

This was published 5 years ago


Trump's blacklisting of China's tech giants adds new twist to trade war

The prospect of the United States and China making substantial progress in the latest round of trade talks scheduled to start tomorrow appears to have been severely diminished by the provocative timing of the latest US action against Chinese technology companies.

While the black-listing of eight Chinese tech companies, and 20 other Chinese entities, was ostensibly done on human rights grounds – for their roles in the surveillance of Muslims and other ethnic minorities in China – the companies involved are spearheading China’s ambitions in high-tech surveillance and artificial intelligence.

AI is, of course, one of the areas of technology that the US has identified as critical to its own technology supremacy. An element of its sanctions against China’s telecommunications giant, Huawei, was to thwart China’s global leadership ambitions in 5G technologies. Citing human rights abuses is good cover to try to stymie similar ambitions in AI.

The black-listings are hardly conducive to a productive outcome for the US from this week’s meetings of the trade delegations headed by China’s vice-premier Liu He on one side and US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin on the other.

Not that there was ever any real prospect that China would agree to the US demands for structural changes to its economy. Even with the threat of more tariffs hanging over the talks.

Indeed, China has ruled out any concessions that would involve ending central direction and government subsidies for its state-owned enterprises or changes to its treatment of intellectual property.

With economic growth slowing and the 2020 elections on the horizon.. .Trump needs a face-saving way out of the damaging mess he has created.

The Trump administration might, of course, see the black-listings as another layer of leverage in the negotiations. According to Bloomberg, the administration is also continuing to discuss options for restricting capital flows into China, including portfolio investment by index funds.

From the outset of the tariff war, however, the administration has failed to appreciate that China won’t succumb to the pressure to abandon an economic model that has been central to its growth – and to the absence of any threat to Communist Party’s control. Nor will there be any concessions that impinge on China’s sovereignty.


China’s position in the negotiations has been strengthened as, with time, the impact of the trade war on the US itself has become clearer, and more damaging. With US economic growth slowing as business investment dries up and its manufacturing sector shrinks, and the 2020 elections now on the horizon, Trump needs a face-saving way out of the damaging mess he has created.

The trade war has been escalating over the past year.

The trade war has been escalating over the past year.Credit: AP

As the new IMF head, Kristalina Georgieva, said on Tuesday, there is now sufficient evidence (if evidence were needed by anyone other than Donald Trump and his advisers) that no-one wins from trade wars, even if some lose more than others.

She also said the decoupling of major economies are creating changes that could last a generation, with broken supply chains, siloed trade sectors and a ‘’digital Berlin Wall.’’ By the end of 2020 the trade war will have cost the global economy about $US700 billion, or about 0.8 per cent of global GDP, she said.

China might be hurting more than the US from the impacts of the trade confrontation but, as a one-party state, is better able to accept and absorb the damage than an administration facing voters next year and with a slew of other political issues to deal with.

One of those that colours the trade talks is Trump’s urging of China to investigate potential residential rival, Joe Biden, and his son, over Hunter Biden’s business dealings in China.


While China has dismissed the request – similar to the one Trump made to the Ukraine that triggered the impeachment inquiry – any agreement that flows from the trade talks Thursday and Friday will be looked at cynically to see whether the administration is offering concessions to encourage the Chinese to co-operate with Trump’s rather brazenly political appeal.

Given the impeachment inquiry and the focus on Trump’s dealings with foreign governments, a quid pro quo of that kind would be most unlikely.

Trump and Lighthizer have mused about the potential for an ‘’interim’’ deal – one that would defer all the more substantive and structural US demands, presumably until after the US elections.

The US would probably offer to postpone indefinitely the imposition of tariffs on about $US300 billion of imports from China for which tariffs have been announced but are yet to be imposed. If the talks fail, those tariffs and an increase in the rate of the existing tariffs are due to be implemented before the end of the year.

In return China would agree to buy significant quantities of US agricultural and other products and perhaps make some token and unenforceable concessions on intellectual property protections. The Chinese could readily accept those terms – they need the products – without losing face or sacrificing growth.

That would give Trump the ability to claim a win, however modest and pyrrhic, while quarantining trade, or at least the trade war with China, until after the election. Meanwhile, the hawks in the administration will use other more targeted and less self-destructive tactics, like the black-listing of the eight tech companies, to pursue at least some of the administration’s goals.

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