

This was published 5 years ago


We don't need another family law review

In the 44 years since the Whitlam government passed the Family Law Act and created a federal court to deal with divorce and family separation matters, there have been no less than three-dozen government-commissioned reports, reviews, inquiries and studies into the system.
The most recent, by the Australian Law Reform Commission, was ordered by the Turnbull government two years ago and finalised in March. It generated a 581-page analysis, including 60 recommendations for change. None has been adopted yet.

Liberal Kevin Andrews will chair the family law review.

Liberal Kevin Andrews will chair the family law review.Credit: Farfax Media

Attorney-General Christian Porter touted the report as the first comprehensive review into the family law system since 1976. And well it might have been, though there have been eight previous ALRC reports touching on family law matters, 12 by the Family Law Council, two by consultants KPMG and another by PwC, plus two House of Representatives committee inquiries. There have been reviews and inquiries into family violence, property rights, equality of access to the courts system, how children are considered in family break-ups, as well as into the duplication and gaps in family law matters handled by federal or state jurisdictions.

Consideration has been given to legal costs, unfair delays, bureaucratic short-sightedness, lack of co-ordination, the nature of adversarial contests, cultural sensitivities, and the overwhelming dissatisfaction some parties feel when they go through the system.
For all that, Prime Minister Scott Morrison believes the government still does not know enough about the Family Court, its workings and its effects on those who use it. He wants a joint parliamentary committee to review it again.

Among other things, the committee will look at the basis for issuing intervention orders; how information is shared between the federal family law system and state-based agencies that handle child protection and family violence matters; and the ramifications of lying about family law matters.

Mr Morrison contends people who have experienced hard times in family law need to have their stories told. But Mr Morrison should be careful not to depict this as a truth-telling experience akin to a royal commission. The grievances that arise from family splits and failed court cases are quite different from those that stem from systemic and gross injustices, the suspension of human rights, downright evil or despicable exploitation of generations of vulnerable people.


Family law disputes can be acrimonious because they involve people who once cared deeply about each other dissolving a partnership that has defined them and being unable to strike a harmonious deal. Each case is infected with emotional strain. But Rosie Batty, the eloquent advocate against family violence, is correct: there is absolutely no need for another inquiry.
If the Morrison government wanted to reform family law, it could dip into any of the evidence-based reports and excellent recommendations already in hand. Yet it cynically devises an inquiry that, from the outset, leans in favour of conservative, non-rational, populist outcomes.

It is to be chaired by the politically and religiously conservative Liberal backbencher Kevin Andrews, assisted by One Nation senator Pauline Hanson, who believes women commonly lie about domestic violence. Nominating Senator Hanson is a direct play to her constituency and inherent biases.
This inquiry is a salve to the boisterous complaints of so-called men’s rights groups, who believe the family law system is biased against them. It’s an arrantly political set-up, designed to appeal to populist and emotionally charged conceits.

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