

This was published 5 years ago

Government loses ground in crucial fights over agenda

By David Crowe

The Morrison government has lost ground in crucial fights over its agenda after crossbench senator Jacqui Lambie dismissed its plan to tackle religious discrimination and hardened her stance against drug tests for welfare recipients.

In a blow to the government, Senator Lambie said voters were more worried about jobs and hospitals than Prime Minister Scott Morrison's bid to protect religious freedom.

Senator Jacqui Lambie said money would not be enough given her concerns.

Senator Jacqui Lambie said money would not be enough given her concerns.Credit: Dominic Lorrimer

The outspoken crossbencher, whose vote could be decisive on the contentious proposals, said the law on religious freedom could "stay as it is" given feedback she'd received from voters suggested they saw no need for change.

"They have more important things to talk about like homelessness, not enough jobs, public hospitals completely out of control, so it is not something that is feeding back from the electorate through to me," she told the ABC. "They seem to be satisfied … nobody wants to talk about it."

The remarks challenge Mr Morrison's agenda in another show of influence by Senator Lambie, a day after she promised to try to stop the government's draft laws to deregister rogue unions if union leader John Setka resigned.


The government has warned against threats to religious freedom and issued draft laws to set up a new freedom of religion commissioner to protect those who suffered discrimination on the grounds of faith. In a repeat of the divisions over same-sex marriage, some members of the Liberal Party want new legal protections for religion while others are not convinced of the need for greater powers.

While Attorney-General Christian Porter argues the draft bill does not override state law, Senator Lambie said the plan could upset voters in her state of Tasmania.

The government also suffered a setback in its bid to impose random drug tests on welfare recipients after Senator Lambie raised new concerns about a lack of rehabilitation services linked to the plan.


Senator Lambie, who has previously insisted welfare recipients should not be drug tested if politicians and others on government salaries were not subject to the same random tests, said government services needed to be fixed before the proposed welfare changes went ahead.

"The services are not there and until those services are there then I tell you what, this is bloody pointless," Senator Lambie said of the government bill.

Asked on Sky News on Monday morning whether more money for rehabilitation services would fix the problems and gain her vote, Senator Lambie said: "I don't even think that's going to help."

"They can't keep up with the mental services out there, they're miles behind there," she said. "They're just not going to be able to bluff their way out of this one, I don't think. I think it's just not going to work."

The Coalition has argued for several years that welfare recipients should be subject to random drug and alcohol tests and those who failed should be referred for treatment to keep their government payments. The last government bill to do this lapsed at the election and Social Services Minister Anne Ruston intends to introduce a new bill this week.

The drug testing bill is separate from a bill to widen the pilot program for the national rollout of a cashless debit card for welfare recipients, a project that has Senator Lambie's support, subject to the results from the next pilot scheme.

The government is confident of gaining the votes of Pauline Hanson's One Nation and independent senator Cory Bernardi for the drug-testing bill but does not have support from Centre Alliance and needs Senator Lambie to legislate the plan.

The government policy is to set up a $10 million treatment fund for those who fail the random drug tests over a two-year trial period at Logan in Queensland, Canterbury-Bankstown in NSW and Mandurah in Western Australia. It would test 5000 new recipients of Newstart and the Youth Allowance for ice, ecstasy, marijuana, cocaine and heroin.

Those who tested positive would be put on an "income management" plan for two years so they could not spend welfare payments on drugs, alcohol, cigarettes and gambling. They could lose their payments if they did not agree to a second drug test within 25 working days of their failed test.


Associate professor Nadine Ezard, the clinical director of the drug and alcohol unit at St Vincent's Hospital in Sydney, estimated there were 500,000 people who needed treatment for drugs and alcohol but could not get the help they needed.

"We're against it because our expertise and experience tells us that this isn't the way to help people into treatment," she said of the government policy.

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