

This was published 5 years ago

Worst five years on record: Report shows climate change accelerating

By Emily Beament

London: The World Meteorological Organisation says climate change is accelerating, with carbon dioxide levels increasing, sea levels rising and ice sheets melting faster than ever.

The warning forms part of a "united in science" review for the UN climate action summit at which countries are being urged to increase their ambition to tackle emissions. The report studied climate change and its impacts over the past five years between 2015 and 2019, the hottest five-year period on record.

A boy holds up a placard while joining a rally, calling for action to guard against climate change in Tokyo on Friday.

A boy holds up a placard while joining a rally, calling for action to guard against climate change in Tokyo on Friday.Credit: Kyodo/AP

The world has warmed by 1.1C since pre-industrial times, and by 0.2C just compared to the previous five-year period 2011-2015, the report showed.

And with levels of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases rising more quickly than before, to new highs in the atmosphere, further warming is already locked in, the WMO warned.

Carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere increased at a higher rate between 2015-2019 than in the previous five years, and are on track to reach a record 410 parts per million in 2019, data indicate.

Deadly heatwaves, bearing the hallmark of climate change and causing record high temperatures, devastating hurricanes and cyclones, and severe wildfires which release more carbon have all gripped the planet in the past five years.

Sea levels have been rising by an average of 5 millimetres a year in the past five years, compared to 3.2mm a year on average since 1993, with much of the rise coming from glaciers and ice sheets that are melting ever more quickly.

The Greenland ice sheet has witnessed a considerable acceleration in ice loss since the turn of the millennium while the amount of ice being lost annually from Antarctica in the past decade has increased by at least sixfold compared to the 1980s.

Arctic sea ice has seen record low coverage in winter between 2015 and 2018, the WMO said.


The organisation's secretary-general Petteri Taalas, who is co-chair of the science advisory group of the UN climate summit, said: "Climate change causes and impacts are increasing rather than slowing down.

"Sea level rise has accelerated and we are concerned that an abrupt decline in the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets, which will exacerbate future rise.

"As we have seen this year with tragic effect in the Bahamas and Mozambique, sea level rise and intense tropical storms led to humanitarian and economic catastrophes."

The Western Arctic is one of the fastest-warming regions in the world and is seen as an early indicator of global climate change.

The Western Arctic is one of the fastest-warming regions in the world and is seen as an early indicator of global climate change. Credit: AP

The challenges "are immense", he said, and warned there was a growing need to adapt to the changing climate as well as reducing greenhouse gas emissions, particularly from energy production, industry and transport.

The report has been released to inform the climate action summit convened by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, and to urge countries to up their climate efforts.

Under the international Paris Agreement, countries committed to curbing temperature rises to "well below" 2C and pursuing efforts to limit increases to 1.5C above pre-industrial levels to avoid the worst impacts.

But current commitments put the world on track for around 3C of warming.

The report comes after millions of people led by children on strike from school took to the streets around the world calling for urgent climate action, and as Japan's new environment minister, Shinjiro Koizumi, pledged on Sunday to mobilise young people to push his coal-dependent country towards a low-carbon future by making the fight against climate change "sexy" and "fun."

Koizumi was speaking on the eve of the climate summit in New York where activists plan to protest Japan's plans to build new coal-fired power plants by floating a blimp showing Prime Minister Shinzo Abe emerging from a bucket of coal.

Japan's newly appointed Environment Minister Shinjiro Koizumi.

Japan's newly appointed Environment Minister Shinjiro Koizumi.Credit: Getty Images

"In politics there are so many issues, sometimes boring. On tackling such a big-scale issue like climate change, it's got to be fun, it's got to be cool. It's got to be sexy too," Koizumi told a news conference in New York.

"We are committed to realising a decarbonised society, and we are ready to contribute as a more powerful country in the fight against climate change," he said.

Japanese students in Tokyo were among the millions of young people who took to the streets on Friday to express the fear and outrage they feel over the failure of governments to control greenhouse gas emissions, which hit a record high last year.

Considered a rising star on Japan's political scene, Koizumi, 38, became the third youngest lawmaker to join a post-World War II Japanese cabinet when Abe announced a reshuffle this month.

The son of charismatic former prime minister Junichiro Koizumi, he is regularly rated by voters as the politician they would most like to see in the top job when Abe steps down. On his first day on the job earlier this month he said he wanted Japan to end its use of nuclear power.


Although Japan is not due to speak at the climate summit on Monday, Koizumi said he was in New York to learn more about the state of negotiations on global greenhouse gas emissions and meet Japanese students.

He was speaking alongside Christiana Figueres, an architect of the 2015 Paris Agreement to curb global warming, who had invited him to meet various companies and banks aiming to accelerate investment in clean energy projects in Asia.

"It behooves the rest of the world to come together to support Japan, as well as the other Asian countries, to move beyond coal," said Figueres, a Costa Rican diplomat who now leads Mission 2020, a campaign to accelerate climate action.

"We need to make an extraordinary effort that will favour the new fuels that we all need to move in to," she said.

Guterres has told governments they should only turn up to the summit if they came armed with more ambitious plans to cut carbon emissions under the Paris accord, which enters a crucial implementation phase next year.

He has also urged governments not to build any new coal power plants after 2020 - setting him at odds with Japan, which is the only G7 country to be adding coal-fired power generation capacity. Japan's government and banks also play an important role in financing new coal plants elsewhere in Asia.

Nevertheless, Koizumi said he wanted Japan to do more on climate, invoking his country's role in forging the Kyoto Protocol, a climate treaty agreed in the Japanese city of Kyoto in 1997.

"We haven't taken the strong action and powerful leadership since then, but from now on, from today, we want to do more," Koizumi said, without giving details.

Participants hold signs and shout slogans during Global Climate Strike in Tokyo on Friday.

Participants hold signs and shout slogans during Global Climate Strike in Tokyo on Friday.Credit: Getty Images

Koizumi sparked controversy shortly after being appointed when he told his first news conference that he wants Japan to close down nuclear reactors to avoid a repeat of the Fukushima catastrophe in 2011. Isshu Sugawara, newly-appointed as trade minister, responded by saying it would be unrealistic to rid Japan of nuclear power.

Koizumi reiterated his opposition to nuclear power on Sunday. "I want to realise a society, a country, with no fear about the nuclear crisis," he said. "But it isn't easy, it's a complicated issue. But I'll try my best to reduce the nuclear power in the future."

Reuters, AP

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