she has also since fallen out). The then senator was facing donor problems of his own at the time, it having emerged that another Chinese-linked company had paid some of his travel expenses.

Nevertheless Dastyari drove Murnain around in his car for between 45 to 90 minutes that evening, and urged her to get advice from the party's lawyers.

On Murnain’s account, she then got in contact with the party’s senior solicitor, Ian Robertson, and told him at a hastily arranged meeting at around 7.20pm "there’s been a massive f--k up". She has told ICAC that Robertson advised her to forget the matter, that he would not bill her for the after-hours meeting and that she shouldn’t speak of it to anyone.

Robertson vehemently contests this account. He believes any meeting was related to another matter he was advising Labor on at the time, a controversy relating to MP Nick Lalich. But he has conceded he did not take a note of the Friday night meeting with Murnain.

Murnain was aggressively challenged during cross-examination by Robertson’s lawyer who accused her of trying to "cover your own backside" and "throw him under the bus".

"Your evidence is a complete fabrication?" he asked her. No, she replied, close to tears.

Lawyer Ian Robertson leaves the ICAC inquriy in September.

Lawyer Ian Robertson leaves the ICAC inquriy in September.Credit: AAP

There are other inconsistencies in the various parties’ accounts. Murnain believes she met with Robertson after taking advice from Dastyari. But phone records place her in Robertson’s office before she met up with Dastyari and drove around town with him.

According to Dastyari, Murnain was complaining to him that the accounts were a "shit show" and "everyone had abandoned her" and they'd all moved to other careers and left her to clean up the mess. Murnain disputes this.


More problematic for Murnain is that she has had to concede being wrong in not sharing with the party’s governance director Julie Sibraa that there were problems with donations from the Chinese Friends of Labor dinner. This meant Sibraa was not in a position to flag this to the NSW Electoral Commission when the commission started sniffing around the suspicious donation.

Robertson, too, was robustly questioned at ICAC about the steps he took to review information Labor forwarded to the electoral commission when it first started making inquiries.

The challenge for the commission now is lack of witnesses at key junctures in the postulated series of events that surrounded the Chinese Friends of Labor donation.

There are none to the meeting of Murnain and Dastyari. None to the meeting of Wong and Murnain. None to the meeting of Wong and Clements where Wong warned him of Cheah’s allegations. None to the meeting of Murnain and Robertson.

And no one has come forward to say they saw Cheah counting cash in the Sussex Street office nearly four weeks after the fundraising dinner.

Wong is yet to be recalled to give evidence before the inquiry. Others may also yet be recalled. In the meantime, the "mosaic" (to use chief commissioner Halls’ word) of events remains one that the ICAC is still meticulously piecing together.

Late on Friday Clements spoke to the Herald about reforms he says he now wants to see to the powerful position he had once occupied.

"The general secretary should [in future] be a [professional] appointment and not be a factional player. That's the most important reform that could be made to ensure problems that have emerged in the Labor Party in NSW don’t occur again."

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