

This was published 5 years ago

Biden wants transcript of Trump phone call with Ukraine President

By Karoun Demirjian

Washington: Former US vice-president Joe Biden has decried reports that President Donald Trump urged the President of Ukraine to look into his son's business dealings there.

Biden said in a statement that if the reports were true, "Then there is truly no bottom to President Trump's willingness to abuse his power and abase our country."

New Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, a former comedian, finds himself at the centre of a growing Trump whistleblower scandal.

New Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, a former comedian, finds himself at the centre of a growing Trump whistleblower scandal.Credit: Getty Images

Biden said Trump should release the transcript of his July phone conversation with President Volodymyr Zelenskiy "so that the American people can judge for themselves."

Biden released the statement after news organisations reported Trump had urged Zelenskiy to probe the activities of Biden's son Hunter, who worked for a Ukrainian gas company.

The revelations have focused fresh attention on millions of dollars in military aid Trump's administration withheld until last week.

Trump's actions - which inspired a whistleblower complaint that the administration has refused to share with Congress- involve a July 25 phone call between the two leaders, according to people familiar with the exchange.

Democratic presidential candidate former vice-president Joe Biden.

Democratic presidential candidate former vice-president Joe Biden.Credit: AP

Privately, congressional Democrats are questioning whether the aid, which remained frozen during Trump's call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and for several weeks afterwards, was related to the "promise" that sparked the whistleblower complaint and what Intelligence Community Inspector-General Michael Atkinson told lawmakers constituted an "urgent" and "credible" threat.

One of the people familiar with the exchange said Trump did not raise the issue of military aid during the phone conversation.


According to The New York Times' quoting of two other people briefed on the call, Trump repeatedly told the Ukrainian leader to talk with his personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani, who had been urging the government in Kiev to investigate Biden and his family.

During August and September, legislators were engaged in what Republican and Democratic aides described as an unprecedented struggle with the administration to release nearly $US400 million ($590 million) in military assistance for Ukraine - $US250 million of it controlled by the Pentagon and $US141 million by the State Department.

In the five years since Congress began approving significant support for Ukraine's fight with Russian-backed separatists, politicians and the White House have periodically clashed over how much and what kind of assistance is appropriate. The president Barack Obama controversially resisted bipartisan efforts to send lethal military assistance to Ukraine, and Congress has steadily appropriated more money for those programs than the Obama and Trump administrations requested.

The Ukraine whistleblower scandal is brewing while Trump entertains Australia's Scott Morrison in Washington.

The Ukraine whistleblower scandal is brewing while Trump entertains Australia's Scott Morrison in Washington.Credit: AAP

But never before has the White House withheld the entire military allotment for Ukraine until the last days of the fiscal year, as Trump had done, nor has the President ever done so in such an opaque and unorthodox manner, according to House and Senate aides with knowledge of the process.

According to those aides, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, legislators were informed in the northern spring that the administration intended to start sending money to Ukraine on a rolling basis. But the funds were never transferred - and by August, congressional appropriators became aware that officials at the Pentagon and the State Department had lost control over the process at the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), an executive office run by Mick Mulvaney, who also serves as the President's acting chief of staff.

For weeks thereafter, congressional aides said, the OMB announced short-term holds on Ukraine funds. There was never an express reason given except that the administration was conducting a vague "inter-agency review" of the funds.


As the holds continued into September, Democrats introduced two amendments: one to ensure they could roll the current fiscal year's funds into 2020 and another to hold back $US5 billion of the defence budget until Trump releases next year's military aid to Ukraine. The government's fiscal calendar runs from October 1 to September 30.

"The administration asked for the money, was given the money and then refused to spend the money until last night . . . with only 18 days left in the fiscal year," Democrat Senator Richard Durbin said during an appropriations committee hearing last week, asking: "Why the delay?"

Privately, Democrats are wondering whether the Trump administration was trying to use that money as leverage over the Ukrainian President, hopeful it would spur an investigation of Biden, who is a leading Democratic candidate for president. Biden on Friday suggested there could be a connection.

"If these reports are true . . . it means he used the power and resources of the United States to pressure a sovereign nation - a partner that is still under direct assault from Russia - pushing Ukraine to subvert the rule of law in the express hope of extracting a political favour," the former vice-president said in a statement.


Congressional Republicans have bristled at any criticism of Trump's management of the Ukraine money, arguing that he had every right to withhold the money while Ukraine was transitioning to a new president, who had up until his election earlier this year been a comic actor with no political experience. They have also alleged that Obama and Biden tried to leverage US aid in their dealings with Ukraine.

House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy, told reporters: "I just watched our former vice-president, in his own words, say he influenced Ukraine to fire somebody based upon aid that America was providing." McCarthy was referring to comments Biden made at the Council on Foreign Relations in 2018, bragging that he had threatened to withhold $US1 billion in loan guarantees, not military aid, unless Ukrainian leaders promptly fired the country's top prosecutor.

"It is interesting to me that the last administration didn't give Ukraine any military aid [and] we actually have an administration that wants to do that," Republican Tom Cole said, erroneously.

Obama resisted approving lethal military aid for Ukraine but distributed about $US231 million of the $US250 million Congress appropriated for military assistance in fiscal 2016, according to congressional appropriators. That was the first year Congress expressly indicated in its defence bill that some of Ukraine's military assistance - $US50 million - was intended for lethal aid.

The Washington Post

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