

This was published 5 years ago

Scott Morrison could not refuse when Donald Trump called

By David Crowe

Scott Morrison could not say no when Donald Trump called in early September to ask for help.

The Prime Minister was right to offer Australian co-operation with the probe into the FBI investigation into Russian interference in the last presidential election.

The idea of a Prime Minister refusing assistance to an American inquiry is laughable.

Trump's critics dismiss the US Department of Justice probe on the grounds it was set up to exonerate the President and find fault with the FBI.

All the signs are that Trump's allies, such as Attorney General William Barr, want the new probe to conclude that the President was the victim of unlikely "spies" who trapped his foreign policy adviser, George Papadopoulos, in May 2016.

Trump's personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, has even voiced that outlandish theory.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison could not say no to assisting the US when President Donald Trump requested.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison could not say no to assisting the US when President Donald Trump requested.Credit: AP

This is no reason for the Australian government to refuse assistance to the inquiry. The Australian part in the investigation is on the public record. The FBI only launched the inquiry in July 2016 after Australian officials passed on the fact that Papadopoulos had told Alexander Downer, the Australian High Commissioner in London, that the Russians had "dirt" on Hillary Clinton.

All this is good reason for Australia to provide as much information as possible to the new probe.


There is another argument, too. Australia passed laws last year to curb foreign interference in domestic politics. One way to achieve this is transparency about that interference – whether it is Chinese hacking of our main political parties or Russian meddling in a US election.

The Australian government has redacted most of the official note from London to Canberra in May 2016 about Downer's conversation with Papadopoulos. Why not release more? This will be a key document in the latest US probe.

The Australian ambassador, Joe Hockey, clearly anticipated Trump's desire for Australian assistance by giving a written assurance the help would come. What would be the point of appearing reluctant to help?

Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese says Morrison must be held to account about his phone call with Trump. He sought to apply pressure without actually claiming any wrongdoing.

"I think Scott Morrison needs to be very clear about the circumstances around this phone call, what was said and whether any agreement was reached in terms of assistance," Albanese said on Tuesday.

With Senate estimates due on October 21, there will be plenty of time to ask about any undertakings made and any information offered.

Trump is already accused of heavying one national leader, Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskiy, in a phone call that is now being used as grounds for impeachment.

There is no easy parallel with the Morrison phone call. Unlike Ukraine, Australia was not waiting on significant US defence support.


Of course, Morrison may pay a price for being too close to Trump. Days after his state visit to the United States, when he stood alongside the President at an event that looked very much like a 2020 presidential campaign rally, he risks being dragged into a domestic US dispute.

This is a headache Morrison could do without. The more we know about his conversation with Trump, and any commitments he made, the better.

The promise of Australian co-operation is no bad thing. Everything depends on making that assistance as full and fair as possible.

Australians should be confident their government is playing a straight bat in an incredibly partisan US domestic debate.

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